This page hosts a formal specification of cramfs using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
import kaitai_struct_nim_runtime
import options
Cramfs* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`superBlock`*: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct
`parent`*: KaitaiStruct
`pageSizeInst`: int
`pageSizeInstFlag`: bool
Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`magic`*: seq[byte]
`size`*: uint32
`flags`*: uint32
`future`*: uint32
`signature`*: seq[byte]
`fsid`*: Cramfs_Info
`name`*: string
`root`*: Cramfs_Inode
`parent`*: Cramfs
`flagFsidV2Inst`: int
`flagFsidV2InstFlag`: bool
`flagHolesInst`: int
`flagHolesInstFlag`: bool
`flagWrongSignatureInst`: int
`flagWrongSignatureInstFlag`: bool
`flagSortedDirsInst`: int
`flagSortedDirsInstFlag`: bool
`flagShiftedRootOffsetInst`: int
`flagShiftedRootOffsetInstFlag`: bool
Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`blockEndIndex`*: seq[uint32]
`rawBlocks`*: seq[byte]
`parent`*: Cramfs_Inode
Cramfs_Inode* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`mode`*: uint16
`uid`*: uint16
`sizeGid`*: uint32
`namelenOffset`*: uint32
`name`*: string
`parent`*: KaitaiStruct
`rawAsDirInst`*: seq[byte]
`attrInst`: int
`attrInstFlag`: bool
`asRegFileInst`: Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode
`asRegFileInstFlag`: bool
`permUInst`: int
`permUInstFlag`: bool
`asSymlinkInst`: Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode
`asSymlinkInstFlag`: bool
`permOInst`: int
`permOInstFlag`: bool
`sizeInst`: int
`sizeInstFlag`: bool
`gidInst`: int
`gidInstFlag`: bool
`permGInst`: int
`permGInstFlag`: bool
`namelenInst`: int
`namelenInstFlag`: bool
`asDirInst`: Cramfs_DirInode
`asDirInstFlag`: bool
`typeInst`: Cramfs_Inode_FileType
`typeInstFlag`: bool
`offsetInst`: int
`offsetInstFlag`: bool
Cramfs_Inode_FileType* = enum
fifo = 1
chrdev = 2
dir = 4
blkdev = 6
reg_file = 8
symlink = 10
socket = 12
Cramfs_DirInode* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`children`*: seq[Cramfs_Inode]
`parent`*: Cramfs_Inode
Cramfs_Info* = ref object of KaitaiStruct
`crc`*: uint32
`edition`*: uint32
`blocks`*: uint32
`files`*: uint32
`parent`*: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: KaitaiStruct): Cramfs
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs): Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_Inode], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: KaitaiStruct): Cramfs_Inode
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_DirInode], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_DirInode
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_Info], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): Cramfs_Info
proc pageSize*(this: Cramfs): int
proc flagFsidV2*(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int
proc flagHoles*(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int
proc flagWrongSignature*(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int
proc flagSortedDirs*(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int
proc flagShiftedRootOffset*(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int
proc attr*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc asRegFile*(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode
proc permU*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc asSymlink*(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode
proc permO*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc size*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc gid*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc permG*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc namelen*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc asDir*(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_DirInode
proc type*(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_Inode_FileType
proc offset*(this: Cramfs_Inode): int
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: KaitaiStruct): Cramfs =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(Cramfs)
let root = if root == nil: cast[Cramfs](this) else: cast[Cramfs](root) = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let superBlockExpr =, this.root, this)
this.superBlock = superBlockExpr
proc pageSize(this: Cramfs): int =
if this.pageSizeInstFlag:
return this.pageSizeInst
let pageSizeInstExpr = int(4096)
this.pageSizeInst = pageSizeInstExpr
this.pageSizeInstFlag = true
return this.pageSizeInst
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[Cramfs], filename: string): Cramfs =, nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs): Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct)
let root = if root == nil: cast[Cramfs](this) else: cast[Cramfs](root) = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let magicExpr =
this.magic = magicExpr
let sizeExpr =
this.size = sizeExpr
let flagsExpr =
this.flags = flagsExpr
let futureExpr =
this.future = futureExpr
let signatureExpr =
this.signature = signatureExpr
let fsidExpr =, this.root, this)
this.fsid = fsidExpr
let nameExpr = encode(, "ASCII") = nameExpr
let rootExpr =, this.root, this)
this.root = rootExpr
proc flagFsidV2(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int =
if this.flagFsidV2InstFlag:
return this.flagFsidV2Inst
let flagFsidV2InstExpr = int(((this.flags shr 0) and 1))
this.flagFsidV2Inst = flagFsidV2InstExpr
this.flagFsidV2InstFlag = true
return this.flagFsidV2Inst
proc flagHoles(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int =
if this.flagHolesInstFlag:
return this.flagHolesInst
let flagHolesInstExpr = int(((this.flags shr 8) and 1))
this.flagHolesInst = flagHolesInstExpr
this.flagHolesInstFlag = true
return this.flagHolesInst
proc flagWrongSignature(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int =
if this.flagWrongSignatureInstFlag:
return this.flagWrongSignatureInst
let flagWrongSignatureInstExpr = int(((this.flags shr 9) and 1))
this.flagWrongSignatureInst = flagWrongSignatureInstExpr
this.flagWrongSignatureInstFlag = true
return this.flagWrongSignatureInst
proc flagSortedDirs(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int =
if this.flagSortedDirsInstFlag:
