Parse UEFI variables db and dbx that contain signatures, certificates and hashes. On a Linux system using UEFI, these variables are readable from /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/db-d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f, /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dbDefault-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c, /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dbx-d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f and /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dbxDefault-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c. ("d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f" is defined as EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE_GUID and "8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c" as EFI_GLOBAL_VARIABLE). Each file contains an EFI attribute (32-bit integer) followed by a list of EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures.
This page hosts a formal specification of UEFI Variable with Signature List using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for JavaScript generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the JavaScript runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
The JavaScript runtime library is available at npm:
npm install kaitai-struct
See the usage examples in the JavaScript notes.
Parse structure from an ArrayBuffer:
var arrayBuffer = ...;
var data = new EfivarSignatureList(new KaitaiStream(arrayBuffer));
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by accessing fields or properties like:
data.varAttributes // => Attributes of the UEFI variable
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define(['kaitai-struct/KaitaiStream'], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(require('kaitai-struct/KaitaiStream'));
} else {
root.EfivarSignatureList = factory(root.KaitaiStream);
}(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function (KaitaiStream) {
* Parse UEFI variables db and dbx that contain signatures, certificates and
* hashes. On a Linux system using UEFI, these variables are readable from
* /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/db-d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f,
* /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dbDefault-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c,
* /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dbx-d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f and
* /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/dbxDefault-8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c.
* ("d719b2cb-3d3a-4596-a3bc-dad00e67656f" is defined as
* EFI_IMAGE_SECURITY_DATABASE_GUID and "8be4df61-93ca-11d2-aa0d-00e098032b8c"
* Each file contains an EFI attribute (32-bit integer) followed by a list of
* EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST structures.
* @see {@link|Source}
var EfivarSignatureList = (function() {
function EfivarSignatureList(_io, _parent, _root) {
this._io = _io;
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root || this;
EfivarSignatureList.prototype._read = function() {
this.varAttributes = new EfiVarAttr(this._io, this, this._root);
this.signatures = [];
var i = 0;
while (!this._io.isEof()) {
this.signatures.push(new SignatureList(this._io, this, this._root));
var SignatureList = EfivarSignatureList.SignatureList = (function() {
function SignatureList(_io, _parent, _root) {
this._io = _io;
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root || this;
SignatureList.prototype._read = function() {
this.signatureType = this._io.readBytes(16);
this.lenSignatureList = this._io.readU4le();
this.lenSignatureHeader = this._io.readU4le();
this.lenSignature = this._io.readU4le();
this.header = this._io.readBytes(this.lenSignatureHeader);
if (this.lenSignature > 0) {
this._raw_signatures = [];
this.signatures = [];
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor(((this.lenSignatureList - this.lenSignatureHeader) - 28) / this.lenSignature); i++) {
var _io__raw_signatures = new KaitaiStream(this._raw_signatures[i]);
this.signatures.push(new SignatureData(_io__raw_signatures, this, this._root));
* SHA512 hash of an X.509 certificate's To-Be-Signed contents, and a time of revocation
* @see EFI_CERT_X509_SHA512_GUID
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha512X509', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha512X509 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha512X509;
this._m_isCertSha512X509 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [99, 191, 109, 68, 2, 37, 218, 76, 188, 250, 36, 101, 210, 176, 254, 157]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha512X509;
* SHA-224 hash
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha224', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha224 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha224;
this._m_isCertSha224 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [51, 82, 110, 11, 92, 166, 201, 68, 148, 7, 217, 171, 131, 191, 200, 189]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha224;
* X.509 certificate
* @see EFI_CERT_X509_GUID
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertX509', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertX509 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertX509;
this._m_isCertX509 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [161, 89, 192, 165, 228, 148, 167, 74, 135, 181, 171, 21, 92, 43, 240, 114]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertX509;
* SHA256 hash of an X.509 certificate's To-Be-Signed contents, and a time of revocation
* @see EFI_CERT_X509_SHA256_GUID
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha256X509', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha256X509 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha256X509;
