MS-DOS date and time are packed 16-bit values that specify local date/time. The time is always stored in the current UTC time offset set on the computer which created the file. Note that the daylight saving time (DST) shifts also change the UTC time offset.
For example, if you pack two files A and B into a ZIP archive, file A last modified at 2020-03-29 00:59 UTC+00:00 (GMT) and file B at 2020-03-29 02:00 UTC+01:00 (BST), the file modification times saved in MS-DOS format in the ZIP file will vary depending on whether the computer packing the files is set to GMT or BST at the time of ZIP creation.
It follows that you are unable to determine the actual last modified time of any file stored in the ZIP archive, if you don't know the locale time setting of the computer at the time it created the ZIP.
This format is used in some data formats from the MS-DOS era, for example:
This page hosts a formal specification of MS-DOS datetime using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
* MS-DOS date and time are packed 16-bit values that specify local date/time.
* The time is always stored in the current UTC time offset set on the computer
* which created the file. Note that the daylight saving time (DST) shifts
* also change the UTC time offset.
* For example, if you pack two files A and B into a ZIP archive, file A last modified
* at 2020-03-29 00:59 UTC+00:00 (GMT) and file B at 2020-03-29 02:00 UTC+01:00 (BST),
* the file modification times saved in MS-DOS format in the ZIP file will vary depending
* on whether the computer packing the files is set to GMT or BST at the time of ZIP creation.
* - If set to GMT:
* - file A: 2020-03-29 00:59 (UTC+00:00)
* - file B: 2020-03-29 01:00 (UTC+00:00)
* - If set to BST:
* - file A: 2020-03-29 01:59 (UTC+01:00)
* - file B: 2020-03-29 02:00 (UTC+01:00)
* It follows that you are unable to determine the actual last modified time
* of any file stored in the ZIP archive, if you don't know the locale time
* setting of the computer at the time it created the ZIP.
* This format is used in some data formats from the MS-DOS era, for example:
* - [zip](/zip/)
* - [rar](/rar/)
* - [vfat](/vfat/) (FAT12)
* - [lzh](/lzh/)
* - [cab](
namespace {
class DosDatetime extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Kaitai\Struct\Struct $_parent = null, \DosDatetime $_root = null) {
parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);
private function _read() {
$this->_m_time = new \DosDatetime\Time($this->_io, $this, $this->_root);
$this->_m_date = new \DosDatetime\Date($this->_io, $this, $this->_root);
protected $_m_time;
protected $_m_date;
public function time() { return $this->_m_time; }
public function date() { return $this->_m_date; }
namespace DosDatetime {
class Time extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \DosDatetime $_parent = null, \DosDatetime $_root = null) {
parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);
private function _read() {
$this->_m_secondDiv2 = $this->_io->readBitsIntLe(5);
if (!($this->secondDiv2() <= 29)) {
throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationGreaterThanError(29, $this->secondDiv2(), $this->_io(), "/types/time/seq/0");
$this->_m_minute = $this->_io->readBitsIntLe(6);
if (!($this->minute() <= 59)) {
throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationGreaterThanError(59, $this->minute(), $this->_io(), "/types/time/seq/1");
$this->_m_hour = $this->_io->readBitsIntLe(5);
if (!($this->hour() <= 23)) {
throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationGreaterThanError(23, $this->hour(), $this->_io(), "/types/time/seq/2");
protected $_m_second;
public function second() {
if ($this->_m_second !== null)
return $this->_m_second;
$this->_m_second = (2 * $this->secondDiv2());
return $this->_m_second;
protected $_m_paddedSecond;
public function paddedSecond() {
if ($this->_m_paddedSecond !== null)
return $this->_m_paddedSecond;
$this->_m_paddedSecond = ($this->second() <= 9 ? "0" : "") . strval($this->second());
return $this->_m_paddedSecond;
protected $_m_paddedMinute;
public function paddedMinute() {
if ($this->_m_paddedMinute !== null)
return $this->_m_paddedMinute;
$this->_m_paddedMinute = ($this->minute() <= 9 ? "0" : "") . strval($this->minute());
return $this->_m_paddedMinute;
protected $_m_paddedHour;
public function paddedHour() {
if ($this->_m_paddedHour !== null)
return $this->_m_paddedHour;
$this->_m_paddedHour = ($this->hour() <= 9 ? "0" : "") . strval($this->hour());
return $this->_m_paddedHour;
protected $_m_secondDiv2;
protected $_m_minute;
protected $_m_hour;
public function secondDiv2() { return $this->_m_secondDiv2; }
public function minute() { return $this->_m_minute; }
public function hour() { return $this->_m_hour; }
namespace DosDatetime {
class Date extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \DosDatetime $_parent = null, \DosDatetime $_root = null) {
parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);
private function _read() {
$this->_m_day = $this->_io->readBitsIntLe(5);
if (!($this->day() >= 1)) {
throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationLessThanError(1, $this->day(), $this->_io(), "/types/date/seq/0");
$this->_m_month = $this->_io->readBitsIntLe(4);
if (!($this->month() >= 1)) {
throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationLessThanError(1, $this->month(), $this->_io(), "/types/date/seq/1");
if (!($this->month() <= 12)) {
throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationGreaterThanError(12, $this->month(), $this->_io(), "/types/date/seq/1");
$this->_m_yearMinus1980 = $this->_io->readBitsIntLe(7);
protected $_m_year;
* only years from 1980 to 2107 (1980 + 127) can be represented
public function year() {
if ($this->_m_year !== null)
return $this->_m_year;
$this->_m_year = (1980 + $this->yearMinus1980());
return $this->_m_year;
protected $_m_paddedDay;
public function paddedDay() {
if ($this->_m_paddedDay !== null)
return $this->_m_paddedDay;
$this->_m_paddedDay = ($this->day() <= 9 ? "0" : "") . strval($this->day());
return $this->_m_paddedDay;
protected $_m_paddedMonth;
public function paddedMonth() {
if ($this->_m_paddedMonth !== null)
return $this->_m_paddedMonth;
$this->_m_paddedMonth = ($this->month() <= 9 ? "0" : "") . strval($this->month());
return $this->_m_paddedMonth;
protected $_m_paddedYear;
public function paddedYear() {
if ($this->_m_paddedYear !== null)
return $this->_m_paddedYear;
$this->_m_paddedYear = ($this->year() <= 999 ? "0" . ($this->year() <= 99 ? "0" . ($this->year() <= 9 ? "0" : "") : "") : "") . strval($this->year());
return $this->_m_paddedYear;
protected $_m_day;
protected $_m_month;
protected $_m_yearMinus1980;
public function day() { return $this->_m_day; }
public function month() { return $this->_m_month; }
public function yearMinus1980() { return $this->_m_yearMinus1980; }