Warcraft II map files: Python parsing library

Warcraft II game engine uses this format for map files. External maps can be edited by official Warcraft II map editor and saved in .pud files. Maps supplied with the game (i.e. single player campaign) follow the same format, but are instead embedded inside the game container files.

There are two major versions: 0x11 (original one) and 0x13 (roughly corresponds to v1.33 of the game engine, although some of the features got limited support in v1.3).

File consists of a sequence of typed sections.


Warcraft II engine

File extension


KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0
Minimal Kaitai Struct required: 0.6


This page hosts a formal specification of Warcraft II map files using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for Python generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Python runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The Python runtime library can be installed from PyPI:

python3 -m pip install kaitaistruct


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

data = Warcraft2Pud.from_file("path/to/local/file.pud")

Or parse structure from a bytes:

from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream, BytesIO

raw = b"\x00\x01\x02..."
data = Warcraft2Pud(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(raw)))

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.sections # => get sections

Python source code to parse Warcraft II map files


# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

import kaitaistruct
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStruct, KaitaiStream, BytesIO
from enum import Enum

if getattr(kaitaistruct, 'API_VERSION', (0, 9)) < (0, 9):
    raise Exception("Incompatible Kaitai Struct Python API: 0.9 or later is required, but you have %s" % (kaitaistruct.__version__))

class Warcraft2Pud(KaitaiStruct):
    """Warcraft II game engine uses this format for map files. External
    maps can be edited by official Warcraft II map editor and saved in
    .pud files. Maps supplied with the game (i.e. single player
    campaign) follow the same format, but are instead embedded inside
    the game container files.
    There are two major versions: 0x11 (original one) and 0x13 (roughly
    corresponds to v1.33 of the game engine, although some of the
    features got limited support in v1.3).
    File consists of a sequence of typed sections.
    .. seealso::
       Source - http://cade.datamax.bg/war2x/pudspec.html

    class Controller(Enum):
        computer1 = 1
        passive_computer = 2
        nobody = 3
        computer4 = 4
        human = 5
        rescue_passive = 6
        rescue_active = 7

    class TerrainType(Enum):
        forest = 0
        winter = 1
        wasteland = 2
        swamp = 3

    class UnitType(Enum):
        infantry = 0
        grunt = 1
        peasant = 2
        peon = 3
        ballista = 4
        catapult = 5
        knight = 6
        ogre = 7
        archer = 8
        axethrower = 9
        mage = 10
        death_knight = 11
        paladin = 12
        ogre_mage = 13
        dwarves = 14
        goblin_sapper = 15
        attack_peasant = 16
        attack_peon = 17
        ranger = 18
        berserker = 19
        alleria = 20
        teron_gorefiend = 21
        kurdan_and_sky_ree = 22
        dentarg = 23
        khadgar = 24
        grom_hellscream = 25
        human_tanker = 26
        orc_tanker = 27
        human_transport = 28
        orc_transport = 29
        elven_destroyer = 30
        troll_destroyer = 31
        battleship = 32
        juggernaught = 33
        deathwing = 35
        gnomish_submarine = 38
        giant_turtle = 39
        gnomish_flying_machine = 40
        goblin_zepplin = 41
        gryphon_rider = 42
        dragon = 43
        turalyon = 44
        eye_of_kilrogg = 45
        danath = 46
        khorgath_bladefist = 47
        cho_gall = 49
        lothar = 50
        gul_dan = 51
        uther_lightbringer = 52
        zuljin = 53
        skeleton = 55
        daemon = 56
        critter = 57
        farm = 58
        pig_farm = 59
        human_barracks = 60
        orc_barracks = 61
        church = 62
        altar_of_storms = 63
        human_scout_tower = 64
        orc_scout_tower = 65
        stables = 66
        ogre_mound = 67
        gnomish_inventor = 68
        goblin_alchemist = 69
        gryphon_aviary = 70
        dragon_roost = 71
        human_shipyard = 72
        orc_shipyard = 73
        town_hall = 74
        great_hall = 75
        elven_lumber_mill = 76
        troll_lumber_mill = 77
        human_foundry = 78
        orc_foundry = 79
        mage_tower = 80
        temple_of_the_damned = 81
        human_blacksmith = 82
        orc_blacksmith = 83
        human_refinery = 84
        orc_refinery = 85
        human_oil_well = 86
        orc_oil_well = 87
        keep = 88
        stronghold = 89
        castle = 90
        fortress = 91
        gold_mine = 92
        oil_patch = 93
        human_start = 94
        orc_start = 95
        human_guard_tower = 96
        orc_guard_tower = 97
        human_cannon_tower = 98
        orc_cannon_tower = 99
        circle_of_power = 100
        dark_portal = 101
        runestone = 102
        human_wall = 103
        orc_wall = 104
    def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
        self._io = _io
        self._parent = _parent
        self._root = _root if _root else self

