PPI is a standard for link layer packet encapsulation, proposed as generic extensible container to store both captured in-band data and out-of-band data. Originally it was developed to provide 802.11n radio information, but can be used for other purposes as well.
Sample capture: https://wiki.wireshark.org/uploads/27707187aeb30df68e70c8fb9d614981/http.cap
This page hosts a formal specification of packet_ppi using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3
local class = require("class")
local enum = require("enum")
local stringstream = require("string_stream")
-- PPI is a standard for link layer packet encapsulation, proposed as
-- generic extensible container to store both captured in-band data and
-- out-of-band data. Originally it was developed to provide 802.11n
-- radio information, but can be used for other purposes as well.
-- Sample capture:
-- <https://wiki.wireshark.org/uploads/27707187aeb30df68e70c8fb9d614981/http.cap>
-- See also: PPI header format spec, section 3 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090206112419/https://www.cacetech.com/documents/PPI_Header_format_1.0.1.pdf)
PacketPpi = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
PacketPpi.PfhType = enum.Enum {
radio_802_11_common = 2,
radio_802_11n_mac_ext = 3,
radio_802_11n_mac_phy_ext = 4,
spectrum_map = 5,
process_info = 6,
capture_info = 7,
PacketPpi.Linktype = enum.Enum {
null_linktype = 0,
ethernet = 1,
ax25 = 3,
ieee802_5 = 6,
arcnet_bsd = 7,
slip = 8,
ppp = 9,
fddi = 10,
ppp_hdlc = 50,
ppp_ether = 51,
atm_rfc1483 = 100,
raw = 101,
c_hdlc = 104,
ieee802_11 = 105,
frelay = 107,
loop = 108,
linux_sll = 113,
ltalk = 114,
pflog = 117,
ieee802_11_prism = 119,
ip_over_fc = 122,
sunatm = 123,
ieee802_11_radiotap = 127,
arcnet_linux = 129,
apple_ip_over_ieee1394 = 138,
mtp2_with_phdr = 139,
mtp2 = 140,
mtp3 = 141,
sccp = 142,
docsis = 143,
linux_irda = 144,
user0 = 147,
user1 = 148,
user2 = 149,
user3 = 150,
user4 = 151,
user5 = 152,
user6 = 153,
user7 = 154,
user8 = 155,
user9 = 156,
user10 = 157,
user11 = 158,
user12 = 159,
user13 = 160,
user14 = 161,
user15 = 162,
ieee802_11_avs = 163,
bacnet_ms_tp = 165,
ppp_pppd = 166,
gprs_llc = 169,
gpf_t = 170,
gpf_f = 171,
linux_lapd = 177,
bluetooth_hci_h4 = 187,
usb_linux = 189,
ppi = 192,
ieee802_15_4 = 195,
sita = 196,
erf = 197,
bluetooth_hci_h4_with_phdr = 201,
ax25_kiss = 202,
lapd = 203,
ppp_with_dir = 204,
c_hdlc_with_dir = 205,
frelay_with_dir = 206,
ipmb_linux = 209,
ieee802_15_4_nonask_phy = 215,
usb_linux_mmapped = 220,
fc_2 = 224,
fc_2_with_frame_delims = 225,
ipnet = 226,
can_socketcan = 227,
ipv4 = 228,
ipv6 = 229,
ieee802_15_4_nofcs = 230,
dbus = 231,
dvb_ci = 235,
mux27010 = 236,
stanag_5066_d_pdu = 237,
nflog = 239,
netanalyzer = 240,
netanalyzer_transparent = 241,
ipoib = 242,
mpeg_2_ts = 243,
ng40 = 244,
nfc_llcp = 245,
infiniband = 247,
sctp = 248,
usbpcap = 249,
rtac_serial = 250,
bluetooth_le_ll = 251,
netlink = 253,
bluetooth_linux_monitor = 254,
bluetooth_bredr_bb = 255,
bluetooth_le_ll_with_phdr = 256,
profibus_dl = 257,
pktap = 258,
epon = 259,
ipmi_hpm_2 = 260,
zwave_r1_r2 = 261,
zwave_r3 = 262,
wattstopper_dlm = 263,
iso_14443 = 264,
function PacketPpi:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi:_read()
self.header = PacketPpi.PacketPpiHeader(self._io, self, self._root)
self._raw_fields = self._io:read_bytes((self.header.pph_len - 8))
local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_fields))
self.fields = PacketPpi.PacketPpiFields(_io, self, self._root)
local _on = self.header.pph_dlt
if _on == PacketPpi.Linktype.ppi then
self._raw_body = self._io:read_bytes_full()
local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_body))
self.body = PacketPpi(_io)
elseif _on == PacketPpi.Linktype.ethernet then
self._raw_body = self._io:read_bytes_full()
local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_body))
self.body = EthernetFrame(_io)
self.body = self._io:read_bytes_full()
PacketPpi.PacketPpiFields = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.PacketPpiFields:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.PacketPpiFields:_read()
self.entries = {}
local i = 0
while not self._io:is_eof() do
self.entries[i + 1] = PacketPpi.PacketPpiField(self._io, self, self._root)
i = i + 1
-- See also: PPI header format spec, section 4.1.3 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090206112419/https://www.cacetech.com/documents/PPI_Header_format_1.0.1.pdf)
PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacExtBody = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacExtBody:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacExtBody:_read()
self.flags = PacketPpi.MacFlags(self._io, self, self._root)
self.a_mpdu_id = self._io:read_u4le()
self.num_delimiters = self._io:read_u1()
self.reserved = self._io:read_bytes(3)
PacketPpi.MacFlags = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.MacFlags:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.MacFlags:_read()
self.unused1 = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.aggregate_delimiter = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.more_aggregates = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.aggregate = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.dup_rx = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.rx_short_guard = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.is_ht_40 = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.greenfield = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.unused2 = self._io:read_bytes(3)
-- Aggregate delimiter CRC error after this frame.
