.mov file format of QuickTime, MP4 ISO 14496-14 media: Ruby parsing library


QuickTime, MP4 ISO 14496-14 media

File extension


KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0


This page hosts a formal specification of .mov file format of QuickTime, MP4 ISO 14496-14 media using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for Ruby generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Ruby runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The Ruby runtime library can be installed from RubyGems:

gem install kaitai-struct


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

data = QuicktimeMov.from_file("path/to/local/file.mov")

Or parse structure from a string of bytes:

bytes = "\x00\x01\x02..."
data = QuicktimeMov.new(Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(bytes))

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.atoms # => get atoms

Ruby source code to parse .mov file format of QuickTime, MP4 ISO 14496-14 media


# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

require 'kaitai/struct/struct'

unless Gem::Version.new(Kaitai::Struct::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new('0.9')
  raise "Incompatible Kaitai Struct Ruby API: 0.9 or later is required, but you have #{Kaitai::Struct::VERSION}"

# @see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap1/qtff1.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH203-BBCGDDDF Source
class QuicktimeMov < Kaitai::Struct::Struct

    1484026465 => :atom_type_xtra,
    1684631142 => :atom_type_dinf,
    1685218662 => :atom_type_dref,
    1701082227 => :atom_type_edts,
    1701606260 => :atom_type_elst,
    1718773093 => :atom_type_free,
    1718909296 => :atom_type_ftyp,
    1751411826 => :atom_type_hdlr,
    1768907891 => :atom_type_iods,
    1835295092 => :atom_type_mdat,
    1835296868 => :atom_type_mdhd,
    1835297121 => :atom_type_mdia,
    1835365473 => :atom_type_meta,
    1835626086 => :atom_type_minf,
    1836019558 => :atom_type_moof,
    1836019574 => :atom_type_moov,
    1836476516 => :atom_type_mvhd,
    1936549988 => :atom_type_smhd,
    1937007212 => :atom_type_stbl,
    1937007471 => :atom_type_stco,
    1937011555 => :atom_type_stsc,
    1937011556 => :atom_type_stsd,
    1937011578 => :atom_type_stsz,
    1937011827 => :atom_type_stts,
    1953196132 => :atom_type_tkhd,
    1953653094 => :atom_type_traf,
    1953653099 => :atom_type_trak,
    1953654118 => :atom_type_tref,
    1969517665 => :atom_type_udta,
    1986881636 => :atom_type_vmhd,

