SPECtrum Processing Routines Data Format 3/4/88: Lua parsing library

Specpr records are fixed format, 1536 bytes/record. Record number counting starts at 0. Binary data are in IEEE format real numbers and non-byte swapped integers (compatiible with all Sun Microsystems, and Hewlett Packard workstations (Intel and some DEC machines are byte swapped relative to Suns and HPs). Each record may contain different information according to the following scheme.

You can get some library of spectra from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/spectral.library/splib06.library/

File extension


KS implementation details

License: Unlicense

This page hosts a formal specification of SPECtrum Processing Routines Data Format 3/4/88 using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

Lua source code to parse SPECtrum Processing Routines Data Format 3/4/88


-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3

local class = require("class")
local enum = require("enum")
local str_decode = require("string_decode")
local stringstream = require("string_stream")

-- Specpr records are fixed format, 1536 bytes/record. Record number
-- counting starts at 0. Binary data are in IEEE format real numbers
-- and non-byte swapped integers (compatiible with all Sun
-- Microsystems, and Hewlett Packard workstations (Intel and some DEC
-- machines are byte swapped relative to Suns and HPs). Each record may
-- contain different information according to the following scheme.
-- You can get some library of spectra from
-- ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/spectral.library/splib06.library/
Specpr = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

Specpr.RecordType = enum.Enum {
  data_initial = 0,
  text_initial = 1,
  data_continuation = 2,
  text_continuation = 3,

function Specpr:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr:_read()
  self.records = {}
  local i = 0
  while not self._io:is_eof() do
    self.records[i + 1] = Specpr.Record(self._io, self, self._root)
    i = i + 1

Specpr.DataInitial = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.DataInitial:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.DataInitial:_read()
  self.ids = Specpr.Identifiers(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.iscta = Specpr.CoarseTimestamp(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.isctb = Specpr.CoarseTimestamp(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.jdatea = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.jdateb = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.istb = Specpr.CoarseTimestamp(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.isra = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.isdec = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.itchan = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.irmas = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.revs = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.iband = {}
  for i = 0, 2 - 1 do
    self.iband[i + 1] = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.irwav = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.irespt = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.irecno = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.itpntr = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.ihist = str_decode.decode(KaitaiStream.bytes_strip_right(self._io:read_bytes(60), 32), "ascii")
  self.mhist = {}
  for i = 0, 4 - 1 do
    self.mhist[i + 1] = str_decode.decode(self._io:read_bytes(74), "ascii")
  self.nruns = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.siangl = Specpr.IllumAngle(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.seangl = Specpr.IllumAngle(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.sphase = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.iwtrns = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.itimch = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.xnrm = self._io:read_f4be()
  self.scatim = self._io:read_f4be()
  self.timint = self._io:read_f4be()
  self.tempd = self._io:read_f4be()
  self.data = {}
  for i = 0, 256 - 1 do
    self.data[i + 1] = self._io:read_f4be()

-- The phase angle between iangl and eangl in seconds.
Specpr.DataInitial.property.phase_angle_arcsec = {}
function Specpr.DataInitial.property.phase_angle_arcsec:get()
  if self._m_phase_angle_arcsec ~= nil then
    return self._m_phase_angle_arcsec

  self._m_phase_angle_arcsec = (self.sphase / 1500)
  return self._m_phase_angle_arcsec

-- Civil or Universal time when data was last processed.
-- Civil or Universal time at the start of the spectral run.
-- Date when data was last processed. Stored as integer*4 Julian Day number *10.
-- Date when the spectral run began. Stored as integer*4 Julian Day number *10.
-- Siderial time when the spectral run started. See flag #05.
-- Right ascension coordinates of an astronomical  object, or longitude on a planetary surface (integer*4 numbers in seconds *1000) (RA in RA seconds, Longitude in arc-seconds) See flag #06.
-- Declination coordinates of an astronomical object, or latitude on a planetary surface (integer*4 number in arc-seconds *1000). See flag #06.
-- Total number of channels in the spectrum (integer*4 value from 1 to 4852).
-- The equivalent atmospheric thickness through which the observation was obtained (=1.0 overhead scaled: airmass*1000; integer*4).
-- The number of independent spectral scans which were added to make the spectrum (integer*4 number).
-- The channel numbers which define the band normalization (scaling to unity). (integers*4).
-- The record number within the file where the wavelengths are found (integer*4).
-- The record pointer to where the resolution can be found (or horizontal error bar) (integer*4).
-- The record number within the file where the data is located (integer*4 number).
-- Text data record pointer. This pointer points to a data record where additional text describing the data may be found.  (32 bit integer).
-- The program automatic 60 character history.
-- Manual history. Program automatic for large history requirements.
-- The number of independent spectral runs which were summed or averaged to make this spectrum (integer*4).
-- The angle of incidence of illuminating radiation
--       integrating sphere = 2000000000
--       Geometric albedo   = 2000000001
-- The angle of emission of illuminating radiation
--       integrating sphere = 2000000000
--       Geometric albedo   = 2000000001
-- The phase angle between iangl and eangl (Integer*4 number, in arc-seconds*1500). (180 degrees=972000000; -180 deg <= phase <= 180 deg)
--       integrating sphere = 2000000000
-- Weighted number of runs (the number of runs of the spectrum with the minimum runs which was used in processing this spectrum, integer*4).
-- The time observed in the sample beam for each half chop in milliseconds (for chopping spectrometers only). (integer*4).
-- The band normalization factor. For data scaled to 1.0, multiply by this number to recover photometric level (32 bit real number).
-- The time it takes to make one scan of the entire spectrum in seconds (32 bit real number).
-- Total integration time (usually=scatime * nruns) (32 bit real number).
-- Temperature in degrees Kelvin (32 bit real number).
-- The spectral data (256 channels of 32 bit real data numbers).

