Rtpdump (rtptools): PHP parsing library

rtpdump is a format used by rtptools to record and replay rtp data from network capture.

File extension

["rtp", "rtpdump"]

KS implementation details

License: Unlicense

This page hosts a formal specification of Rtpdump (rtptools) using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

PHP source code to parse Rtpdump (rtptools)


// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

 * rtpdump is a format used by rtptools to record and replay
 * rtp data from network capture.

namespace {
    class Rtpdump extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Kaitai\Struct\Struct $_parent = null, \Rtpdump $_root = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);

        private function _read() {
            $this->_m_fileHeader = new \Rtpdump\HeaderT($this->_io, $this, $this->_root);
            $this->_m_packets = [];
            $i = 0;
            while (!$this->_io->isEof()) {
                $this->_m_packets[] = new \Rtpdump\PacketT($this->_io, $this, $this->_root);
        protected $_m_fileHeader;
        protected $_m_packets;
        public function fileHeader() { return $this->_m_fileHeader; }
        public function packets() { return $this->_m_packets; }

namespace Rtpdump {
    class HeaderT extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Rtpdump $_parent = null, \Rtpdump $_root = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);

        private function _read() {
            $this->_m_shebang = $this->_io->readBytes(12);
            if (!($this->shebang() == "\x23\x21\x72\x74\x70\x70\x6C\x61\x79\x31\x2E\x30")) {
                throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationNotEqualError("\x23\x21\x72\x74\x70\x70\x6C\x61\x79\x31\x2E\x30", $this->shebang(), $this->_io(), "/types/header_t/seq/0");
            $this->_m_space = $this->_io->readBytes(1);
            if (!($this->space() == "\x20")) {
                throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\ValidationNotEqualError("\x20", $this->space(), $this->_io(), "/types/header_t/seq/1");
            $this->_m_ip = \Kaitai\Struct\Stream::bytesToStr($this->_io->readBytesTerm(47, false, true, true), "ascii");
            $this->_m_port = \Kaitai\Struct\Stream::bytesToStr($this->_io->readBytesTerm(10, false, true, true), "ascii");
            $this->_m_startSec = $this->_io->readU4be();
            $this->_m_startUsec = $this->_io->readU4be();
            $this->_m_ip2 = $this->_io->readU4be();
            $this->_m_port2 = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_padding = $this->_io->readU2be();
        protected $_m_shebang;
        protected $_m_space;
        protected $_m_ip;
        protected $_m_port;
        protected $_m_startSec;
        protected $_m_startUsec;
        protected $_m_ip2;
        protected $_m_port2;
        protected $_m_padding;
        public function shebang() { return $this->_m_shebang; }
        public function space() { return $this->_m_space; }
        public function ip() { return $this->_m_ip; }
        public function port() { return $this->_m_port; }

         * start of recording, the seconds part.
        public function startSec() { return $this->_m_startSec; }

         * start of recording, the microseconds part.
        public function startUsec() { return $this->_m_startUsec; }

         * network source.
        public function ip2() { return $this->_m_ip2; }

         * port.
        public function port2() { return $this->_m_port2; }

         * 2 bytes padding.
        public function padding() { return $this->_m_padding; }

namespace Rtpdump {
    class PacketT extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Rtpdump $_parent = null, \Rtpdump $_root = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);

        private function _read() {
            $this->_m_length = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_lenBody = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_packetUsec = $this->_io->readU4be();
            $this->_m__raw_body = $this->_io->readBytes($this->lenBody());
            $_io__raw_body = new \Kaitai\Struct\Stream($this->_m__raw_body);
            $this->_m_body = new \RtpPacket($_io__raw_body);
        protected $_m_length;
        protected $_m_lenBody;
        protected $_m_packetUsec;
        protected $_m_body;
        protected $_m__raw_body;

         * packet length (including this header).
        public function length() { return $this->_m_length; }

         * payload length.
        public function lenBody() { return $this->_m_lenBody; }

         * timestamp of packet since the start.
        public function packetUsec() { return $this->_m_packetUsec; }
        public function body() { return $this->_m_body; }
        public function _raw_body() { return $this->_m__raw_body; }