return this.flagSortedDirsInst
let flagSortedDirsInstExpr = int(((this.flags shr 1) and 1))
this.flagSortedDirsInst = flagSortedDirsInstExpr
this.flagSortedDirsInstFlag = true
return this.flagSortedDirsInst
proc flagShiftedRootOffset(this: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): int =
if this.flagShiftedRootOffsetInstFlag:
return this.flagShiftedRootOffsetInst
let flagShiftedRootOffsetInstExpr = int(((this.flags shr 10) and 1))
this.flagShiftedRootOffsetInst = flagShiftedRootOffsetInstExpr
this.flagShiftedRootOffsetInstFlag = true
return this.flagShiftedRootOffsetInst
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct], filename: string): Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct =, nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode)
let root = if root == nil: cast[Cramfs](this) else: cast[Cramfs](root) = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
for i in 0 ..< int((((this.parent.size + Cramfs(this.root).pageSize) - 1) div Cramfs(this.root).pageSize)):
let it =
let rawBlocksExpr =
this.rawBlocks = rawBlocksExpr
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode], filename: string): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode =, nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_Inode], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: KaitaiStruct): Cramfs_Inode =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(Cramfs_Inode)
let root = if root == nil: cast[Cramfs](this) else: cast[Cramfs](root) = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let modeExpr =
this.mode = modeExpr
let uidExpr =
this.uid = uidExpr
let sizeGidExpr =
this.sizeGid = sizeGidExpr
let namelenOffsetExpr =
this.namelenOffset = namelenOffsetExpr
let nameExpr = encode(, "utf-8") = nameExpr
proc attr(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.attrInstFlag:
return this.attrInst
let attrInstExpr = int(((this.mode shr 9) and 7))
this.attrInst = attrInstExpr
this.attrInstFlag = true
return this.attrInst
proc asRegFile(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode =
if this.asRegFileInstFlag:
return this.asRegFileInst
let io = Cramfs(this.root).io
let pos = io.pos()
let asRegFileInstExpr =, this.root, this)
this.asRegFileInst = asRegFileInstExpr
this.asRegFileInstFlag = true
return this.asRegFileInst
proc permU(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.permUInstFlag:
return this.permUInst
let permUInstExpr = int(((this.mode shr 6) and 7))
this.permUInst = permUInstExpr
this.permUInstFlag = true
return this.permUInst
proc asSymlink(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_ChunkedDataInode =
if this.asSymlinkInstFlag:
return this.asSymlinkInst
let io = Cramfs(this.root).io
let pos = io.pos()
let asSymlinkInstExpr =, this.root, this)
this.asSymlinkInst = asSymlinkInstExpr
this.asSymlinkInstFlag = true
return this.asSymlinkInst
proc permO(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.permOInstFlag:
return this.permOInst
let permOInstExpr = int((this.mode and 7))
this.permOInst = permOInstExpr
this.permOInstFlag = true
return this.permOInst
proc size(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.sizeInstFlag:
return this.sizeInst
let sizeInstExpr = int((this.sizeGid and 16777215))
this.sizeInst = sizeInstExpr
this.sizeInstFlag = true
return this.sizeInst
proc gid(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.gidInstFlag:
return this.gidInst
let gidInstExpr = int((this.sizeGid shr 24))
this.gidInst = gidInstExpr
this.gidInstFlag = true
return this.gidInst
proc permG(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.permGInstFlag:
return this.permGInst
let permGInstExpr = int(((this.mode shr 3) and 7))
this.permGInst = permGInstExpr
this.permGInstFlag = true
return this.permGInst
proc namelen(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.namelenInstFlag:
return this.namelenInst
let namelenInstExpr = int(((this.namelenOffset and 63) shl 2))
this.namelenInst = namelenInstExpr
this.namelenInstFlag = true
return this.namelenInst
proc asDir(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_DirInode =
if this.asDirInstFlag:
return this.asDirInst
let io = Cramfs(this.root).io
let pos = io.pos()
let rawAsDirInstExpr = io.readBytes(int(this.size))
this.rawAsDirInst = rawAsDirInstExpr
let rawAsDirInstIo = newKaitaiStream(rawAsDirInstExpr)
let asDirInstExpr =, this.root, this)
this.asDirInst = asDirInstExpr
this.asDirInstFlag = true
return this.asDirInst
proc type(this: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_Inode_FileType =
if this.typeInstFlag:
return this.typeInst
let typeInstExpr = Cramfs_Inode_FileType(Cramfs_Inode_FileType(((this.mode shr 12) and 15)))
this.typeInst = typeInstExpr
this.typeInstFlag = true
return this.typeInst
proc offset(this: Cramfs_Inode): int =
if this.offsetInstFlag:
return this.offsetInst
let offsetInstExpr = int((((this.namelenOffset shr 6) and 67108863) shl 2))
this.offsetInst = offsetInstExpr
this.offsetInstFlag = true
return this.offsetInst
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_Inode], filename: string): Cramfs_Inode =, nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_DirInode], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs_Inode): Cramfs_DirInode =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(Cramfs_DirInode)
let root = if root == nil: cast[Cramfs](this) else: cast[Cramfs](root) = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
if > 0:
var i: int
while not
let it =, this.root, this)
inc i
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_DirInode], filename: string): Cramfs_DirInode =, nil, nil)
proc read*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_Info], io: KaitaiStream, root: KaitaiStruct, parent: Cramfs_SuperBlockStruct): Cramfs_Info =
template this: untyped = result
this = new(Cramfs_Info)
let root = if root == nil: cast[Cramfs](this) else: cast[Cramfs](root) = io
this.root = root
this.parent = parent
let crcExpr =
this.crc = crcExpr
let editionExpr =
this.edition = editionExpr
let blocksExpr =
this.blocks = blocksExpr
let filesExpr =
this.files = filesExpr
proc fromFile*(_: typedesc[Cramfs_Info], filename: string): Cramfs_Info =, nil, nil)