vfat: Ruby parsing library

KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0
Minimal Kaitai Struct required: 0.9


This page hosts a formal specification of vfat using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for Ruby generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Ruby runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The Ruby runtime library can be installed from RubyGems:

gem install kaitai-struct


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

data = Vfat.from_file("path/to/local/file.bin")

Or parse structure from a string of bytes:

bytes = "\x00\x01\x02..."
data = Vfat.new(Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(bytes))

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.boot_sector # => get boot sector

Ruby source code to parse vfat


# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

require 'kaitai/struct/struct'

unless Gem::Version.new(Kaitai::Struct::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('0.9')
  raise "Incompatible Kaitai Struct Ruby API: 0.9 or later is required, but you have #{Kaitai::Struct::VERSION}"

# @see https://download.microsoft.com/download/0/8/4/084c452b-b772-4fe5-89bb-a0cbf082286a/fatgen103.doc Source
class Vfat < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
  def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
    super(_io, _parent, _root)

  def _read
    @boot_sector = BootSector.new(@_io, self, @_root)

  # Extended BIOS Parameter Block for FAT32
  class ExtBiosParamBlockFat32 < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @ls_per_fat = @_io.read_u4le
      @has_active_fat = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
      @reserved1 = @_io.read_bits_int_le(3)
      @active_fat_id = @_io.read_bits_int_le(4)
      @reserved2 = @_io.read_bytes(1)
      raise Kaitai::Struct::ValidationNotEqualError.new([0].pack('C*'), reserved2, _io, "/types/ext_bios_param_block_fat32/seq/4") if not reserved2 == [0].pack('C*')
      @fat_version = @_io.read_u2le
      @root_dir_start_clus = @_io.read_u4le
      @ls_fs_info = @_io.read_u2le
      @boot_sectors_copy_start_ls = @_io.read_u2le
      @reserved3 = @_io.read_bytes(12)
      @phys_drive_num = @_io.read_u1
      @reserved4 = @_io.read_u1
      @ext_boot_sign = @_io.read_u1
      @volume_id = @_io.read_bytes(4)
      @partition_volume_label = (Kaitai::Struct::Stream::bytes_strip_right(@_io.read_bytes(11), 32)).force_encoding("ASCII")
      @fs_type_str = (Kaitai::Struct::Stream::bytes_strip_right(@_io.read_bytes(8), 32)).force_encoding("ASCII")

    # Logical sectors per file allocation table (corresponds with
    # the old entry `ls_per_fat` in the DOS 2.0 BPB).
    attr_reader :ls_per_fat

    # If true, then there is "active" FAT, which is designated in
    # `active_fat` attribute. If false, all FATs are mirrored as
    # usual.
    attr_reader :has_active_fat
    attr_reader :reserved1

    # Zero-based number of active FAT, if `has_active_fat`
    # attribute is true.
    attr_reader :active_fat_id
    attr_reader :reserved2
    attr_reader :fat_version

    # Cluster number of root directory start, typically 2 if it
    # contains no bad sector. (Microsoft's FAT32 implementation
    # imposes an artificial limit of 65,535 entries per directory,
    # whilst many third-party implementations do not.)
    attr_reader :root_dir_start_clus

    # Logical sector number of FS Information Sector, typically 1,
    # i.e., the second of the three FAT32 boot sectors. Values
    # like 0 and 0xFFFF are used by some FAT32 implementations to
    # designate abscence of FS Information Sector.
    attr_reader :ls_fs_info

    # First logical sector number of a copy of the three FAT32
    # boot sectors, typically 6.
    attr_reader :boot_sectors_copy_start_ls
    attr_reader :reserved3

    # Physical drive number (0x00 for (first) removable media,
    # 0x80 for (first) fixed disk as per INT 13h).
    attr_reader :phys_drive_num
    attr_reader :reserved4

    # Should be 0x29 to indicate that an EBPB with the following 3
    # entries exists.
    attr_reader :ext_boot_sign

    # Volume ID (serial number).
    # Typically the serial number "xxxx-xxxx" is created by a
    # 16-bit addition of both DX values returned by INT 21h/AH=2Ah
    # (get system date) and INT 21h/AH=2Ch (get system time) for
    # the high word and another 16-bit addition of both CX values
    # for the low word of the serial number. Alternatively, some
    # DR-DOS disk utilities provide a /# option to generate a
    # human-readable time stamp "mmdd-hhmm" build from BCD-encoded
    # 8-bit values for the month, day, hour and minute instead of
    # a serial number.
    attr_reader :volume_id
    attr_reader :partition_volume_label
    attr_reader :fs_type_str
  class BootSector < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @jmp_instruction = @_io.read_bytes(3)
      @oem_name = (Kaitai::Struct::Stream::bytes_strip_right(@_io.read_bytes(8), 32)).force_encoding("ASCII")
      @bpb = BiosParamBlock.new(@_io, self, @_root)
      if !(is_fat32)
        @ebpb_fat16 = ExtBiosParamBlockFat16.new(@_io, self, @_root)
      if is_fat32
        @ebpb_fat32 = ExtBiosParamBlockFat32.new(@_io, self, @_root)

