Microsoft Windows SYSTEMTIME structure: Lua parsing library

Microsoft Windows SYSTEMTIME structure, stores individual components of date and time as individual fields, up to millisecond precision.

KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0


This page hosts a formal specification of Microsoft Windows SYSTEMTIME structure using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

Lua source code to parse Microsoft Windows SYSTEMTIME structure


-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3

local class = require("class")

-- Microsoft Windows SYSTEMTIME structure, stores individual components
-- of date and time as individual fields, up to millisecond precision.
-- See also: Source (
WindowsSystemtime = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function WindowsSystemtime:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function WindowsSystemtime:_read()
  self.year = self._io:read_u2le()
  self.month = self._io:read_u2le()
  self.dow = self._io:read_u2le() = self._io:read_u2le()
  self.hour = self._io:read_u2le()
  self.min = self._io:read_u2le()
  self.sec = self._io:read_u2le()
  self.msec = self._io:read_u2le()

-- Year.
-- Month (January = 1).
-- Day of week (Sun = 0).
-- Day of month.
-- Hours.
-- Minutes.
-- Seconds.
-- Milliseconds.