  BRAND = {
    862401121 => :brand_x_3g2a,
    862414134 => :brand_x_3ge6,
    862414135 => :brand_x_3ge7,
    862414137 => :brand_x_3ge9,
    862414393 => :brand_x_3gf9,
    862414646 => :brand_x_3gg6,
    862414649 => :brand_x_3gg9,
    862414905 => :brand_x_3gh9,
    862416185 => :brand_x_3gm9,
    862416193 => :brand_x_3gma,
    862416948 => :brand_x_3gp4,
    862416949 => :brand_x_3gp5,
    862416950 => :brand_x_3gp6,
    862416951 => :brand_x_3gp7,
    862416952 => :brand_x_3gp8,
    862416953 => :brand_x_3gp9,
    862417462 => :brand_x_3gr6,
    862417465 => :brand_x_3gr9,
    862417718 => :brand_x_3gs6,
    862417721 => :brand_x_3gs9,
    862417976 => :brand_x_3gt8,
    862417977 => :brand_x_3gt9,
    862418038 => :brand_x_3gtv,
    862418546 => :brand_x_3gvr,
    863400545 => :brand_x_3vra,
    863400546 => :brand_x_3vrb,
    863400557 => :brand_x_3vrm,
    1095914057 => :brand_arri,
    1128351056 => :brand_caep,
    1128555891 => :brand_cdes,
    1244811312 => :brand_j2p0,
    1244811313 => :brand_j2p1,
    1279476039 => :brand_lcag,
    1295270176 => :brand_m4a,
    1295270432 => :brand_m4b,
    1295274016 => :brand_m4p,
    1295275552 => :brand_m4v,
    1296118081 => :brand_ma1a,
    1296118082 => :brand_ma1b,
    1296454477 => :brand_mfsm,
    1296520022 => :brand_mgsv,
    1297109065 => :brand_mppi,
    1297305174 => :brand_msnv,
    1298743618 => :brand_miab,
    1298743619 => :brand_miac,
    1298743662 => :brand_mian,
    1298743925 => :brand_mibu,
    1298744173 => :brand_micm,
    1298745409 => :brand_miha,
    1298745410 => :brand_mihb,
    1298745413 => :brand_mihe,
    1298747506 => :brand_mipr,
    1380930387 => :brand_ross,
    1397047637 => :brand_seau,
    1397047883 => :brand_sebk,
    1480676931 => :brand_xavc,
    1633973353 => :brand_adti,
    1634296883 => :brand_aid3,
    1635135537 => :brand_av01,
    1635148593 => :brand_avc1,
    1635148649 => :brand_avci,
    1635148659 => :brand_avcs,
    1635148901 => :brand_avde,
    1635150182 => :brand_avif,
    1635150191 => :brand_avio,
    1635150195 => :brand_avis,
    1650620525 => :brand_bbxm,
    1667314797 => :brand_ca4m,
    1667314803 => :brand_ca4s,
    1667326305 => :brand_caaa,
    1667326307 => :brand_caac,
    1667326572 => :brand_cabl,
    1667329377 => :brand_cama,
    1667329379 => :brand_camc,
    1667330422 => :brand_caqv,
    1667330933 => :brand_casu,
    1667458401 => :brand_ccea,
    1667458662 => :brand_ccff,
    1667525937 => :brand_cdm1,
    1667525940 => :brand_cdm4,
    1667588451 => :brand_ceac,
    1667655780 => :brand_cfhd,
    1667658596 => :brand_cfsd,
    1667785777 => :brand_chd1,
    1667785778 => :brand_chd2,
    1667785830 => :brand_chdf,
    1667786102 => :brand_chev,
    1667786801 => :brand_chh1,
    1667786852 => :brand_chhd,
    1667853940 => :brand_cint,
    1668048689 => :brand_clg1,
    1668048690 => :brand_clg2,
    1668113970 => :brand_cmf2,
    1668114019 => :brand_cmfc,
    1668114022 => :brand_cmff,
    1668114028 => :brand_cmfl,
    1668114035 => :brand_cmfs,
    1668114541 => :brand_cmhm,
    1668114547 => :brand_cmhs,
    1668246896 => :brand_comp,
    1668507697 => :brand_csh1,
    1668637745 => :brand_cud1,
    1668637746 => :brand_cud2,
    1668637752 => :brand_cud8,
    1668637753 => :brand_cud9,
    1668642404 => :brand_cuvd,
    1668704612 => :brand_cvid,
    1668707939 => :brand_cvvc,
    1668773492 => :brand_cwvt,
    1684090977 => :brand_da0a,
    1684090978 => :brand_da0b,
    1684091233 => :brand_da1a,
    1684091234 => :brand_da1b,
    1684091489 => :brand_da2a,
    1684091490 => :brand_da2b,
    1684091745 => :brand_da3a,
    1684091746 => :brand_da3b,
    1684108136 => :brand_dash,
    1684175153 => :brand_dby1,
    1684890161 => :brand_dmb1,
    1685286259 => :brand_dsms,
    1685353265 => :brand_dts1,
    1685353266 => :brand_dts2,
    1685353267 => :brand_dts3,
    1685467489 => :brand_dv1a,
    1685467490 => :brand_dv1b,
    1685467745 => :brand_dv2a,
    1685467746 => :brand_dv2b,
    1685468001 => :brand_dv3a,
