Portable Compiled Format (PCF) font is a bitmap font format originating from X11 Window System. It matches BDF format (which is text-based) closely, but instead being binary and platform-independent (as opposed to previously used SNF binary format) due to introduced features to handle different endianness and bit order.
The overall composition of the format is straightforward: it's more or less classic directory of type-offset-size pointers, pointing to what PCF format calls "tables". Each table carries a certain piece of information related to the font (metadata properties, metrics, bitmaps, mapping of glyphs to characters, etc).
This page hosts a formal specification of Portable Compiled Format (PCF) font using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for Java generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Java runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
The Java runtime library is published in the Maven Central Repository. Refer to the artifact page for instructions how to add it into your project with the build tool that you use.
Parse a local file and get structure in memory:
PcfFont data = PcfFont.fromFile("path/to/local/file.pcf");
Or parse structure from a byte array:
byte[] someArray = new byte[] { ... };
PcfFont data = new PcfFont(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(someArray));
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:
data.magic() // => get magic
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
import io.kaitai.struct.ByteBufferKaitaiStream;
import io.kaitai.struct.KaitaiStruct;
import io.kaitai.struct.KaitaiStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
* Portable Compiled Format (PCF) font is a bitmap font format
* originating from X11 Window System. It matches BDF format (which is
* text-based) closely, but instead being binary and
* platform-independent (as opposed to previously used SNF binary
* format) due to introduced features to handle different endianness
* and bit order.
* The overall composition of the format is straightforward: it's more
* or less classic directory of type-offset-size pointers, pointing to
* what PCF format calls "tables". Each table carries a certain
* piece of information related to the font (metadata properties,
* metrics, bitmaps, mapping of glyphs to characters, etc).
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html">Source</a>
public class PcfFont extends KaitaiStruct {
public static PcfFont fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new PcfFont(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public enum Types {
private final long id;
Types(long id) { this.id = id; }
public long id() { return id; }
private static final Map<Long, Types> byId = new HashMap<Long, Types>(9);
static {
for (Types e : Types.values())
byId.put(e.id(), e);
public static Types byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }
public PcfFont(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public PcfFont(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public PcfFont(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root == null ? this : _root;
private void _read() {
this.magic = this._io.readBytes(4);
if (!(Arrays.equals(magic(), new byte[] { 1, 102, 99, 112 }))) {
throw new KaitaiStream.ValidationNotEqualError(new byte[] { 1, 102, 99, 112 }, magic(), _io(), "/seq/0");
this.numTables = this._io.readU4le();
this.tables = new ArrayList<Table>();
for (int i = 0; i < numTables(); i++) {
this.tables.add(new Table(this._io, this, _root));
* Table offers a offset + length pointer to a particular
* table. "Type" of table references certain enum. Applications can
* ignore enum values which they don't support.
public static class Table extends KaitaiStruct {
public static Table fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new Table(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public Table(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public Table(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public Table(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.type = PcfFont.Types.byId(this._io.readU4le());
this.format = new Format(this._io, this, _root);
this.lenBody = this._io.readU4le();
this.ofsBody = this._io.readU4le();
* Table containing scalable widths of characters.
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html#the-scalable-widths-table">Source</a>
public static class Swidths extends KaitaiStruct {
public static Swidths fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new Swidths(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public Swidths(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public Swidths(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public Swidths(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.format = new Format(this._io, this, _root);
this.numGlyphs = this._io.readU4le();
this.swidths = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs(); i++) {
private Format format;
private long numGlyphs;
private ArrayList<Long> swidths;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table _parent;
public Format format() { return format; }
public long numGlyphs() { return numGlyphs; }
* The scalable width of a character is the width of the corresponding
* PostScript character in em-units (1/1000ths of an em).
public ArrayList<Long> swidths() { return swidths; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table _parent() { return _parent; }
* Array of properties (key-value pairs), used to convey different X11
* settings of a font. Key is always an X font atom.
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html#properties-table">Source</a>
public static class Properties extends KaitaiStruct {
public static Properties fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new Properties(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public Properties(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public Properties(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public Properties(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.format = new Format(this._io, this, _root);
this.numProps = this._io.readU4le();
this.props = new ArrayList<Prop>();
for (int i = 0; i < numProps(); i++) {
this.props.add(new Prop(this._io, this, _root));
this.padding = this._io.readBytes(((numProps() & 3) == 0 ? 0 : (4 - (numProps() & 3))));
this.lenStrings = this._io.readU4le();
this._raw_strings = this._io.readBytes(lenStrings());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_strings = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_strings);
this.strings = new BytesWithIo(_io__raw_strings);
* Property is a key-value pair, "key" being always a
* string and "value" being either a string or a 32-bit
* integer based on an additinal flag (`is_string`).
