This page hosts a formal specification of .mov file format of QuickTime, MP4 ISO 14496-14 media using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
id: quicktime_mov
application: QuickTime, MP4 ISO 14496-14 media
file-extension: mov
justsolve: QuickTime
loc: fdd000052
mime: video/quicktime
pronom: x-fmt/384
wikidata: Q942350
license: CC0-1.0
endian: be
doc-ref: ''
- id: atoms
type: atom_list
- id: items
type: atom
repeat: eos
- id: len32
type: u4
- id: atom_type
type: u4
enum: atom_type
- id: len64
type: u8
if: len32 == 1
- id: body
size: len
switch-on: atom_type
# Atom types which actually just contain other atoms inside it
'atom_type::dinf': atom_list
'atom_type::mdia': atom_list
'atom_type::minf': atom_list
'atom_type::moof': atom_list
'atom_type::moov': atom_list
'atom_type::stbl': atom_list
'atom_type::traf': atom_list
'atom_type::trak': atom_list
# Leaf atoms that have some distinct format inside
'atom_type::ftyp': ftyp_body
'atom_type::tkhd': tkhd_body
'atom_type::mvhd': mvhd_body
value: 'len32 == 0 ? (_io.size - 8) : (len32 == 1 ? len64 - 16 : len32 - 8)'
doc-ref: ''
- id: major_brand
type: u4
enum: brand
- id: minor_version
size: 4
- id: compatible_brands
type: u4
enum: brand
repeat: eos
doc-ref: ''
- id: version
type: u1
doc: Version of this movie header atom
- id: flags
size: 3
- id: creation_time
type: u4
- id: modification_time
type: u4
- id: time_scale
type: u4
doc: |
A time value that indicates the time scale for this
movie - the number of time units that pass per second
in its time coordinate system. A time coordinate system that
measures time in sixtieths of a second, for example, has a
time scale of 60.
- id: duration
type: u4
doc: |
A time value that indicates the duration of the movie in
time scale units. Note that this property is derived from
the movie's tracks. The value of this field corresponds to
the duration of the longest track in the movie.
- id: preferred_rate
type: fixed32
doc: The rate at which to play this movie. A value of 1.0 indicates normal rate.
- id: preferred_volume
type: fixed16
doc: How loud to play this movie's sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.
- id: reserved1
size: 10
- id: matrix
size: 36
doc: A matrix shows how to map points from one coordinate space into another.
- id: preview_time
type: u4
doc: The time value in the movie at which the preview begins.
- id: preview_duration
type: u4
doc: The duration of the movie preview in movie time scale units.
- id: poster_time
type: u4
doc: The time value of the time of the movie poster.
- id: selection_time
type: u4
doc: The time value for the start time of the current selection.
- id: selection_duration
type: u4
doc: The duration of the current selection in movie time scale units.
- id: current_time
type: u4
doc: The time value for current time position within the movie.
- id: next_track_id
type: u4
doc: |
Indicates a value to use for the track ID number of the next
track added to this movie. Note that 0 is not a valid track
ID value.
doc-ref: ''
- id: version
type: u1
- id: flags
size: 3
- id: creation_time
type: u4
- id: modification_time
type: u4
- id: track_id
type: u4
doc: Integer that uniquely identifies the track. The value 0 cannot be used.
- id: reserved1
size: 4
- id: duration
type: u4
- id: reserved2
size: 8
- id: layer
type: u2
- id: alternative_group
type: u2
- id: volume
type: u2
- id: reserved3
type: u2
- id: matrix
size: 36
- id: width
type: fixed32
- id: height
type: fixed32
doc: Fixed-point 32-bit number.
- id: int_part
type: s2
- id: frac_part
type: u2
doc: Fixed-point 16-bit number.
