IVF is a simple container format for raw VP8 data, which is an open and royalty-free video compression format, currently developed by Google.
Test .ivf files are available at https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/vp8-test-vectors
This page hosts a formal specification of VP8 raw file using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for C++11/STL generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the C++/STL runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
For C++, the easiest way is to clone the runtime library sources and build them along with your project.
Using Kaitai Struct in C++/STL usually consists of 3 steps.
). One can open local file for that, or use existing std::string
or char*
#include <fstream>
std::ifstream is("path/to/local/file.ivf", std::ifstream::binary);
#include <sstream>
std::istringstream is(str);
#include <sstream>
const char buf[] = { ... };
std::string str(buf, sizeof buf);
std::istringstream is(str);
#include "kaitai/kaitaistream.h"
kaitai::kstream ks(&is);
vp8_ivf_t data(&ks);
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:
data.magic1() // => Magic Number of IVF Files
#pragma once
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
#include "kaitai/kaitaistruct.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#error "Incompatible Kaitai Struct C++/STL API: version 0.9 or later is required"
* IVF is a simple container format for raw VP8 data, which is an open and
* royalty-free video compression format, currently developed by Google.
* Test .ivf files are available at
* <https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/vp8-test-vectors>
* \sa https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/IVF Source
class vp8_ivf_t : public kaitai::kstruct {
class blocks_t;
class block_t;
vp8_ivf_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, kaitai::kstruct* p__parent = nullptr, vp8_ivf_t* p__root = nullptr);
void _read();
void _clean_up();
class blocks_t : public kaitai::kstruct {
blocks_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, vp8_ivf_t* p__parent = nullptr, vp8_ivf_t* p__root = nullptr);
void _read();
void _clean_up();
std::unique_ptr<block_t> m_entries;
vp8_ivf_t* m__root;
vp8_ivf_t* m__parent;
block_t* entries() const { return m_entries.get(); }
vp8_ivf_t* _root() const { return m__root; }
vp8_ivf_t* _parent() const { return m__parent; }
class block_t : public kaitai::kstruct {
block_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t* p__parent = nullptr, vp8_ivf_t* p__root = nullptr);
void _read();
void _clean_up();
uint32_t m_len_frame;
uint64_t m_timestamp;
std::string m_framedata;
vp8_ivf_t* m__root;
vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t* m__parent;
* size of the frame data
uint32_t len_frame() const { return m_len_frame; }
uint64_t timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }
std::string framedata() const { return m_framedata; }
vp8_ivf_t* _root() const { return m__root; }
vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t* _parent() const { return m__parent; }
std::string m_magic1;
uint16_t m_version;
uint16_t m_len_header;
std::string m_codec;
uint16_t m_width;
uint16_t m_height;
uint32_t m_framerate;
uint32_t m_timescale;
uint32_t m_num_frames;
uint32_t m_unused;
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<blocks_t>>> m_image_data;
vp8_ivf_t* m__root;
kaitai::kstruct* m__parent;
* Magic Number of IVF Files
std::string magic1() const { return m_magic1; }
* This should be 0
uint16_t version() const { return m_version; }
* Normally the header length is 32 byte
uint16_t len_header() const { return m_len_header; }
* Name of the codec e.g. 'VP80' for VP8
std::string codec() const { return m_codec; }
* The (initial) width of the video, every keyframe may change the resolution
uint16_t width() const { return m_width; }
* The (initial) height of the video, every keyframe may change the resolution
uint16_t height() const { return m_height; }
* the (framerate * timescale) e.g. for 30 fps -> 30000
uint32_t framerate() const { return m_framerate; }
* the timescale is a divider of the seconds (VPX is integer math only) mostly 1000
uint32_t timescale() const { return m_timescale; }
* the number of frames (if not a camera stream)
uint32_t num_frames() const { return m_num_frames; }
uint32_t unused() const { return m_unused; }
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<blocks_t>>* image_data() const { return m_image_data.get(); }
vp8_ivf_t* _root() const { return m__root; }
kaitai::kstruct* _parent() const { return m__parent; }
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
#include "vp8_ivf.h"
#include "kaitai/exceptions.h"
vp8_ivf_t::vp8_ivf_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, kaitai::kstruct* p__parent, vp8_ivf_t* p__root) : kaitai::kstruct(p__io) {
m__parent = p__parent;
m__root = this;
m_image_data = nullptr;
void vp8_ivf_t::_read() {
m_magic1 = m__io->read_bytes(4);
if (!(magic1() == std::string("\x44\x4B\x49\x46", 4))) {
throw kaitai::validation_not_equal_error<std::string>(std::string("\x44\x4B\x49\x46", 4), magic1(), _io(), std::string("/seq/0"));
m_version = m__io->read_u2le();
m_len_header = m__io->read_u2le();
m_codec = m__io->read_bytes(4);
if (!(codec() == std::string("\x56\x50\x38\x30", 4))) {
throw kaitai::validation_not_equal_error<std::string>(std::string("\x56\x50\x38\x30", 4), codec(), _io(), std::string("/seq/3"));
m_width = m__io->read_u2le();
m_height = m__io->read_u2le();
m_framerate = m__io->read_u4le();
m_timescale = m__io->read_u4le();
m_num_frames = m__io->read_u4le();
m_unused = m__io->read_u4le();
m_image_data = std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::unique_ptr<blocks_t>>>(new std::vector<std::unique_ptr<blocks_t>>());
const int l_image_data = num_frames();
for (int i = 0; i < l_image_data; i++) {
m_image_data->push_back(std::move(std::unique_ptr<blocks_t>(new blocks_t(m__io, this, m__root))));
vp8_ivf_t::~vp8_ivf_t() {
void vp8_ivf_t::_clean_up() {
vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t::blocks_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, vp8_ivf_t* p__parent, vp8_ivf_t* p__root) : kaitai::kstruct(p__io) {
m__parent = p__parent;
m__root = p__root;
m_entries = nullptr;
void vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t::_read() {
m_entries = std::unique_ptr<block_t>(new block_t(m__io, this, m__root));
vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t::~blocks_t() {
void vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t::_clean_up() {
vp8_ivf_t::block_t::block_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, vp8_ivf_t::blocks_t* p__parent, vp8_ivf_t* p__root) : kaitai::kstruct(p__io) {
m__parent = p__parent;
m__root = p__root;
void vp8_ivf_t::block_t::_read() {
m_len_frame = m__io->read_u4le();
m_timestamp = m__io->read_u8le();
m_framedata = m__io->read_bytes(len_frame());
vp8_ivf_t::block_t::~block_t() {
void vp8_ivf_t::block_t::_clean_up() {