* Simple offset-based mechanism is employed to keep this
* type's sequence fixed-sized and thus have simple access
* to property key/value by index.
public static class Prop extends KaitaiStruct {
public static Prop fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new Prop(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public Prop(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public Prop(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table.Properties _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public Prop(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table.Properties _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.ofsName = this._io.readU4le();
this.isString = this._io.readU1();
this.valueOrOfsValue = this._io.readU4le();
private String name;
* Name of the property addressed in the strings buffer.
public String name() {
if (this.name != null)
return this.name;
KaitaiStream io = _parent().strings()._io();
long _pos = io.pos();
this.name = new String(io.readBytesTerm((byte) 0, false, true, true), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
return this.name;
private String strValue;
* Value of the property addressed in the strings
* buffer, if this is a string value.
public String strValue() {
if (this.strValue != null)
return this.strValue;
if (isString() != 0) {
KaitaiStream io = _parent().strings()._io();
long _pos = io.pos();
this.strValue = new String(io.readBytesTerm((byte) 0, false, true, true), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
return this.strValue;
private Long intValue;
* Value of the property, if this is an integer value.
public Long intValue() {
if (this.intValue != null)
return this.intValue;
if (isString() == 0) {
long _tmp = (long) (valueOrOfsValue());
this.intValue = _tmp;
return this.intValue;
private long ofsName;
private int isString;
private long valueOrOfsValue;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table.Properties _parent;
* Offset to name in the strings buffer.
public long ofsName() { return ofsName; }
* Designates if value is an integer (zero) or a string (non-zero).
public int isString() { return isString; }
* If the value is an integer (`is_string` is false),
* then it's stored here. If the value is a string
* (`is_string` is true), then it stores offset to the
* value in the strings buffer.
public long valueOrOfsValue() { return valueOrOfsValue; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table.Properties _parent() { return _parent; }
private Format format;
private long numProps;
private ArrayList<Prop> props;
private byte[] padding;
private long lenStrings;
private BytesWithIo strings;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table _parent;
private byte[] _raw_strings;
public Format format() { return format; }
public long numProps() { return numProps; }
public ArrayList<Prop> props() { return props; }
public byte[] padding() { return padding; }
public long lenStrings() { return lenStrings; }
* Strings buffer. Never used directly, but instead is
* addressed by offsets from the properties.
public BytesWithIo strings() { return strings; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table _parent() { return _parent; }
public byte[] _raw_strings() { return _raw_strings; }
* Table that allows mapping of character codes to glyphs present in the
* font. Supports 1-byte and 2-byte character codes.
* Note that this mapping is agnostic to character encoding itself - it
* can represent ASCII, Unicode (ISO/IEC 10646), various single-byte
* national encodings, etc. If application cares about it, normally
* encoding will be specified in `properties` table, in the properties named
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html#the-encoding-table">Source</a>
public static class BdfEncodings extends KaitaiStruct {
public static BdfEncodings fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new BdfEncodings(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public BdfEncodings(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public BdfEncodings(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public BdfEncodings(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.format = new Format(this._io, this, _root);
this.minCharOrByte2 = this._io.readU2le();
this.maxCharOrByte2 = this._io.readU2le();
this.minByte1 = this._io.readU2le();
this.maxByte1 = this._io.readU2le();
this.defaultChar = this._io.readU2le();
this.glyphIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < (((maxCharOrByte2() - minCharOrByte2()) + 1) * ((maxByte1() - minByte1()) + 1)); i++) {
private Format format;
private int minCharOrByte2;
private int maxCharOrByte2;
private int minByte1;
private int maxByte1;
private int defaultChar;
private ArrayList<Integer> glyphIndexes;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table _parent;
public Format format() { return format; }
public int minCharOrByte2() { return minCharOrByte2; }
public int maxCharOrByte2() { return maxCharOrByte2; }
public int minByte1() { return minByte1; }
public int maxByte1() { return maxByte1; }
public int defaultChar() { return defaultChar; }
public ArrayList<Integer> glyphIndexes() { return glyphIndexes; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table _parent() { return _parent; }
* Table containing character names for every glyph.