    1685468002 => :brand_dv3b,
    1685484081 => :brand_dvr1,
    1685484593 => :brand_dvt1,
    1685614368 => :brand_dxo,
    1701671783 => :brand_emsg,
    1751476579 => :brand_heic,
    1751476589 => :brand_heim,
    1751476595 => :brand_heis,
    1751476600 => :brand_heix,
    1751478121 => :brand_heoi,
    1751479907 => :brand_hevc,
    1751479908 => :brand_hevd,
    1751479913 => :brand_hevi,
    1751479917 => :brand_hevm,
    1751479923 => :brand_hevs,
    1751479928 => :brand_hevx,
    1752589157 => :brand_hvce,
    1752589161 => :brand_hvci,
    1752589176 => :brand_hvcx,
    1752593513 => :brand_hvti,
    1768317281 => :brand_ifaa,
    1768317288 => :brand_ifah,
    1768317289 => :brand_ifai,
    1768317299 => :brand_ifas,
    1768317301 => :brand_ifau,
    1768317302 => :brand_ifav,
    1768319076 => :brand_ifhd,
    1768319080 => :brand_ifhh,
    1768319090 => :brand_ifhr,
    1768319091 => :brand_ifhs,
    1768319093 => :brand_ifhu,
    1768319096 => :brand_ifhx,
    1768321645 => :brand_ifrm,
    1768321892 => :brand_ifsd,
    1768763753 => :brand_im1i,
    1768763764 => :brand_im1t,
    1768764009 => :brand_im2i,
    1768764020 => :brand_im2t,
    1769169714 => :brand_isc2,
    1769172786 => :brand_iso2,
    1769172787 => :brand_iso3,
    1769172788 => :brand_iso4,
    1769172789 => :brand_iso5,
    1769172790 => :brand_iso6,
    1769172791 => :brand_iso7,
    1769172792 => :brand_iso8,
    1769172793 => :brand_iso9,
    1769172833 => :brand_isoa,
    1769172834 => :brand_isob,
    1769172835 => :brand_isoc,
    1769172845 => :brand_isom,
    1781688691 => :brand_j2is,
    1781689193 => :brand_j2ki,
    1781689203 => :brand_j2ks,
    1785737760 => :brand_jp2,
    1785750887 => :brand_jpeg,
    1785751411 => :brand_jpgs,
    1785752864 => :brand_jpm,
    1785753449 => :brand_jpoi,
    1785754473 => :brand_jpsi,
    1785755680 => :brand_jpx,
    1785755746 => :brand_jpxb,
    1786276896 => :brand_jxl,
    1786278688 => :brand_jxs,
    1786278755 => :brand_jxsc,
    1786278761 => :brand_jxsi,
    1786278771 => :brand_jxss,
    1818784869 => :brand_lhte,
    1818784873 => :brand_lhti,
    1819112295 => :brand_lmsg,
    1835622758 => :brand_miaf,
    1835623985 => :brand_mif1,
    1835623986 => :brand_mif2,
    1835676275 => :brand_mj2s,
    1835692082 => :brand_mjp2,
    1836069425 => :brand_mp21,
    1836069937 => :brand_mp41,
    1836069938 => :brand_mp42,
    1836070705 => :brand_mp71,
    1836086630 => :brand_mpuf,
    1836278888 => :brand_msdh,
    1836279345 => :brand_msf1,
    1836280184 => :brand_msix,
    1852402543 => :brand_niko,
    1852601196 => :brand_nlsl,
    1852989811 => :brand_nras,
    1868640868 => :brand_oa2d,
    1868653164 => :brand_oabl,
    1868850022 => :brand_odcf,
    1869443184 => :brand_ompp,
    1869637170 => :brand_opf2,
    1869641778 => :brand_opx2,
    1870029936 => :brand_ovdp,
    1870031993 => :brand_ovly,
    1885431398 => :brand_paff,
    1885433441 => :brand_pana,
    1885955686 => :brand_piff,
    1886217830 => :brand_pmff,
    1886287465 => :brand_pnvi,
    1886545252 => :brand_pred,
    1903435808 => :brand_qt,
    1919249519 => :brand_relo,
    1919513464 => :brand_risx,
    1935963680 => :brand_sdv,
    1936027254 => :brand_senv,
    1936289139 => :brand_sims,
    1936290680 => :brand_sisx,
    1936290921 => :brand_siti,
    1936290934 => :brand_sitv,
    1936484401 => :brand_slh1,
    1936484402 => :brand_slh2,
    1936484403 => :brand_slh3,
    1936946035 => :brand_ssss,
    1953787244 => :brand_ttml,
    1953789814 => :brand_ttwv,
    1969780329 => :brand_uhvi,
    1970170214 => :brand_unif,
    1970697845 => :brand_uvvu,
    1983081840 => :brand_v3mp,
    1983081844 => :brand_v3mt,
    1983082100 => :brand_v3nt,
    1983083380 => :brand_v3st,
    1987470185 => :brand_vvci,
    1987473257 => :brand_vvoi,
    1987539060 => :brand_vwpt,
    2037658656 => :brand_yt4,
  I__BRAND = BRAND.invert
  def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
    super(_io, _parent, _root)