Specpr.CoarseTimestamp = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.CoarseTimestamp:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.CoarseTimestamp:_read()
  self.scaled_seconds = self._io:read_s4be()

Specpr.CoarseTimestamp.property.seconds = {}
function Specpr.CoarseTimestamp.property.seconds:get()
  if self._m_seconds ~= nil then
    return self._m_seconds

  self._m_seconds = (self.scaled_seconds * 24000)
  return self._m_seconds

-- it is big endian.
Specpr.Icflag = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.Icflag:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.Icflag:_read()
  self.reserved = self._io:read_bits_int_be(26)
  self.isctb_type = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.iscta_type = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.coordinate_mode = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.errors = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.text = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.continuation = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0

Specpr.Icflag.property.type = {}
function Specpr.Icflag.property.type:get()
  if self._m_type ~= nil then
    return self._m_type

  self._m_type = Specpr.RecordType((((self.text and 1 or 0) * 1) + ((self.continuation and 1 or 0) * 2)))
  return self._m_type

-- =0 ctb is civil time
-- =1 ctb is universal time
-- =0 cta is civil time
-- =1 cta is universal time
-- RA, Dec / Long., Lat flag
-- =0 the array "ira" and "idec" corresponds to the right ascension and declination of an astronomical object.
-- =1 the array "ira" and "idec" correspond to the longitude and latitude of a spot on a planetary surface.
-- flag to indicate whether or not the data for the error bar (1 sigma standard deviation of the mean) is in the next record set. =0: no errors, =1: errors in next record set.
-- =0 the data in the array "data" is data
-- =1 the data in the array "data" is ascii text as is most of the header info.
-- =0 first record of a spectrum consists of: header then 256 data channels
-- =1 continuation data record consisting of:
--   # bit flags followed by 1532 bytes of
--   # real data (bit 1=0) (383 channels)
--   # or 1532 bytes of text (bit 1=1).
--   # A maximum of 12 continuation records
--   # are allowed for a total of 4852
--   # channels (limited by arrays of 4864)
--   # or 19860 characters of text (bit 1=1).

Specpr.DataContinuation = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.DataContinuation:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.DataContinuation:_read()
  self.cdata = {}
  for i = 0, 383 - 1 do
    self.cdata[i + 1] = self._io:read_f4be()

-- The continuation of the data values (383 channels of 32 bit real numbers).

Specpr.Identifiers = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.Identifiers:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.Identifiers:_read()
  self.ititle = str_decode.decode(KaitaiStream.bytes_strip_right(self._io:read_bytes(40), 32), "ascii")
  self.usernm = str_decode.decode(self._io:read_bytes(8), "ascii")

-- Title which describes the data.
-- The name of the user who created the data record.

Specpr.IllumAngle = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.IllumAngle:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.IllumAngle:_read()
  self.angl = self._io:read_s4be()

Specpr.IllumAngle.property.seconds_total = {}
function Specpr.IllumAngle.property.seconds_total:get()
  if self._m_seconds_total ~= nil then
    return self._m_seconds_total

  self._m_seconds_total = math.floor(self.angl / 6000)
  return self._m_seconds_total

Specpr.IllumAngle.property.minutes_total = {}
function Specpr.IllumAngle.property.minutes_total:get()
  if self._m_minutes_total ~= nil then
    return self._m_minutes_total

  self._m_minutes_total = math.floor(self.seconds_total / 60)
  return self._m_minutes_total

Specpr.IllumAngle.property.degrees_total = {}
function Specpr.IllumAngle.property.degrees_total:get()
  if self._m_degrees_total ~= nil then
    return self._m_degrees_total

  self._m_degrees_total = math.floor(self.minutes_total / 60)
  return self._m_degrees_total

-- (Integer*4 number, in arc-seconds*6000). (90 degrees=1944000000; -90 deg <= angle <= 90 deg)

Specpr.TextInitial = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.TextInitial:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.TextInitial:_read()
  self.ids = Specpr.Identifiers(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.itxtpt = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.itxtch = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.itext = str_decode.decode(self._io:read_bytes(1476), "ascii")

-- Text data record pointer. This pointer points  to a data record where additional text may be may be found.
-- The number of text characters (maximum= 19860).
-- 1476 characters of text.  Text has embedded newlines so the number of lines available is limited only by the number of characters available.

Specpr.Record = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.Record:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.Record:_read()
  self.icflag = Specpr.Icflag(self._io, self, self._root)
  local _on = self.icflag.type
  if _on == Specpr.RecordType.data_initial then
    self._raw_content = self._io:read_bytes((1536 - 4))
    local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_content))
    self.content = Specpr.DataInitial(_io, self, self._root)
  elseif _on == Specpr.RecordType.data_continuation then
    self._raw_content = self._io:read_bytes((1536 - 4))
    local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_content))
    self.content = Specpr.DataContinuation(_io, self, self._root)
  elseif _on == Specpr.RecordType.text_continuation then
    self._raw_content = self._io:read_bytes((1536 - 4))
    local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_content))
    self.content = Specpr.TextContinuation(_io, self, self._root)
  elseif _on == Specpr.RecordType.text_initial then
    self._raw_content = self._io:read_bytes((1536 - 4))
    local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_content))
    self.content = Specpr.TextInitial(_io, self, self._root)
    self.content = self._io:read_bytes((1536 - 4))

-- Total number of bytes comprising the document.

Specpr.TextContinuation = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Specpr.TextContinuation:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Specpr.TextContinuation:_read()
  self.tdata = str_decode.decode(self._io:read_bytes(1532), "ascii")

-- 1532 characters of text.