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html#the-glyph-names-table">Source</a>
public static class GlyphNames extends KaitaiStruct {
public static GlyphNames fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new GlyphNames(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public GlyphNames(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public GlyphNames(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public GlyphNames(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.format = new Format(this._io, this, _root);
this.numGlyphs = this._io.readU4le();
this.names = new ArrayList<StringRef>();
for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs(); i++) {
this.names.add(new StringRef(this._io, this, _root));
this.lenStrings = this._io.readU4le();
this._raw_strings = this._io.readBytes(lenStrings());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_strings = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_strings);
this.strings = new BytesWithIo(_io__raw_strings);
public static class StringRef extends KaitaiStruct {
public static StringRef fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new StringRef(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public StringRef(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public StringRef(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table.GlyphNames _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public StringRef(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table.GlyphNames _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.ofsString = this._io.readU4le();
private String value;
public String value() {
if (this.value != null)
return this.value;
KaitaiStream io = _parent().strings()._io();
long _pos = io.pos();
this.value = new String(io.readBytesTerm((byte) 0, false, true, true), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
return this.value;
private long ofsString;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table.GlyphNames _parent;
public long ofsString() { return ofsString; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table.GlyphNames _parent() { return _parent; }
private Format format;
private long numGlyphs;
private ArrayList<StringRef> names;
private long lenStrings;
private BytesWithIo strings;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table _parent;
private byte[] _raw_strings;
public Format format() { return format; }
public long numGlyphs() { return numGlyphs; }
* Glyph names are represented as string references in strings buffer.
public ArrayList<StringRef> names() { return names; }
public long lenStrings() { return lenStrings; }
* Strings buffer which contains all glyph names.
public BytesWithIo strings() { return strings; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table _parent() { return _parent; }
public byte[] _raw_strings() { return _raw_strings; }
* Table containing uncompressed glyph bitmaps.
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html#the-bitmap-table">Source</a>
public static class Bitmaps extends KaitaiStruct {
public static Bitmaps fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new Bitmaps(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public Bitmaps(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public Bitmaps(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public Bitmaps(KaitaiStream _io, PcfFont.Table _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.format = new Format(this._io, this, _root);
this.numGlyphs = this._io.readU4le();
this.offsets = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int i = 0; i < numGlyphs(); i++) {
this.bitmapSizes = new ArrayList<Long>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
private Format format;
private long numGlyphs;
private ArrayList<Long> offsets;
private ArrayList<Long> bitmapSizes;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont.Table _parent;
public Format format() { return format; }
public long numGlyphs() { return numGlyphs; }
public ArrayList<Long> offsets() { return offsets; }
public ArrayList<Long> bitmapSizes() { return bitmapSizes; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont.Table _parent() { return _parent; }
private Object body;
public Object body() {
if (this.body != null)
return this.body;
long _pos = this._io.pos();
Types on = type();
if (on != null) {
switch (type()) {
this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
this.body = new Properties(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
this.body = new BdfEncodings(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
case SWIDTHS: {
this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
this.body = new Swidths(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
this.body = new GlyphNames(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
case BITMAPS: {
this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
this.body = new Bitmaps(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
default: {
this.body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
} else {
this.body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
return this.body;
private Types type;
private Format format;
private long lenBody;
private long ofsBody;
private PcfFont _root;
private PcfFont _parent;
private byte[] _raw_body;
public Types type() { return type; }
public Format format() { return format; }
public long lenBody() { return lenBody; }
public long ofsBody() { return ofsBody; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public PcfFont _parent() { return _parent; }
public byte[] _raw_body() { return _raw_body; }
* Table format specifier, always 4 bytes. Original implementation treats
* it as always little-endian and makes liberal use of bitmasking to parse
* various parts of it.
* TODO: this format specification recognizes endianness and bit
* order format bits, but it does not really takes any parsing
* decisions based on them.
* @see <a href="https://fontforge.org/docs/techref/pcf-format.html#file-header">Source</a>
public static class Format extends KaitaiStruct {
public static Format fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
return new Format(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));
public Format(KaitaiStream _io) {
this(_io, null, null);
public Format(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
this(_io, _parent, null);
public Format(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, PcfFont _root) {
this._parent = _parent;
this._root = _root;
private void _read() {
this.padding1 = this._io.readBitsIntBe(2);
this.scanUnitMask = this._io.readBitsIntBe(2);
this.isMostSignificantBitFirst = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.isBigEndian = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
this.glyphPadMask = this._io.readBitsIntBe(2);
this.format = this._io.readU1();
this.padding = this._io.readU2le();
private long padding1;
private long scanUnitMask;
private boolean isMostSignificantBitFirst;
private boolean isBigEndian;
private long glyphPadMask;
private int format;
private int padding;
private PcfFont _root;
private KaitaiStruct _parent;
public long padding1() { return padding1; }
public long scanUnitMask() { return scanUnitMask; }
public boolean isMostSignificantBitFirst() { return isMostSignificantBitFirst; }
* If set, then all integers in the table are treated as big-endian
public boolean isBigEndian() { return isBigEndian; }
public long glyphPadMask() { return glyphPadMask; }
public int format() { return format; }
public int padding() { return padding; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }
private byte[] magic;
private long numTables;
private ArrayList<Table> tables;
private PcfFont _root;
private KaitaiStruct _parent;
public byte[] magic() { return magic; }
public long numTables() { return numTables; }
public ArrayList<Table> tables() { return tables; }
public PcfFont _root() { return _root; }
public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }