DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) Message: C# parsing library

Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) is an old Microsoft specification for sending and receiving SOAP messages along with additional attachments, like binary files, XML fragments, and even other SOAP messages, using standard transport protocols like HTTP.

Sample file: curl -LO https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_formats/files/5894723/scanner_withoptions.dump.gz && gunzip scanner_withoptions.dump.gz

File extension

["dim", "dime"]

KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0


This page hosts a formal specification of DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) Message using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for C# generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the C# runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The C# runtime library is available in the NuGet Gallery. Installation instructions can also be found there.


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

var data = DimeMessage.FromFile("path/to/local/file.dim");

Or parse structure from a byte array:

byte[] someArray = new byte[] { ... };
var data = new DimeMessage(new KaitaiStream(someArray));

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by accessing properties like:

data.Records // => get records

C# source code to parse DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation) Message


// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Kaitai

    /// <summary>
    /// Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME)
    /// is an old Microsoft specification for sending and receiving
    /// SOAP messages along with additional attachments,
    /// like binary files, XML fragments, and even other
    /// SOAP messages, using standard transport protocols like HTTP.
    /// Sample file: `curl -LO
    /// https://github.com/kaitai-io/kaitai_struct_formats/files/5894723/scanner_withoptions.dump.gz
    /// &amp;&amp; gunzip scanner_withoptions.dump.gz`
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Reference: <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-nielsen-dime-02">Source</a>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Reference: <a href="https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2002/december/sending-files-attachments-and-soap-messages-via-dime">Source</a>
    /// </remarks>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Reference: <a href="http://imrannazar.com/Parsing-the-DIME-Message-Format">Source</a>
    /// </remarks>
    public partial class DimeMessage : KaitaiStruct
        public static DimeMessage FromFile(string fileName)
            return new DimeMessage(new KaitaiStream(fileName));

        public enum TypeFormats
            Unchanged = 0,
            MediaType = 1,
            AbsoluteUri = 2,
            Unknown = 3,
            None = 4,
        public DimeMessage(KaitaiStream p__io, KaitaiStruct p__parent = null, DimeMessage p__root = null) : base(p__io)
            m_parent = p__parent;
            m_root = p__root ?? this;
        private void _read()
            _records = new List<Record>();
                var i = 0;
                while (!m_io.IsEof) {
                    _records.Add(new Record(m_io, this, m_root));

        /// <summary>
        /// padding to the next 4-byte boundary
        /// </summary>
        public partial class Padding : KaitaiStruct
            public static Padding FromFile(string fileName)
                return new Padding(new KaitaiStream(fileName));

            public Padding(KaitaiStream p__io, DimeMessage.Record p__parent = null, DimeMessage p__root = null) : base(p__io)
                m_parent = p__parent;
                m_root = p__root;
            private void _read()
                _boundaryPadding = m_io.ReadBytes(KaitaiStream.Mod(-(M_Io.Pos), 4));
            private byte[] _boundaryPadding;
            private DimeMessage m_root;
            private DimeMessage.Record m_parent;
            public byte[] BoundaryPadding { get { return _boundaryPadding; } }
            public DimeMessage M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
            public DimeMessage.Record M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// the option field of the record
        /// </summary>
        public partial class OptionField : KaitaiStruct
            public static OptionField FromFile(string fileName)
                return new OptionField(new KaitaiStream(fileName));

            public OptionField(KaitaiStream p__io, DimeMessage.Record p__parent = null, DimeMessage p__root = null) : base(p__io)
                m_parent = p__parent;
                m_root = p__root;
            private void _read()
                _optionElements = new List<OptionElement>();
                    var i = 0;
                    while (!m_io.IsEof) {
                        _optionElements.Add(new OptionElement(m_io, this, m_root));
            private List<OptionElement> _optionElements;
            private DimeMessage m_root;
            private DimeMessage.Record m_parent;
            public List<OptionElement> OptionElements { get { return _optionElements; } }
            public DimeMessage M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
            public DimeMessage.Record M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// one element of the option field
        /// </summary>
        public partial class OptionElement : KaitaiStruct
            public static OptionElement FromFile(string fileName)
                return new OptionElement(new KaitaiStream(fileName));

            public OptionElement(KaitaiStream p__io, DimeMessage.OptionField p__parent = null, DimeMessage p__root = null) : base(p__io)
                m_parent = p__parent;
                m_root = p__root;
            private void _read()
                _elementFormat = m_io.ReadU2be();
                _lenElement = m_io.ReadU2be();
                _elementData = m_io.ReadBytes(LenElement);
            private ushort _elementFormat;
            private ushort _lenElement;
            private byte[] _elementData;
            private DimeMessage m_root;
            private DimeMessage.OptionField m_parent;
            public ushort ElementFormat { get { return _elementFormat; } }
            public ushort LenElement { get { return _lenElement; } }
            public byte[] ElementData { get { return _elementData; } }
            public DimeMessage M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
            public DimeMessage.OptionField M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// each individual fragment of the message
        /// </summary>
        public partial class Record : KaitaiStruct
            public static Record FromFile(string fileName)
                return new Record(new KaitaiStream(fileName));

            public Record(KaitaiStream p__io, DimeMessage p__parent = null, DimeMessage p__root = null) : base(p__io)
                m_parent = p__parent;
                m_root = p__root;
            private void _read()
                _version = m_io.ReadBitsIntBe(5);
                _isFirstRecord = m_io.ReadBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
                _isLastRecord = m_io.ReadBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
                _isChunkRecord = m_io.ReadBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
                _typeFormat = ((DimeMessage.TypeFormats) m_io.ReadBitsIntBe(4));
                _reserved = m_io.ReadBitsIntBe(4);
                _lenOptions = m_io.ReadU2be();
                _lenId = m_io.ReadU2be();
                _lenType = m_io.ReadU2be();
                _lenData = m_io.ReadU4be();
                __raw_options = m_io.ReadBytes(LenOptions);
                var io___raw_options = new KaitaiStream(__raw_options);
                _options = new OptionField(io___raw_options, this, m_root);
                _optionsPadding = new Padding(m_io, this, m_root);
                _id = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII").GetString(m_io.ReadBytes(LenId));
                _idPadding = new Padding(m_io, this, m_root);
                _type = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII").GetString(m_io.ReadBytes(LenType));
                _typePadding = new Padding(m_io, this, m_root);
                _data = m_io.ReadBytes(LenData);
                _dataPadding = new Padding(m_io, this, m_root);
            private ulong _version;
            private bool _isFirstRecord;
            private bool _isLastRecord;
            private bool _isChunkRecord;
            private TypeFormats _typeFormat;
            private ulong _reserved;
            private ushort _lenOptions;
            private ushort _lenId;
            private ushort _lenType;
            private uint _lenData;
            private OptionField _options;
            private Padding _optionsPadding;
            private string _id;
            private Padding _idPadding;
            private string _type;
            private Padding _typePadding;
            private byte[] _data;
            private Padding _dataPadding;
            private DimeMessage m_root;
            private DimeMessage m_parent;
            private byte[] __raw_options;

            /// <summary>
            /// DIME format version (always 1)
            /// </summary>
            public ulong Version { get { return _version; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Set if this is the first record in the message
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsFirstRecord { get { return _isFirstRecord; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Set if this is the last record in the message
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsLastRecord { get { return _isLastRecord; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Set if the file contained in this record is chunked into multiple records
            /// </summary>
            public bool IsChunkRecord { get { return _isChunkRecord; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Indicates the structure and format of the value of the TYPE field
            /// </summary>
            public TypeFormats TypeFormat { get { return _typeFormat; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Reserved for future use
            /// </summary>
            public ulong Reserved { get { return _reserved; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Length of the Options field
            /// </summary>
            public ushort LenOptions { get { return _lenOptions; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Length of the ID field
            /// </summary>
            public ushort LenId { get { return _lenId; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Length of the Type field
            /// </summary>
            public ushort LenType { get { return _lenType; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Length of the Data field
            /// </summary>
            public uint LenData { get { return _lenData; } }
            public OptionField Options { get { return _options; } }
            public Padding OptionsPadding { get { return _optionsPadding; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Unique identifier of the file (set in the first record of file)
            /// </summary>
            public string Id { get { return _id; } }
            public Padding IdPadding { get { return _idPadding; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// Specified type in the format set with type_format
            /// </summary>
            public string Type { get { return _type; } }
            public Padding TypePadding { get { return _typePadding; } }

            /// <summary>
            /// The file data
            /// </summary>
            public byte[] Data { get { return _data; } }
            public Padding DataPadding { get { return _dataPadding; } }
            public DimeMessage M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
            public DimeMessage M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
            public byte[] M_RawOptions { get { return __raw_options; } }
        private List<Record> _records;
        private DimeMessage m_root;
        private KaitaiStruct m_parent;
        public List<Record> Records { get { return _records; } }
        public DimeMessage M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
        public KaitaiStruct M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }