GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image file: Python parsing library

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an image file format, developed in 1987. It became popular in 1990s as one of the main image formats used in World Wide Web.

GIF format allows encoding of palette-based images up to 256 colors (each of the colors can be chosen from a 24-bit RGB colorspace). Image data stream uses LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) lossless compression.

Over the years, several version of the format were published and several extensions to it were made, namely, a popular Netscape extension that allows to store several images in one file, switching between them, which produces crude form of animation.

Structurally, format consists of several mandatory headers and then a stream of blocks follows. Blocks can carry additional metainformation or image data.

This page hosts a formal specification of GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image file using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for Python generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Python runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The Python runtime library can be installed from PyPI:

python3 -m pip install kaitaistruct


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

data = Gif.from_file("path/to/local/file.gif")

Or parse structure from a bytes:

from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream, BytesIO

raw = b"\x00\x01\x02..."
data = Gif(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(raw)))

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.hdr # => get hdr

Python source code to parse GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) image file

# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

import kaitaistruct
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStruct, KaitaiStream, BytesIO
from enum import Enum

if getattr(kaitaistruct, 'API_VERSION', (0, 9)) < (0, 9):
    raise Exception("Incompatible Kaitai Struct Python API: 0.9 or later is required, but you have %s" % (kaitaistruct.__version__))

class Gif(KaitaiStruct):
    """GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an image file format, developed
    in 1987. It became popular in 1990s as one of the main image formats
    used in World Wide Web.
    GIF format allows encoding of palette-based images up to 256 colors
    (each of the colors can be chosen from a 24-bit RGB
    colorspace). Image data stream uses LZW (Lempel-Ziv-Welch) lossless
    Over the years, several version of the format were published and
    several extensions to it were made, namely, a popular Netscape
    extension that allows to store several images in one file, switching
    between them, which produces crude form of animation.
    Structurally, format consists of several mandatory headers and then
    a stream of blocks follows. Blocks can carry additional
    metainformation or image data.

    class BlockType(Enum):
        extension = 33
        local_image_descriptor = 44
        end_of_file = 59

    class ExtensionLabel(Enum):
        graphic_control = 249
        comment = 254
        application = 255
    def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
        self._io = _io
        self._parent = _parent
        self._root = _root if _root else self

    def _read(self):
        self.hdr = Gif.Header(self._io, self, self._root)
        self.logical_screen_descriptor = Gif.LogicalScreenDescriptorStruct(self._io, self, self._root)
        if self.logical_screen_descriptor.has_color_table:
            self._raw_global_color_table = self._io.read_bytes((self.logical_screen_descriptor.color_table_size * 3))
            _io__raw_global_color_table = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_global_color_table))
            self.global_color_table = Gif.ColorTable(_io__raw_global_color_table, self, self._root)

        self.blocks = []
        i = 0
        while True:
            _ = Gif.Block(self._io, self, self._root)
            if  ((self._io.is_eof()) or (_.block_type == Gif.BlockType.end_of_file)) :
            i += 1

    class ImageData(KaitaiStruct):
        .. seealso::
           - section 22 -
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.lzw_min_code_size = self._io.read_u1()
            self.subblocks = Gif.Subblocks(self._io, self, self._root)

    class ColorTableEntry(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
   = self._io.read_u1()
   = self._io.read_u1()
   = self._io.read_u1()

    class LogicalScreenDescriptorStruct(KaitaiStruct):
        .. seealso::
           - section 18 -
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.screen_width = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.screen_height = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.flags = self._io.read_u1()
            self.bg_color_index = self._io.read_u1()
            self.pixel_aspect_ratio = self._io.read_u1()

        def has_color_table(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_has_color_table'):
                return self._m_has_color_table

            self._m_has_color_table = (self.flags & 128) != 0
            return getattr(self, '_m_has_color_table', None)

        def color_table_size(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_color_table_size'):
                return self._m_color_table_size

            self._m_color_table_size = (2 << (self.flags & 7))
            return getattr(self, '_m_color_table_size', None)

    class LocalImageDescriptor(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.left = self._io.read_u2le()
   = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.width = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.height = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.flags = self._io.read_u1()
            if self.has_color_table:
                self._raw_local_color_table = self._io.read_bytes((self.color_table_size * 3))
                _io__raw_local_color_table = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_local_color_table))
                self.local_color_table = Gif.ColorTable(_io__raw_local_color_table, self, self._root)

