.trx file format is widely used for distribution of firmware updates for Broadcom devices. The most well-known are ASUS routers.
Fundamentally, it includes a footer which acts as a safeguard against installing a firmware package on a wrong hardware model or version, and a header which list numerous partitions packaged inside a single .trx file.
trx files not necessarily contain all these headers.
This page hosts a formal specification of Broadcom devices .trx firmware packaging using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
import kaitai_struct_nim_runtime
import options
BroadcomTrx* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`parent`*: KaitaiStruct
`headerInst`: BroadcomTrx_Header
`headerInstFlag`: bool
`tailInst`: BroadcomTrx_Tail
`tailInstFlag`: bool
BroadcomTrx_Revision* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`major`*: uint8
`minor`*: uint8
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo
BroadcomTrx_Version* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`major`*: uint8
`minor`*: uint8
`patch`*: uint8
`tweak`*: uint8
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx_Tail
BroadcomTrx_Tail* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`version`*: BroadcomTrx_Version
`productId`*: string
`compHw`*: seq[BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo]
`reserved`*: seq[byte]
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx
BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`min`*: BroadcomTrx_Revision
`max`*: BroadcomTrx_Revision
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx_Tail
BroadcomTrx_Header* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`magic`*: seq[byte]
`len`*: uint32
`crc32`*: uint32
`version`*: uint16
`flags`*: BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags
`partitions`*: seq[BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition]
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx
BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`ofsBody`*: uint32
`idx`*: uint8
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx_Header
`isPresentInst`: bool
`isPresentInstFlag`: bool
`isLastInst`: bool
`isLastInstFlag`: bool
`lenBodyInst`: int
`lenBodyInstFlag`: bool
`bodyInst`: seq[byte]
`bodyInstFlag`: bool
BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`flags`*: seq[bool]
`parent`*: BroadcomTrx_Header
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: KaitaiStruct): BroadcomTrx
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Revision], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo): BroadcomTrx_Revision
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Version], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Tail): BroadcomTrx_Version
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Tail], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Tail
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Tail): BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Header
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Header, idx: any): BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Header): BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags
proc header*(this: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Header
proc tail*(this: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Tail
proc isPresent*(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): bool
proc isLast*(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): bool
proc lenBody*(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): int
proc body*(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): seq[byte]
.trx file format is widely used for distribution of firmware
updates for Broadcom devices. The most well-known are ASUS routers.
Fundamentally, it includes a footer which acts as a safeguard
against installing a firmware package on a wrong hardware model or
version, and a header which list numerous partitions packaged inside
a single .trx file.
trx files not necessarily contain all these headers.
@see <a href="https://github.com/openwrt/firmware-utils/blob/a2c80c5/src/trx.c">Source</a>
@see <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20190127154419/https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/header">Source</a>
@see <a href="https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mtd/partitions/brcm,trx.txt">Source</a>
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: KaitaiStruct): BroadcomTrx =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
proc header(this: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Header =
if this.headerInstFlag:
return this.headerInst
let pos = this.io.pos()
let headerInstExpr = BroadcomTrx_Header.read(this.io, this.root, this)
this.headerInst = headerInstExpr
this.headerInstFlag = true
return this.headerInst
proc tail(this: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Tail =
if this.tailInstFlag:
return this.tailInst
let pos = this.io.pos()
this.io.seek(int((this.io.size - 64)))
let tailInstExpr = BroadcomTrx_Tail.read(this.io, this.root, this)
this.tailInst = tailInstExpr
this.tailInstFlag = true
return this.tailInst
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx], filename: string): BroadcomTrx =
BroadcomTrx.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Revision], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo): BroadcomTrx_Revision =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Revision)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let majorExpr = this.io.readU1()