- id: int_part
type: s1
- id: frac_part
type: u1
0x58747261: xtra
0x64696e66: dinf
0x64726566: dref
0x65647473: edts
0x656c7374: elst
0x66726565: free
0x66747970: ftyp
0x68646c72: hdlr
0x696f6473: iods
0x6d646174: mdat
0x6d646864: mdhd
0x6d646961: mdia
0x6d657461: meta
0x6d696e66: minf
0x6d6f6f66: moof
0x6d6f6f76: moov
0x6d766864: mvhd
0x736d6864: smhd
0x7374626c: stbl
0x7374636f: stco
0x73747363: stsc
0x73747364: stsd
0x7374737a: stsz
0x73747473: stts
0x746b6864: tkhd
0x74726166: traf
0x7472616b: trak
0x74726566: tref
0x75647461: udta
0x766d6864: vmhd
# JS code to scrape the enum `brand` (paste into the browser JS console on the above page):
# ```javascript
# copy(Array.from(document.querySelector('tbody').querySelectorAll('tr')).map(r => {
# const code = r.querySelector('td:nth-child(1)').innerText.replace(/\$20/g, '\x20');
# if (!code.trim()) return null;
# return [
# '0x' + Array.from((new TextEncoder()).encode(code), b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join(''),
# (/^\d/.test(code) ? 'x_' : '') + code.trim().toLowerCase(),
# ];
# }).filter(entry => !!entry).map(entry => ` ${entry[0]}: ${entry[1]}\n`).join(''));
# ```
0x33673261: x_3g2a
0x33676536: x_3ge6
0x33676537: x_3ge7
0x33676539: x_3ge9
0x33676639: x_3gf9
0x33676736: x_3gg6
0x33676739: x_3gg9
0x33676839: x_3gh9
0x33676d39: x_3gm9
0x33676d41: x_3gma
0x33677034: x_3gp4
0x33677035: x_3gp5
0x33677036: x_3gp6
0x33677037: x_3gp7
0x33677038: x_3gp8
0x33677039: x_3gp9
0x33677236: x_3gr6
0x33677239: x_3gr9
0x33677336: x_3gs6
0x33677339: x_3gs9
0x33677438: x_3gt8
0x33677439: x_3gt9
0x33677476: x_3gtv
0x33677672: x_3gvr
0x33767261: x_3vra
0x33767262: x_3vrb
0x3376726d: x_3vrm
0x61647469: adti
0x61696433: aid3
0x41525249: arri
0x61763031: av01
0x61766331: avc1
0x61766369: avci
0x61766373: avcs
0x61766465: avde
0x61766966: avif
0x6176696f: avio
0x61766973: avis
0x6262786d: bbxm
0x43414550: caep
0x43446573: cdes
0x6361346d: ca4m
0x63613473: ca4s
0x63616161: caaa
0x63616163: caac
0x6361626c: cabl
0x63616d61: cama
0x63616d63: camc
0x63617176: caqv
0x63617375: casu
0x63636561: ccea
0x63636666: ccff
0x63646d31: cdm1
0x63646d34: cdm4
0x63656163: ceac
0x63666864: cfhd
0x63667364: cfsd
0x63686431: chd1
0x63686466: chdf
0x63686576: chev
0x63686864: chhd
0x63686831: chh1
0x636c6731: clg1
0x636d6632: cmf2
0x636d6663: cmfc
0x636d6666: cmff
0x636d666c: cmfl
0x636d6673: cmfs
0x636d686d: cmhm
0x636d6873: cmhs
0x636f6d70: comp
0x63736831: csh1
0x63756431: cud1
0x63756438: cud8
0x63757664: cuvd
0x63766964: cvid
0x63767663: cvvc
0x63777674: cwvt
0x64613061: da0a
0x64613062: da0b
0x64613161: da1a
0x64613162: da1b
0x64613261: da2a
0x64613262: da2b
0x64613361: da3a
0x64613362: da3b
0x64617368: dash
0x64627931: dby1
0x646d6231: dmb1
0x64736d73: dsms
0x64747331: dts1