            self.image_data = Gif.ImageData(self._io, self, self._root)

        def has_color_table(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_has_color_table'):
                return self._m_has_color_table

            self._m_has_color_table = (self.flags & 128) != 0
            return getattr(self, '_m_has_color_table', None)

        def has_interlace(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_has_interlace'):
                return self._m_has_interlace

            self._m_has_interlace = (self.flags & 64) != 0
            return getattr(self, '_m_has_interlace', None)

        def has_sorted_color_table(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_has_sorted_color_table'):
                return self._m_has_sorted_color_table

            self._m_has_sorted_color_table = (self.flags & 32) != 0
            return getattr(self, '_m_has_sorted_color_table', None)

        def color_table_size(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_color_table_size'):
                return self._m_color_table_size

            self._m_color_table_size = (2 << (self.flags & 7))
            return getattr(self, '_m_color_table_size', None)

    class Block(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.block_type = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Gif.BlockType, self._io.read_u1())
            _on = self.block_type
            if _on == Gif.BlockType.extension:
                self.body = Gif.Extension(self._io, self, self._root)
            elif _on == Gif.BlockType.local_image_descriptor:
                self.body = Gif.LocalImageDescriptor(self._io, self, self._root)

    class ColorTable(KaitaiStruct):
        .. seealso::
           - section 19 -
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.entries = []
            i = 0
            while not self._io.is_eof():
                self.entries.append(Gif.ColorTableEntry(self._io, self, self._root))
                i += 1

    class Header(KaitaiStruct):
        .. seealso::
           - section 17 -
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.magic = self._io.read_bytes(3)
            if not self.magic == b"\x47\x49\x46":
                raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(b"\x47\x49\x46", self.magic, self._io, u"/types/header/seq/0")
            self.version = (self._io.read_bytes(3)).decode(u"ASCII")

    class ExtGraphicControl(KaitaiStruct):
        .. seealso::
           - section 23 -
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.block_size = self._io.read_bytes(1)
            if not self.block_size == b"\x04":
                raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(b"\x04", self.block_size, self._io, u"/types/ext_graphic_control/seq/0")
            self.flags = self._io.read_u1()
            self.delay_time = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.transparent_idx = self._io.read_u1()
            self.terminator = self._io.read_bytes(1)
            if not self.terminator == b"\x00":
                raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(b"\x00", self.terminator, self._io, u"/types/ext_graphic_control/seq/4")

        def transparent_color_flag(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_transparent_color_flag'):
                return self._m_transparent_color_flag

            self._m_transparent_color_flag = (self.flags & 1) != 0
            return getattr(self, '_m_transparent_color_flag', None)

        def user_input_flag(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_user_input_flag'):
                return self._m_user_input_flag

            self._m_user_input_flag = (self.flags & 2) != 0
            return getattr(self, '_m_user_input_flag', None)

    class Subblock(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.len_bytes = self._io.read_u1()
            self.bytes = self._io.read_bytes(self.len_bytes)

    class ApplicationId(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.len_bytes = self._io.read_u1()
            if not self.len_bytes == 11:
                raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(11, self.len_bytes, self._io, u"/types/application_id/seq/0")
            self.application_identifier = (self._io.read_bytes(8)).decode(u"ASCII")
            self.application_auth_code = self._io.read_bytes(3)

    class ExtApplication(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.application_id = Gif.ApplicationId(self._io, self, self._root)
            self.subblocks = []
            i = 0
            while True:
                _ = Gif.Subblock(self._io, self, self._root)
                if _.len_bytes == 0:
                i += 1

    class Subblocks(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.entries = []
            i = 0
            while True:
                _ = Gif.Subblock(self._io, self, self._root)
                if _.len_bytes == 0:
                i += 1

    class Extension(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.label = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Gif.ExtensionLabel, self._io.read_u1())
            _on = self.label
            if _on == Gif.ExtensionLabel.application:
                self.body = Gif.ExtApplication(self._io, self, self._root)
            elif _on == Gif.ExtensionLabel.comment:
                self.body = Gif.Subblocks(self._io, self, self._root)
            elif _on == Gif.ExtensionLabel.graphic_control:
                self.body = Gif.ExtGraphicControl(self._io, self, self._root)
                self.body = Gif.Subblocks(self._io, self, self._root)