  def _read
    @atoms = AtomList.new(@_io, self, @_root)

  # @see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap2/qtff2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-BBCGFGJG Source
  class MvhdBody < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @version = @_io.read_u1
      @flags = @_io.read_bytes(3)
      @creation_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @modification_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @time_scale = @_io.read_u4be
      @duration = @_io.read_u4be
      @preferred_rate = Fixed32.new(@_io, self, @_root)
      @preferred_volume = Fixed16.new(@_io, self, @_root)
      @reserved1 = @_io.read_bytes(10)
      @matrix = @_io.read_bytes(36)
      @preview_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @preview_duration = @_io.read_u4be
      @poster_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @selection_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @selection_duration = @_io.read_u4be
      @current_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @next_track_id = @_io.read_u4be

    # Version of this movie header atom
    attr_reader :version
    attr_reader :flags
    attr_reader :creation_time
    attr_reader :modification_time

    # A time value that indicates the time scale for this
    # movie - the number of time units that pass per second
    # in its time coordinate system. A time coordinate system that
    # measures time in sixtieths of a second, for example, has a
    # time scale of 60.
    attr_reader :time_scale

    # A time value that indicates the duration of the movie in
    # time scale units. Note that this property is derived from
    # the movie's tracks. The value of this field corresponds to
    # the duration of the longest track in the movie.
    attr_reader :duration

    # The rate at which to play this movie. A value of 1.0 indicates normal rate.
    attr_reader :preferred_rate

    # How loud to play this movie's sound. A value of 1.0 indicates full volume.
    attr_reader :preferred_volume
    attr_reader :reserved1

    # A matrix shows how to map points from one coordinate space into another.
    attr_reader :matrix

    # The time value in the movie at which the preview begins.
    attr_reader :preview_time

    # The duration of the movie preview in movie time scale units.
    attr_reader :preview_duration

    # The time value of the time of the movie poster.
    attr_reader :poster_time

    # The time value for the start time of the current selection.
    attr_reader :selection_time

    # The duration of the current selection in movie time scale units.
    attr_reader :selection_duration

    # The time value for current time position within the movie.
    attr_reader :current_time

    # Indicates a value to use for the track ID number of the next
    # track added to this movie. Note that 0 is not a valid track
    # ID value.
    attr_reader :next_track_id

  # @see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap1/qtff1.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH203-CJBCBIFF Source
  class FtypBody < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @major_brand = Kaitai::Struct::Stream::resolve_enum(QuicktimeMov::BRAND, @_io.read_u4be)
      @minor_version = @_io.read_bytes(4)
      @compatible_brands = []
      i = 0
      while not @_io.eof?
        @compatible_brands << Kaitai::Struct::Stream::resolve_enum(QuicktimeMov::BRAND, @_io.read_u4be)
        i += 1
    attr_reader :major_brand
    attr_reader :minor_version
    attr_reader :compatible_brands

  # Fixed-point 32-bit number.
  class Fixed32 < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @int_part = @_io.read_s2be
      @frac_part = @_io.read_u2be
    attr_reader :int_part
    attr_reader :frac_part

  # Fixed-point 16-bit number.
  class Fixed16 < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @int_part = @_io.read_s1
      @frac_part = @_io.read_u1
    attr_reader :int_part
    attr_reader :frac_part
  class Atom < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @len32 = @_io.read_u4be
      @atom_type = Kaitai::Struct::Stream::resolve_enum(QuicktimeMov::ATOM_TYPE, @_io.read_u4be)
      if len32 == 1
        @len64 = @_io.read_u8be
      case atom_type
      when :atom_type_moof
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_tkhd
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = TkhdBody.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_stbl
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_traf
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_minf
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_trak
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_moov
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_mdia
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_dinf
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = AtomList.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_mvhd
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = MvhdBody.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
      when :atom_type_ftyp
        @_raw_body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
        _io__raw_body = Kaitai::Struct::Stream.new(@_raw_body)
        @body = FtypBody.new(_io__raw_body, self, @_root)
        @body = @_io.read_bytes(len)
    def len
      return @len unless @len.nil?
      @len = (len32 == 0 ? (_io.size - 8) : (len32 == 1 ? (len64 - 16) : (len32 - 8)))
    attr_reader :len32
    attr_reader :atom_type
    attr_reader :len64
    attr_reader :body
    attr_reader :_raw_body

  # @see https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/QuickTime/QTFF/QTFFChap2/qtff2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-25550 Source
  class TkhdBody < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @version = @_io.read_u1
      @flags = @_io.read_bytes(3)
      @creation_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @modification_time = @_io.read_u4be
      @track_id = @_io.read_u4be
      @reserved1 = @_io.read_bytes(4)
      @duration = @_io.read_u4be
      @reserved2 = @_io.read_bytes(8)
      @layer = @_io.read_u2be
      @alternative_group = @_io.read_u2be
      @volume = @_io.read_u2be
      @reserved3 = @_io.read_u2be
      @matrix = @_io.read_bytes(36)
      @width = Fixed32.new(@_io, self, @_root)
      @height = Fixed32.new(@_io, self, @_root)
    attr_reader :version
    attr_reader :flags
    attr_reader :creation_time
    attr_reader :modification_time

    # Integer that uniquely identifies the track. The value 0 cannot be used.
    attr_reader :track_id
    attr_reader :reserved1
    attr_reader :duration
    attr_reader :reserved2
    attr_reader :layer
    attr_reader :alternative_group
    attr_reader :volume
    attr_reader :reserved3
    attr_reader :matrix
    attr_reader :width
    attr_reader :height
  class AtomList < Kaitai::Struct::Struct
    def initialize(_io, _parent = nil, _root = self)
      super(_io, _parent, _root)

    def _read
      @items = []
      i = 0
      while not @_io.eof?
        @items << Atom.new(@_io, self, @_root)
        i += 1
    attr_reader :items
  attr_reader :atoms