Android OS applications executables are typically stored in its own format, optimized for more efficient execution in Dalvik virtual machine.
This format is loosely similar to Java .class file format and generally holds the similar set of data: i.e. classes, methods, fields, annotations, etc.
This page hosts a formal specification of Android Dalvik VM executable (dex) using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
// Code generated by kaitai-struct-compiler from a .ksy source file. DO NOT EDIT.
import (
* Android OS applications executables are typically stored in its own
* format, optimized for more efficient execution in Dalvik virtual
* machine.
* This format is loosely similar to Java .class file format and
* generally holds the similar set of data: i.e. classes, methods,
* fields, annotations, etc.
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
type Dex_ClassAccessFlags int
const (
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Public Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 1
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Private Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 2
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Protected Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 4
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Static Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 8
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Final Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 16
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Interface Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 512
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Abstract Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 1024
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Synthetic Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 4096
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Annotation Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 8192
Dex_ClassAccessFlags__Enum Dex_ClassAccessFlags = 16384
type Dex struct {
Header *Dex_HeaderItem
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent interface{}
_f_stringIds bool
stringIds []*Dex_StringIdItem
_f_methodIds bool
methodIds []*Dex_MethodIdItem
_f_linkData bool
linkData []byte
_f_map bool
map *Dex_MapList
_f_classDefs bool
classDefs []*Dex_ClassDefItem
_f_data bool
data []byte
_f_typeIds bool
typeIds []*Dex_TypeIdItem
_f_protoIds bool
protoIds []*Dex_ProtoIdItem
_f_fieldIds bool
fieldIds []*Dex_FieldIdItem
func NewDex() *Dex {
return &Dex{
func (this *Dex) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent interface{}, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp1 := NewDex_HeaderItem()
err = tmp1.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Header = tmp1
return err
* string identifiers list.
* These are identifiers for all the strings used by this file, either for
* internal naming (e.g., type descriptors) or as constant objects referred to by code.
* This list must be sorted by string contents, using UTF-16 code point values
* (not in a locale-sensitive manner), and it must not contain any duplicate entries.
func (this *Dex) StringIds() (v []*Dex_StringIdItem, err error) {
if (this._f_stringIds) {
return this.stringIds, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.StringIdsOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(this.Header.StringIdsSize); i++ {
_ = i
tmp2 := NewDex_StringIdItem()
err = tmp2.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.stringIds = append(this.stringIds, tmp2)
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_stringIds = true
this._f_stringIds = true
return this.stringIds, nil
* method identifiers list.
* These are identifiers for all methods referred to by this file,
* whether defined in the file or not.
* This list must be sorted, where the defining type (by type_id index
* is the major order, method name (by string_id index) is the intermediate
* order, and method prototype (by proto_id index) is the minor order.
* The list must not contain any duplicate entries.
func (this *Dex) MethodIds() (v []*Dex_MethodIdItem, err error) {
if (this._f_methodIds) {
return this.methodIds, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.MethodIdsOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(this.Header.MethodIdsSize); i++ {
_ = i
tmp3 := NewDex_MethodIdItem()
err = tmp3.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.methodIds = append(this.methodIds, tmp3)
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_methodIds = true
this._f_methodIds = true
return this.methodIds, nil
* data used in statically linked files.
* The format of the data in this section is left unspecified by this document.
* This section is empty in unlinked files, and runtime implementations may
* use it as they see fit.
func (this *Dex) LinkData() (v []byte, err error) {
if (this._f_linkData) {
return this.linkData, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.LinkOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp4, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(this.Header.LinkSize))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp4 = tmp4
this.linkData = tmp4
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_linkData = true
this._f_linkData = true
return this.linkData, nil
func (this *Dex) Map() (v *Dex_MapList, err error) {
if (this._f_map) {
return, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.MapOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp5 := NewDex_MapList()
err = tmp5.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} = tmp5
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_map = true
this._f_map = true
return, nil
* class definitions list.
* The classes must be ordered such that a given class's superclass and
* implemented interfaces appear in the list earlier than the referring class.
* Furthermore, it is invalid for a definition for the same-named class to
* appear more than once in the list.
func (this *Dex) ClassDefs() (v []*Dex_ClassDefItem, err error) {
if (this._f_classDefs) {
return this.classDefs, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.ClassDefsOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(this.Header.ClassDefsSize); i++ {
_ = i
tmp6 := NewDex_ClassDefItem()
err = tmp6.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.classDefs = append(this.classDefs, tmp6)
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_classDefs = true
this._f_classDefs = true
return this.classDefs, nil
* data area, containing all the support data for the tables listed above.