-- More aggregates.
-- Aggregate.
-- Duplicate RX.
-- RX short guard interval (SGI).
-- true = HT40, false = HT20.
-- Greenfield.
-- See also: PPI header format spec, section 3.1 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090206112419/https://www.cacetech.com/documents/PPI_Header_format_1.0.1.pdf)
PacketPpi.PacketPpiHeader = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.PacketPpiHeader:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.PacketPpiHeader:_read()
self.pph_version = self._io:read_u1()
self.pph_flags = self._io:read_u1()
self.pph_len = self._io:read_u2le()
self.pph_dlt = PacketPpi.Linktype(self._io:read_u4le())
-- See also: PPI header format spec, section 4.1.2 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090206112419/https://www.cacetech.com/documents/PPI_Header_format_1.0.1.pdf)
PacketPpi.Radio80211CommonBody = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.Radio80211CommonBody:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.Radio80211CommonBody:_read()
self.tsf_timer = self._io:read_u8le()
self.flags = self._io:read_u2le()
self.rate = self._io:read_u2le()
self.channel_freq = self._io:read_u2le()
self.channel_flags = self._io:read_u2le()
self.fhss_hopset = self._io:read_u1()
self.fhss_pattern = self._io:read_u1()
self.dbm_antsignal = self._io:read_s1()
self.dbm_antnoise = self._io:read_s1()
-- See also: PPI header format spec, section 3.1 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090206112419/https://www.cacetech.com/documents/PPI_Header_format_1.0.1.pdf)
PacketPpi.PacketPpiField = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.PacketPpiField:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.PacketPpiField:_read()
self.pfh_type = PacketPpi.PfhType(self._io:read_u2le())
self.pfh_datalen = self._io:read_u2le()
local _on = self.pfh_type
if _on == PacketPpi.PfhType.radio_802_11_common then
self._raw_body = self._io:read_bytes(self.pfh_datalen)
local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_body))
self.body = PacketPpi.Radio80211CommonBody(_io, self, self._root)
elseif _on == PacketPpi.PfhType.radio_802_11n_mac_ext then
self._raw_body = self._io:read_bytes(self.pfh_datalen)
local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_body))
self.body = PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacExtBody(_io, self, self._root)
elseif _on == PacketPpi.PfhType.radio_802_11n_mac_phy_ext then
self._raw_body = self._io:read_bytes(self.pfh_datalen)
local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_body))
self.body = PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody(_io, self, self._root)
self.body = self._io:read_bytes(self.pfh_datalen)
-- See also: PPI header format spec, section 4.1.4 (https://web.archive.org/web/20090206112419/https://www.cacetech.com/documents/PPI_Header_format_1.0.1.pdf)
PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody:_read()
self.flags = PacketPpi.MacFlags(self._io, self, self._root)
self.a_mpdu_id = self._io:read_u4le()
self.num_delimiters = self._io:read_u1()
self.mcs = self._io:read_u1()
self.num_streams = self._io:read_u1()
self.rssi_combined = self._io:read_u1()
self.rssi_ant_ctl = {}
for i = 0, 4 - 1 do
self.rssi_ant_ctl[i + 1] = self._io:read_u1()
self.rssi_ant_ext = {}
for i = 0, 4 - 1 do
self.rssi_ant_ext[i + 1] = self._io:read_u1()
self.ext_channel_freq = self._io:read_u2le()
self.ext_channel_flags = PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.ChannelFlags(self._io, self, self._root)
self.rf_signal_noise = {}
for i = 0, 4 - 1 do
self.rf_signal_noise[i + 1] = PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.SignalNoise(self._io, self, self._root)
self.evm = {}
for i = 0, 4 - 1 do
self.evm[i + 1] = self._io:read_u4le()
-- Modulation Coding Scheme (MCS).
-- Number of spatial streams (0 = unknown).
-- RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication), combined from all active antennas / channels.
-- RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) for antennas 0-3, control channel.
-- RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) for antennas 0-3, extension channel.
-- Extension channel frequency (MHz).
-- Extension channel flags.
-- Signal + noise values for antennas 0-3.
-- EVM (Error Vector Magnitude) for chains 0-3.
PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.ChannelFlags = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.ChannelFlags:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.ChannelFlags:_read()
self.spectrum_2ghz = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.ofdm = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.cck = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.turbo = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.unused = self._io:read_bits_int_be(8)
self.gfsk = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.dyn_cck_ofdm = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.only_passive_scan = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
self.spectrum_5ghz = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
-- 2 GHz spectrum.
-- OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing).
-- CCK (Complementary Code Keying).
-- Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying.
-- Dynamic CCK-OFDM.
-- Only passive scan allowed.
-- 5 GHz spectrum.
-- RF signal + noise pair at a single antenna.
PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.SignalNoise = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.SignalNoise:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function PacketPpi.Radio80211nMacPhyExtBody.SignalNoise:_read()
self.signal = self._io:read_s1()
self.noise = self._io:read_s1()
-- RF signal, dBm.
-- RF noise, dBm.