this.major = majorExpr
let minorExpr = this.io.readU1()
this.minor = minorExpr
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Revision], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Revision =
BroadcomTrx_Revision.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Version], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Tail): BroadcomTrx_Version =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Version)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let majorExpr = this.io.readU1()
this.major = majorExpr
let minorExpr = this.io.readU1()
this.minor = minorExpr
let patchExpr = this.io.readU1()
this.patch = patchExpr
let tweakExpr = this.io.readU1()
this.tweak = tweakExpr
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Version], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Version =
BroadcomTrx_Version.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
A safeguard against installation of firmware to an incompatible device
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Tail], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Tail =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Tail)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
##[ by default
let versionExpr = BroadcomTrx_Version.read(this.io, this.root, this)
this.version = versionExpr
let productIdExpr = encode(this.io.readBytes(int(12)).bytesTerminate(0, false), "utf-8")
this.productId = productIdExpr
0.02 - 2.99
for i in 0 ..< int(4):
let it = BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo.read(this.io, this.root, this)
let reservedExpr = this.io.readBytes(int(32))
this.reserved = reservedExpr
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Tail], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Tail =
BroadcomTrx_Tail.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Tail): BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let minExpr = BroadcomTrx_Revision.read(this.io, this.root, this)
this.min = minExpr
let maxExpr = BroadcomTrx_Revision.read(this.io, this.root, this)
this.max = maxExpr
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo =
BroadcomTrx_Tail_HwCompInfo.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx): BroadcomTrx_Header =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Header)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let magicExpr = this.io.readBytes(int(4))
this.magic = magicExpr
Length of file including header
let lenExpr = this.io.readU4le()
this.len = lenExpr
CRC from `version` (??? todo: see the original and disambiguate) to end of file
let crc32Expr = this.io.readU4le()
this.crc32 = crc32Expr
let versionExpr = this.io.readU2le()
this.version = versionExpr
let flagsExpr = BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags.read(this.io, this.root, this)
this.flags = flagsExpr
Offsets of partitions from start of header
var i: int
while true:
let it = BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition.read(this.io, this.root, this, i)
if ((i >= 4) or (not(it.isPresent))) :
inc i
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Header =
BroadcomTrx_Header.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Header, idx: any): BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let idxExpr = uint8(idx)
this.idx = idxExpr
let ofsBodyExpr = this.io.readU4le()
this.ofsBody = ofsBodyExpr
proc isPresent(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): bool =
if this.isPresentInstFlag:
return this.isPresentInst
let isPresentInstExpr = bool(this.ofsBody != 0)
this.isPresentInst = isPresentInstExpr
this.isPresentInstFlag = true
return this.isPresentInst
proc isLast(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): bool =
if this.isLastInstFlag:
return this.isLastInst
if this.isPresent:
let isLastInstExpr = bool( ((this.idx == (len(this.parent.partitions) - 1)) or (not(this.parent.partitions[(this.idx + 1)].isPresent))) )
this.isLastInst = isLastInstExpr
this.isLastInstFlag = true
return this.isLastInst
proc lenBody(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): int =
if this.lenBodyInstFlag:
return this.lenBodyInst
if this.isPresent:
let lenBodyInstExpr = int((if this.isLast: (BroadcomTrx(this.root).io.size - this.ofsBody) else: this.parent.partitions[(this.idx + 1)].ofsBody))
this.lenBodyInst = lenBodyInstExpr
this.lenBodyInstFlag = true
return this.lenBodyInst
proc body(this: BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition): seq[byte] =
if this.bodyInstFlag:
return this.bodyInst
if this.isPresent:
let io = BroadcomTrx(this.root).io
let pos = io.pos()
let bodyInstExpr = io.readBytes(int(this.lenBody))
this.bodyInst = bodyInstExpr
this.bodyInstFlag = true
return this.bodyInst
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition =
BroadcomTrx_Header_Partition.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: BroadcomTrx_Header): BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags)
let root = if root == nil: cast[BroadcomTrx](this) else: cast[BroadcomTrx](root)
this.io = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
for i in 0 ..< int(16):
let it = this.io.readBitsIntLe(1) != 0
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags], filename: string): BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags =
BroadcomTrx_Header_Flags.read(newKaitaiFileStream(filename), nil, nil)