* Different items have different alignment requirements, and padding bytes
* are inserted before each item if necessary to achieve proper alignment.
func (this *Dex) Data() (v []byte, err error) {
if (this._f_data) {
return, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.DataOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp7, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(this.Header.DataSize))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp7 = tmp7 = tmp7
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_data = true
this._f_data = true
return, nil
* type identifiers list.
* These are identifiers for all types (classes, arrays, or primitive types)
* referred to by this file, whether defined in the file or not.
* This list must be sorted by string_id index, and it must not contain any duplicate entries.
func (this *Dex) TypeIds() (v []*Dex_TypeIdItem, err error) {
if (this._f_typeIds) {
return this.typeIds, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.TypeIdsOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(this.Header.TypeIdsSize); i++ {
_ = i
tmp8 := NewDex_TypeIdItem()
err = tmp8.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.typeIds = append(this.typeIds, tmp8)
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_typeIds = true
this._f_typeIds = true
return this.typeIds, nil
* method prototype identifiers list.
* These are identifiers for all prototypes referred to by this file.
* This list must be sorted in return-type (by type_id index) major order,
* and then by argument list (lexicographic ordering, individual arguments
* ordered by type_id index). The list must not contain any duplicate entries.
func (this *Dex) ProtoIds() (v []*Dex_ProtoIdItem, err error) {
if (this._f_protoIds) {
return this.protoIds, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.ProtoIdsOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(this.Header.ProtoIdsSize); i++ {
_ = i
tmp9 := NewDex_ProtoIdItem()
err = tmp9.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.protoIds = append(this.protoIds, tmp9)
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_protoIds = true
this._f_protoIds = true
return this.protoIds, nil
* field identifiers list.
* These are identifiers for all fields referred to by this file, whether defined in the file or not.
* This list must be sorted, where the defining type (by type_id index)
* is the major order, field name (by string_id index) is the intermediate
* order, and type (by type_id index) is the minor order.
* The list must not contain any duplicate entries.
func (this *Dex) FieldIds() (v []*Dex_FieldIdItem, err error) {
if (this._f_fieldIds) {
return this.fieldIds, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.Header.FieldIdsOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i := 0; i < int(this.Header.FieldIdsSize); i++ {
_ = i
tmp10 := NewDex_FieldIdItem()
err = tmp10.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.fieldIds = append(this.fieldIds, tmp10)
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_fieldIds = true
this._f_fieldIds = true
return this.fieldIds, nil
type Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant int
const (
Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant__EndianConstant Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant = 305419896
Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant__ReverseEndianConstant Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant = 2018915346
type Dex_HeaderItem struct {
Magic []byte
VersionStr string
Checksum uint32
Signature []byte
FileSize uint32
HeaderSize uint32
EndianTag Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant
LinkSize uint32
LinkOff uint32
MapOff uint32
StringIdsSize uint32
StringIdsOff uint32
TypeIdsSize uint32
TypeIdsOff uint32
ProtoIdsSize uint32
ProtoIdsOff uint32
FieldIdsSize uint32
FieldIdsOff uint32
MethodIdsSize uint32
MethodIdsOff uint32
ClassDefsSize uint32
ClassDefsOff uint32
DataSize uint32
DataOff uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
func NewDex_HeaderItem() *Dex_HeaderItem {
return &Dex_HeaderItem{
func (this *Dex_HeaderItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp11, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(4))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp11 = tmp11
this.Magic = tmp11
if !(bytes.Equal(this.Magic, []uint8{100, 101, 120, 10})) {
return kaitai.NewValidationNotEqualError([]uint8{100, 101, 120, 10}, this.Magic, this._io, "/types/header_item/seq/0")
tmp12, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(4))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp12 = kaitai.BytesTerminate(tmp12, 0, false)
this.VersionStr = string(tmp12)
tmp13, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Checksum = uint32(tmp13)
tmp14, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(20))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp14 = tmp14
this.Signature = tmp14
tmp15, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.FileSize = uint32(tmp15)
tmp16, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.HeaderSize = uint32(tmp16)
tmp17, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.EndianTag = Dex_HeaderItem_EndianConstant(tmp17)
tmp18, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.LinkSize = uint32(tmp18)
tmp19, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.LinkOff = uint32(tmp19)
tmp20, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.MapOff = uint32(tmp20)
tmp21, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.StringIdsSize = uint32(tmp21)
tmp22, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.StringIdsOff = uint32(tmp22)
tmp23, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.TypeIdsSize = uint32(tmp23)
tmp24, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.TypeIdsOff = uint32(tmp24)
tmp25, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ProtoIdsSize = uint32(tmp25)
tmp26, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ProtoIdsOff = uint32(tmp26)
tmp27, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.FieldIdsSize = uint32(tmp27)
tmp28, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.FieldIdsOff = uint32(tmp28)
tmp29, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.MethodIdsSize = uint32(tmp29)
tmp30, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.MethodIdsOff = uint32(tmp30)
tmp31, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ClassDefsSize = uint32(tmp31)
tmp32, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ClassDefsOff = uint32(tmp32)
tmp33, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.DataSize = uint32(tmp33)
tmp34, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.DataOff = uint32(tmp34)
return err
* adler32 checksum of the rest of the file (everything but magic and this field);
* used to detect file corruption
* SHA-1 signature (hash) of the rest of the file (everything but magic, checksum,
* and this field); used to uniquely identify files
* size of the entire file (including the header), in bytes
* size of the header (this entire section), in bytes. This allows for at
* least a limited amount of backwards/forwards compatibility without
* invalidating the format.