0x64747332: dts2
0x64747333: dts3
0x64763161: dv1a
0x64763162: dv1b
0x64763261: dv2a
0x64763262: dv2b
0x64763361: dv3a
0x64763362: dv3b
0x64767231: dvr1
0x64767431: dvt1
0x64786f20: dxo
0x656d7367: emsg
0x68656963: heic
0x6865696d: heim
0x68656973: heis
0x68656978: heix
0x68656f69: heoi
0x68657663: hevc
0x68657664: hevd
0x68657669: hevi
0x6865766d: hevm
0x68657673: hevs
0x68657678: hevx
0x68766365: hvce
0x68766369: hvci
0x68766378: hvcx
0x68767469: hvti
0x69667364: ifsd
0x69666873: ifhs
0x69666864: ifhd
0x69666878: ifhx
0x69666868: ifhh
0x69666875: ifhu
0x69666872: ifhr
0x69666161: ifaa
0x69666173: ifas
0x69666168: ifah
0x69666169: ifai
0x69666175: ifau
0x69666176: ifav
0x6966726d: ifrm
0x696d3169: im1i
0x696d3174: im1t
0x696d3269: im2i
0x696d3274: im2t
0x69736332: isc2
0x69736f32: iso2
0x69736f33: iso3
0x69736f34: iso4
0x69736f35: iso5
0x69736f36: iso6
0x69736f37: iso7
0x69736f38: iso8
0x69736f39: iso9
0x69736f61: isoa
0x69736f62: isob
0x69736f63: isoc
0x69736f6d: isom
0x6a326b69: j2ki
0x6a326b73: j2ks
0x6a326973: j2is
0x4a325030: j2p0
0x4a325031: j2p1
0x6a703220: jp2
0x6a706567: jpeg
0x6a706773: jpgs
0x6a706d20: jpm
0x6a706f69: jpoi
0x6a707369: jpsi
0x6a707820: jpx
0x6a707862: jpxb
0x6a786c20: jxl
0x6a787320: jxs
0x6a787363: jxsc
0x6a787369: jxsi
0x6a787373: jxss
0x4c434147: lcag
0x6c687465: lhte
0x6c687469: lhti
0x6c6d7367: lmsg
0x4d344120: m4a
0x4d344220: m4b
0x4d345020: m4p
0x4d345620: m4v
0x4d413142: ma1b
0x4d413141: ma1a
0x4d46534d: mfsm
0x4d475356: mgsv
0x4d694142: miab
0x4d694143: miac
0x6d696166: miaf
0x4d69416e: mian
0x4d694275: mibu
0x4d69436d: micm
0x6d696631: mif1
0x4d694841: miha
0x4d694842: mihb
0x4d694845: mihe
0x4d695072: mipr
0x6d6a3273: mj2s
0x6d6a7032: mjp2
0x6d703231: mp21
0x6d703431: mp41
0x6d703432: mp42
0x6d703731: mp71
0x4d505049: mppi
0x6d707566: mpuf
0x6d736631: msf1
0x6d736468: msdh
0x6d736978: msix
0x4d534e56: msnv
0x6e696b6f: niko
0x6e6c736c: nlsl
0x6e726173: nras
0x6f613264: oa2d
0x6f61626c: oabl
0x6f646366: odcf
0x6f6d7070: ompp
0x6f706632: opf2
0x6f707832: opx2
0x6f766470: ovdp
0x6f766c79: ovly
0x70616666: paff
0x70616e61: pana
0x70696666: piff
0x706d6666: pmff
0x706e7669: pnvi
0x71742020: qt
0x72656c6f: relo
0x72697378: risx
0x524f5353: ross
0x73647620: sdv
0x53454155: seau
0x5345424b: sebk
0x73656e76: senv
0x73696d73: sims
0x73697378: sisx
0x73697469: siti
0x73697476: sitv
0x736c6831: slh1
0x736c6832: slh2
0x736c6833: slh3
0x73737373: ssss
0x74746d6c: ttml
0x74747776: ttwv
0x75687669: uhvi
0x756e6966: unif
0x75767675: uvvu
0x76336d70: v3mp
0x76336d74: v3mt
0x76336e74: v3nt
0x76337374: v3st
0x76766369: vvci
0x76766f69: vvoi
0x76777074: vwpt
0x58415643: xavc
0x79743420: yt4
0x63686432: chd2
0x63696e74: cint
0x636c6732: clg2
0x63756432: cud2
0x63756439: cud9
0x6d696632: mif2
0x70726564: pred