    def _read(self):
        self.sections = []
        i = 0
        while not self._io.is_eof():
            self.sections.append(Warcraft2Pud.Section(self._io, self, self._root))
            i += 1

    class SectionStartingResource(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.resources_by_player = []
            i = 0
            while not self._io.is_eof():
                i += 1

    class SectionEra(KaitaiStruct):
        """Section that specifies terrain type for this map."""
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.terrain = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Warcraft2Pud.TerrainType, self._io.read_u2le())

    class SectionVer(KaitaiStruct):
        """Section that specifies format version."""
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.version = self._io.read_u2le()

    class SectionDim(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.x = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.y = self._io.read_u2le()

    class SectionType(KaitaiStruct):
        """Section that confirms that this file is a "map file" by certain
        magic string and supplies a tag that could be used in
        multiplayer to check that all player use the same version of the
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.magic = self._io.read_bytes(10)
            if not self.magic == b"\x57\x41\x52\x32\x20\x4D\x41\x50\x00\x00":
                raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(b"\x57\x41\x52\x32\x20\x4D\x41\x50\x00\x00", self.magic, self._io, u"/types/section_type/seq/0")
            self.unused = self._io.read_bytes(2)
            self.id_tag = self._io.read_u4le()

    class SectionUnit(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.units = []
            i = 0
            while not self._io.is_eof():
                self.units.append(Warcraft2Pud.Unit(self._io, self, self._root))
                i += 1

    class Section(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.name = (self._io.read_bytes(4)).decode(u"ASCII")
            self.size = self._io.read_u4le()
            _on = self.name
            if _on == u"SLBR":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionStartingResource(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"ERAX":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionEra(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"OWNR":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionOwnr(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"ERA ":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionEra(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"SGLD":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionStartingResource(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"VER ":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionVer(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"SOIL":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionStartingResource(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"UNIT":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionUnit(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"DIM ":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionDim(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
            elif _on == u"TYPE":
                self._raw_body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)
                _io__raw_body = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_body))
                self.body = Warcraft2Pud.SectionType(_io__raw_body, self, self._root)
                self.body = self._io.read_bytes(self.size)

    class SectionOwnr(KaitaiStruct):
        """Section that specifies who controls each player."""
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.controller_by_player = []
            i = 0
            while not self._io.is_eof():
                self.controller_by_player.append(KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Warcraft2Pud.Controller, self._io.read_u1()))
                i += 1

    class Unit(KaitaiStruct):
        def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
            self._io = _io
            self._parent = _parent
            self._root = _root if _root else self

        def _read(self):
            self.x = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.y = self._io.read_u2le()
            self.u_type = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Warcraft2Pud.UnitType, self._io.read_u1())
            self.owner = self._io.read_u1()
            self.options = self._io.read_u2le()

        def resource(self):
            if hasattr(self, '_m_resource'):
                return self._m_resource

            if  ((self.u_type == Warcraft2Pud.UnitType.gold_mine) or (self.u_type == Warcraft2Pud.UnitType.human_oil_well) or (self.u_type == Warcraft2Pud.UnitType.orc_oil_well) or (self.u_type == Warcraft2Pud.UnitType.oil_patch)) :
                self._m_resource = (self.options * 2500)

            return getattr(self, '_m_resource', None)