* size of the link section, or 0 if this file isn't statically linked
* offset from the start of the file to the link section, or 0 if link_size == 0.
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to an offset into the link_data section.
* The format of the data pointed at is left unspecified by this document;
* this header field (and the previous) are left as hooks for use by runtime implementations.
* offset from the start of the file to the map item.
* The offset, which must be non-zero, should be to an offset into the data
* section, and the data should be in the format specified by "map_list" below.
* count of strings in the string identifiers list
* offset from the start of the file to the string identifiers list,
* or 0 if string_ids_size == 0 (admittedly a strange edge case).
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to the start of the string_ids section.
* count of elements in the type identifiers list, at most 65535
* offset from the start of the file to the type identifiers list,
* or 0 if type_ids_size == 0 (admittedly a strange edge case).
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to the start of the type_ids section.
* count of elements in the prototype identifiers list, at most 65535
* offset from the start of the file to the prototype identifiers list,
* or 0 if proto_ids_size == 0 (admittedly a strange edge case).
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to the start of the proto_ids section.
* count of elements in the field identifiers list
* offset from the start of the file to the field identifiers list,
* or 0 if field_ids_size == 0.
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to the start of the field_ids section.
* count of elements in the method identifiers list
* offset from the start of the file to the method identifiers list,
* or 0 if method_ids_size == 0.
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to the start of the method_ids section.
* count of elements in the class definitions list
* offset from the start of the file to the class definitions list,
* or 0 if class_defs_size == 0 (admittedly a strange edge case).
* The offset, if non-zero, should be to the start of the class_defs section.
* Size of data section in bytes. Must be an even multiple of sizeof(uint).
* offset from the start of the file to the start of the data section.
type Dex_MapList struct {
Size uint32
List []*Dex_MapItem
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
func NewDex_MapList() *Dex_MapList {
return &Dex_MapList{
func (this *Dex_MapList) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp35, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Size = uint32(tmp35)
for i := 0; i < int(this.Size); i++ {
_ = i
tmp36 := NewDex_MapItem()
err = tmp36.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.List = append(this.List, tmp36)
return err
type Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum int
const (
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Byte Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 0
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Short Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 2
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Char Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 3
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Int Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 4
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Long Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 6
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Float Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 16
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Double Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 17
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__MethodType Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 21
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__MethodHandle Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 22
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__String Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 23
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Type Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 24
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Field Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 25
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Method Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 26
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Enum Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 27
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Array Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 28
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Annotation Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 29
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Null Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 30
Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Boolean Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum = 31
type Dex_EncodedValue struct {
ValueArg uint64
ValueType Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum
Value interface{}
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent interface{}
func NewDex_EncodedValue() *Dex_EncodedValue {
return &Dex_EncodedValue{
func (this *Dex_EncodedValue) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent interface{}, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp37, err := this._io.ReadBitsIntBe(3)
if err != nil {
return err
this.ValueArg = tmp37
tmp38, err := this._io.ReadBitsIntBe(5)
if err != nil {
return err
this.ValueType = Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum(tmp38)
switch (this.ValueType) {
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Int:
tmp39, err := this._io.ReadS4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp39
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Annotation:
tmp40 := NewDex_EncodedAnnotation()
err = tmp40.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp40
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Long:
tmp41, err := this._io.ReadS8le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp41
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__MethodHandle:
tmp42, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp42
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Byte:
tmp43, err := this._io.ReadS1()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp43
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Array:
tmp44 := NewDex_EncodedArray()
err = tmp44.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp44
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__MethodType:
tmp45, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp45
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Short:
tmp46, err := this._io.ReadS2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp46
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Method:
tmp47, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp47
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Double:
tmp48, err := this._io.ReadF8le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp48
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Float:
tmp49, err := this._io.ReadF4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp49
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Type:
tmp50, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp50
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Enum:
tmp51, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp51
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Field:
tmp52, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp52
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__String:
tmp53, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp53
case Dex_EncodedValue_ValueTypeEnum__Char:
tmp54, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp54
return err
type Dex_CallSiteIdItem struct {
CallSiteOff uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent interface{}
func NewDex_CallSiteIdItem() *Dex_CallSiteIdItem {
return &Dex_CallSiteIdItem{
func (this *Dex_CallSiteIdItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent interface{}, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp55, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.CallSiteOff = uint32(tmp55)
return err
* offset from the start of the file to call site definition.