this._m_isCertSha256X509 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [146, 164, 210, 59, 192, 150, 121, 64, 180, 32, 252, 249, 142, 241, 3, 237]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha256X509;
* RSA-2048 key (only the modulus since the public key exponent is known to be 0x10001)
* @see EFI_CERT_RSA2048_GUID
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertRsa2048Key', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertRsa2048Key !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertRsa2048Key;
this._m_isCertRsa2048Key = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [232, 102, 87, 60, 156, 38, 52, 78, 170, 20, 237, 119, 110, 133, 179, 182]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertRsa2048Key;
* SHA-512 hash
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha512', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha512 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha512;
this._m_isCertSha512 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [174, 15, 62, 9, 196, 166, 80, 79, 159, 27, 212, 30, 43, 137, 193, 154]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha512;
* SHA-384 hash
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha384', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha384 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha384;
this._m_isCertSha384 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [7, 83, 62, 255, 208, 159, 201, 72, 133, 241, 138, 213, 108, 112, 30, 1]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha384;
* SHA-1 hash
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha1', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha1 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha1;
this._m_isCertSha1 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [18, 165, 108, 130, 16, 207, 201, 74, 177, 135, 190, 1, 73, 102, 49, 189]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha1;
* RSA-2048 signature of a SHA-1 hash
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertRsa2048Sha1', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha1 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha1;
this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha1 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [79, 68, 248, 103, 67, 135, 241, 72, 163, 40, 30, 170, 184, 115, 96, 128]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha1;
* SHA-256 hash
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha256', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha256 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha256;
this._m_isCertSha256 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [38, 22, 196, 193, 76, 80, 146, 64, 172, 169, 65, 249, 54, 147, 67, 40]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha256;
* SHA384 hash of an X.509 certificate's To-Be-Signed contents, and a time of revocation
* @see EFI_CERT_X509_SHA384_GUID
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertSha384X509', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertSha384X509 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertSha384X509;
this._m_isCertSha384X509 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [110, 135, 118, 112, 194, 128, 230, 78, 170, 210, 40, 179, 73, 166, 134, 91]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertSha384X509;
* RSA-2048 signature of a SHA-256 hash
* @see EFI_CERT_RSA2048_SHA256_GUID
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertRsa2048Sha256', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha256 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha256;
this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha256 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [144, 97, 179, 226, 155, 135, 61, 74, 173, 141, 242, 231, 187, 163, 39, 132]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertRsa2048Sha256;
* DER-encoded PKCS #7 version 1.5 [RFC2315]
Object.defineProperty(SignatureList.prototype, 'isCertDerPkcs7', {
get: function() {
if (this._m_isCertDerPkcs7 !== undefined)
return this._m_isCertDerPkcs7;
this._m_isCertDerPkcs7 = (KaitaiStream.byteArrayCompare(this.signatureType, [157, 210, 175, 74, 223, 104, 238, 73, 138, 169, 52, 125, 55, 86, 101, 167]) == 0);
return this._m_isCertDerPkcs7;
* Type of the signature as a GUID
* Total size of the signature list, including this header
* Size of the signature header which precedes the array of signatures
* Size of each signature
* Header before the array of signatures
* An array of signatures
return SignatureList;
var SignatureData = EfivarSignatureList.SignatureData = (function() {
function SignatureData(_io, _parent, _root) {
this._io = _io;
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root || this;
SignatureData.prototype._read = function() {
this.owner = this._io.readBytes(16); = this._io.readBytesFull();
* An identifier which identifies the agent which added the signature to the list
* The format of the signature is defined by the SignatureType.
return SignatureData;
* Attributes of a UEFI variable
var EfiVarAttr = EfivarSignatureList.EfiVarAttr = (function() {
function EfiVarAttr(_io, _parent, _root) {
this._io = _io;
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root || this;
EfiVarAttr.prototype._read = function() {
this.enhancedAuthenticatedAccess = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.appendWrite = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.timeBasedAuthenticatedWriteAccess = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.authenticatedWriteAccess = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.hardwareErrorRecord = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.runtimeAccess = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.bootserviceAccess = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.nonVolatile = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.reserved1 = this._io.readBitsIntBe(24);
* Reserved (unused) bits
return EfiVarAttr;
* Attributes of the UEFI variable
return EfivarSignatureList;
return EfivarSignatureList;