    # Offset of FATs in bytes from start of filesystem
    def pos_fats
      return @pos_fats unless @pos_fats.nil?
      @pos_fats = (bpb.bytes_per_ls * bpb.num_reserved_ls)
    def ls_per_fat
      return @ls_per_fat unless @ls_per_fat.nil?
      @ls_per_fat = (is_fat32 ? ebpb_fat32.ls_per_fat : bpb.ls_per_fat)

    # Size of root directory in logical sectors
    # @see '' FAT: General Overview of On-Disk Format, section "FAT Data Structure"
    def ls_per_root_dir
      return @ls_per_root_dir unless @ls_per_root_dir.nil?
      @ls_per_root_dir = ((((bpb.max_root_dir_rec * 32) + bpb.bytes_per_ls) - 1) / bpb.bytes_per_ls)

    # Determines if filesystem is FAT32 (true) or FAT12/16 (false)
    # by analyzing some preliminary conditions in BPB. Used to
    # determine whether we should parse post-BPB data as
    # `ext_bios_param_block_fat16` or `ext_bios_param_block_fat32`.
    def is_fat32
      return @is_fat32 unless @is_fat32.nil?
      @is_fat32 = bpb.max_root_dir_rec == 0

    # Size of one FAT in bytes
    def size_fat
      return @size_fat unless @size_fat.nil?
      @size_fat = (bpb.bytes_per_ls * ls_per_fat)

    # Offset of root directory in bytes from start of filesystem
    def pos_root_dir
      return @pos_root_dir unless @pos_root_dir.nil?
      @pos_root_dir = (bpb.bytes_per_ls * (bpb.num_reserved_ls + (ls_per_fat * bpb.num_fats)))

    # Size of root directory in bytes
    def size_root_dir
      return @size_root_dir unless @size_root_dir.nil?
      @size_root_dir = (ls_per_root_dir * bpb.bytes_per_ls)
    attr_reader :jmp_instruction
    attr_reader :oem_name

    # Basic BIOS parameter block, present in all versions of FAT
    attr_reader :bpb

    # FAT12/16-specific extended BIOS parameter block
    attr_reader :ebpb_fat16

    # FAT32-specific extended BIOS parameter block
    attr_reader :ebpb_fat32
  class BiosParamBlock < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @bytes_per_ls = @_io.read_u2le
      @ls_per_clus = @_io.read_u1
      @num_reserved_ls = @_io.read_u2le
      @num_fats = @_io.read_u1
      @max_root_dir_rec = @_io.read_u2le
      @total_ls_2 = @_io.read_u2le
      @media_code = @_io.read_u1
      @ls_per_fat = @_io.read_u2le
      @ps_per_track = @_io.read_u2le
      @num_heads = @_io.read_u2le
      @num_hidden_sectors = @_io.read_u4le
      @total_ls_4 = @_io.read_u4le

    # Bytes per logical sector
    attr_reader :bytes_per_ls

    # Logical sectors per cluster
    attr_reader :ls_per_clus

    # Count of reserved logical sectors. The number of logical
    # sectors before the first FAT in the file system image.
    attr_reader :num_reserved_ls

    # Number of File Allocation Tables
    attr_reader :num_fats

    # Maximum number of FAT12 or FAT16 root directory entries. 0
    # for FAT32, where the root directory is stored in ordinary
    # data clusters.
    attr_reader :max_root_dir_rec

    # Total logical sectors (if zero, use total_ls_4)
    attr_reader :total_ls_2

    # Media descriptor
    attr_reader :media_code

    # Logical sectors per File Allocation Table for
    # FAT12/FAT16. FAT32 sets this to 0 and uses the 32-bit value
    # at offset 0x024 instead.
    attr_reader :ls_per_fat

    # Physical sectors per track for disks with INT 13h CHS
    # geometry, e.g., 15 for a "1.20 MB" (1200 KB) floppy. A zero
    # entry indicates that this entry is reserved, but not used.
    attr_reader :ps_per_track

    # Number of heads for disks with INT 13h CHS geometry,[9]
    # e.g., 2 for a double sided floppy.
    attr_reader :num_heads

