Variable length quantity, unsigned integer, base128, big-endian: format specification

A variable-length unsigned integer using base128 encoding. 1-byte groups consist of 1-bit flag of continuation and 7-bit value chunk, and are ordered "most significant group first", i.e. in "big-endian" manner.

This particular encoding is specified and used in:

  • Standard MIDI file format
  • ASN.1 BER encoding
  • RAR 5.0 file format

More information on this encoding is available at

This particular implementation supports serialized values to up 8 bytes long.

KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0
Minimal Kaitai Struct required: 0.9

This page hosts a formal specification of Variable length quantity, unsigned integer, base128, big-endian using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

Block diagram

Format specification in Kaitai Struct YAML

  id: vlq_base128_be
  title: Variable length quantity, unsigned integer, base128, big-endian
  license: CC0-1.0
  ks-version: 0.9
  bit-endian: be
doc: |
  A variable-length unsigned integer using base128 encoding. 1-byte groups
  consist of 1-bit flag of continuation and 7-bit value chunk, and are ordered
  "most significant group first", i.e. in "big-endian" manner.

  This particular encoding is specified and used in:

  * Standard MIDI file format
  * ASN.1 BER encoding
  * RAR 5.0 file format

  More information on this encoding is available at

  This particular implementation supports serialized values to up 8 bytes long.
-webide-representation: '{value:dec}'
  - id: groups
    type: group
    repeat: until
    repeat-until: not _.has_next
    -webide-representation: '{value}'
    doc: |
      One byte group, clearly divided into 7-bit "value" chunk and 1-bit "continuation" flag.
      - id: has_next
        type: b1
        doc: If true, then we have more bytes to read
      - id: value
        type: b7
        doc: The 7-bit (base128) numeric value chunk of this group
    value: groups.size - 1
    value: |
      + (last >= 1 ? (groups[last - 1].value << 7) : 0)
      + (last >= 2 ? (groups[last - 2].value << 14) : 0)
      + (last >= 3 ? (groups[last - 3].value << 21) : 0)
      + (last >= 4 ? (groups[last - 4].value << 28) : 0)
      + (last >= 5 ? (groups[last - 5].value << 35) : 0)
      + (last >= 6 ? (groups[last - 6].value << 42) : 0)
      + (last >= 7 ? (groups[last - 7].value << 49) : 0)).as<u8>
    doc: Resulting value as normal integer