* The offset should be in the data section, and the data there should
* be in the format specified by "call_site_item" below.
type Dex_MethodIdItem struct {
ClassIdx uint16
ProtoIdx uint16
NameIdx uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
_f_className bool
className string
_f_protoDesc bool
protoDesc string
_f_methodName bool
methodName string
func NewDex_MethodIdItem() *Dex_MethodIdItem {
return &Dex_MethodIdItem{
func (this *Dex_MethodIdItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp56, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ClassIdx = uint16(tmp56)
tmp57, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ProtoIdx = uint16(tmp57)
tmp58, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.NameIdx = uint32(tmp58)
return err
* the definer of this method
func (this *Dex_MethodIdItem) ClassName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_className) {
return this.className, nil
tmp59, err := this._root.TypeIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp60, err := tmp59[this.ClassIdx].TypeName()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.className = string(tmp60)
this._f_className = true
return this.className, nil
* the short-form descriptor of the prototype of this method
func (this *Dex_MethodIdItem) ProtoDesc() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_protoDesc) {
return this.protoDesc, nil
tmp61, err := this._root.ProtoIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp62, err := tmp61[this.ProtoIdx].ShortyDesc()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.protoDesc = string(tmp62)
this._f_protoDesc = true
return this.protoDesc, nil
* the name of this method
func (this *Dex_MethodIdItem) MethodName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_methodName) {
return this.methodName, nil
tmp63, err := this._root.StringIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp64, err := tmp63[this.NameIdx].Value()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.methodName = string(tmp64.Data)
this._f_methodName = true
return this.methodName, nil
* index into the type_ids list for the definer of this method.
* This must be a class or array type, and not a primitive type.
* index into the proto_ids list for the prototype of this method
* index into the string_ids list for the name of this method.
* The string must conform to the syntax for MemberName, defined above.
type Dex_TypeItem struct {
TypeIdx uint16
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_TypeList
_f_value bool
value string
func NewDex_TypeItem() *Dex_TypeItem {
return &Dex_TypeItem{
func (this *Dex_TypeItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_TypeList, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp65, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.TypeIdx = uint16(tmp65)
return err
func (this *Dex_TypeItem) Value() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_value) {
return this.value, nil
tmp66, err := this._root.TypeIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp67, err := tmp66[this.TypeIdx].TypeName()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.value = string(tmp67)
this._f_value = true
return this.value, nil
type Dex_TypeIdItem struct {
DescriptorIdx uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
_f_typeName bool
typeName string
func NewDex_TypeIdItem() *Dex_TypeIdItem {
return &Dex_TypeIdItem{
func (this *Dex_TypeIdItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp68, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.DescriptorIdx = uint32(tmp68)
return err
func (this *Dex_TypeIdItem) TypeName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_typeName) {
return this.typeName, nil
tmp69, err := this._root.StringIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp70, err := tmp69[this.DescriptorIdx].Value()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.typeName = string(tmp70.Data)
this._f_typeName = true
return this.typeName, nil
* index into the string_ids list for the descriptor string of this type.
* The string must conform to the syntax for TypeDescriptor, defined above.
type Dex_AnnotationElement struct {
NameIdx *VlqBase128Le
Value *Dex_EncodedValue
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_EncodedAnnotation
func NewDex_AnnotationElement() *Dex_AnnotationElement {
return &Dex_AnnotationElement{
func (this *Dex_AnnotationElement) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_EncodedAnnotation, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp71 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp71.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.NameIdx = tmp71
tmp72 := NewDex_EncodedValue()
err = tmp72.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp72
return err
* element name, represented as an index into the string_ids section.