    # Number of hidden sectors preceding the partition that
    # contains this FAT volume. This field should always be zero
    # on media that are not partitioned. This DOS 3.0 entry is
    # incompatible with a similar entry at offset 0x01C in BPBs
    # since DOS 3.31.  It must not be used if the logical sectors
    # entry at offset 0x013 is zero.
    attr_reader :num_hidden_sectors

    # Total logical sectors including hidden sectors. This DOS 3.2
    # entry is incompatible with a similar entry at offset 0x020
    # in BPBs since DOS 3.31. It must not be used if the logical
    # sectors entry at offset 0x013 is zero.
    attr_reader :total_ls_4
  class RootDirectoryRec < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @file_name = @_io.read_bytes(11)
      @_raw_attrs = @_io.read_bytes(1)
      _io__raw_attrs = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_attrs)
      @attrs = AttrFlags.new(_io__raw_attrs, self, @_root)
      @reserved = @_io.read_bytes(10)
      @_raw_last_write_time = @_io.read_bytes(4)
      _io__raw_last_write_time = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_last_write_time)
      @last_write_time = DosDatetime.new(_io__raw_last_write_time)
      @start_clus = @_io.read_u2le
      @file_size = @_io.read_u4le
    class AttrFlags < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
      def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
        super(_io, _parent, _root)

      def _read
        @read_only = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
        @hidden = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
        @system = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
        @volume_id = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
        @is_directory = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
        @archive = @_io.read_bits_int_le(1) != 0
        @reserved = @_io.read_bits_int_le(2)
      def long_name
        return @long_name unless @long_name.nil?
        @long_name =  ((read_only) && (hidden) && (system) && (volume_id)) 
      attr_reader :read_only
      attr_reader :hidden
      attr_reader :system
      attr_reader :volume_id
      attr_reader :is_directory
      attr_reader :archive
      attr_reader :reserved
    attr_reader :file_name
    attr_reader :attrs
    attr_reader :reserved
    attr_reader :last_write_time
    attr_reader :start_clus
    attr_reader :file_size
    attr_reader :_raw_attrs
    attr_reader :_raw_last_write_time
  class RootDirectory < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @records = []
      (_root.boot_sector.bpb.max_root_dir_rec).times { |i|
        @records << RootDirectoryRec.new(@_io, self, @_root)
    attr_reader :records

  # Extended BIOS Parameter Block (DOS 4.0+, OS/2 1.0+). Used only
  # for FAT12 and FAT16.
  class ExtBiosParamBlockFat16 < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @phys_drive_num = @_io.read_u1
      @reserved1 = @_io.read_u1
      @ext_boot_sign = @_io.read_u1
      @volume_id = @_io.read_bytes(4)
      @partition_volume_label = (Kaitai::Struct::Stream::bytes_strip_right(@_io.read_bytes(11), 32)).force_encoding("ASCII")
      @fs_type_str = (Kaitai::Struct::Stream::bytes_strip_right(@_io.read_bytes(8), 32)).force_encoding("ASCII")

    # Physical drive number (0x00 for (first) removable media,
    # 0x80 for (first) fixed disk as per INT 13h).
    attr_reader :phys_drive_num
    attr_reader :reserved1

    # Should be 0x29 to indicate that an EBPB with the following 3
    # entries exists.
    attr_reader :ext_boot_sign

    # Volume ID (serial number).
    # Typically the serial number "xxxx-xxxx" is created by a
    # 16-bit addition of both DX values returned by INT 21h/AH=2Ah
    # (get system date) and INT 21h/AH=2Ch (get system time) for
    # the high word and another 16-bit addition of both CX values
    # for the low word of the serial number. Alternatively, some
    # DR-DOS disk utilities provide a /# option to generate a
    # human-readable time stamp "mmdd-hhmm" build from BCD-encoded
    # 8-bit values for the month, day, hour and minute instead of
    # a serial number.
    attr_reader :volume_id
    attr_reader :partition_volume_label
    attr_reader :fs_type_str
  def fats
    return @fats unless @fats.nil?
    _pos = @_io.pos
    @fats = []
    (boot_sector.bpb.num_fats).times { |i|
      @fats << @_io.read_bytes(boot_sector.size_fat)
  def root_dir
    return @root_dir unless @root_dir.nil?
    _pos = @_io.pos
    @_raw_root_dir = @_io.read_bytes(boot_sector.size_root_dir)
    _io__raw_root_dir = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_root_dir)
    @root_dir = RootDirectory.new(_io__raw_root_dir, self, @_root)
  attr_reader :boot_sector
  attr_reader :_raw_root_dir