* The string must conform to the syntax for MemberName, defined above.
* element value
type Dex_EncodedField struct {
FieldIdxDiff *VlqBase128Le
AccessFlags *VlqBase128Le
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_ClassDataItem
func NewDex_EncodedField() *Dex_EncodedField {
return &Dex_EncodedField{
func (this *Dex_EncodedField) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_ClassDataItem, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp73 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp73.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.FieldIdxDiff = tmp73
tmp74 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp74.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.AccessFlags = tmp74
return err
* index into the field_ids list for the identity of this field
* (includes the name and descriptor), represented as a difference
* from the index of previous element in the list.
* The index of the first element in a list is represented directly.
* access flags for the field (public, final, etc.).
* See "access_flags Definitions" for details.
type Dex_EncodedArrayItem struct {
Value *Dex_EncodedArray
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_ClassDefItem
func NewDex_EncodedArrayItem() *Dex_EncodedArrayItem {
return &Dex_EncodedArrayItem{
func (this *Dex_EncodedArrayItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_ClassDefItem, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp75 := NewDex_EncodedArray()
err = tmp75.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Value = tmp75
return err
type Dex_ClassDataItem struct {
StaticFieldsSize *VlqBase128Le
InstanceFieldsSize *VlqBase128Le
DirectMethodsSize *VlqBase128Le
VirtualMethodsSize *VlqBase128Le
StaticFields []*Dex_EncodedField
InstanceFields []*Dex_EncodedField
DirectMethods []*Dex_EncodedMethod
VirtualMethods []*Dex_EncodedMethod
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_ClassDefItem
func NewDex_ClassDataItem() *Dex_ClassDataItem {
return &Dex_ClassDataItem{
func (this *Dex_ClassDataItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_ClassDefItem, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp76 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp76.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.StaticFieldsSize = tmp76
tmp77 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp77.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.InstanceFieldsSize = tmp77
tmp78 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp78.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.DirectMethodsSize = tmp78
tmp79 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp79.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.VirtualMethodsSize = tmp79
tmp80, err := this.StaticFieldsSize.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(tmp80); i++ {
_ = i
tmp81 := NewDex_EncodedField()
err = tmp81.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.StaticFields = append(this.StaticFields, tmp81)
tmp82, err := this.InstanceFieldsSize.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(tmp82); i++ {
_ = i
tmp83 := NewDex_EncodedField()
err = tmp83.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.InstanceFields = append(this.InstanceFields, tmp83)
tmp84, err := this.DirectMethodsSize.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(tmp84); i++ {
_ = i
tmp85 := NewDex_EncodedMethod()
err = tmp85.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.DirectMethods = append(this.DirectMethods, tmp85)
tmp86, err := this.VirtualMethodsSize.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(tmp86); i++ {
_ = i
tmp87 := NewDex_EncodedMethod()
err = tmp87.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.VirtualMethods = append(this.VirtualMethods, tmp87)
return err
* the number of static fields defined in this item
* the number of instance fields defined in this item
* the number of direct methods defined in this item
* the number of virtual methods defined in this item
* the defined static fields, represented as a sequence of encoded elements.
* The fields must be sorted by field_idx in increasing order.
* the defined instance fields, represented as a sequence of encoded elements.
* The fields must be sorted by field_idx in increasing order.
* the defined direct (any of static, private, or constructor) methods,
* represented as a sequence of encoded elements.
* The methods must be sorted by method_idx in increasing order.
* the defined virtual (none of static, private, or constructor) methods,
* represented as a sequence of encoded elements.
* This list should not include inherited methods unless overridden by
* the class that this item represents.
* The methods must be sorted by method_idx in increasing order.
* The method_idx of a virtual method must not be the same as any direct method.
type Dex_FieldIdItem struct {
ClassIdx uint16
TypeIdx uint16
NameIdx uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
_f_className bool
className string
_f_typeName bool
typeName string
_f_fieldName bool
fieldName string
func NewDex_FieldIdItem() *Dex_FieldIdItem {
return &Dex_FieldIdItem{
func (this *Dex_FieldIdItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp88, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ClassIdx = uint16(tmp88)
tmp89, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.TypeIdx = uint16(tmp89)
tmp90, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.NameIdx = uint32(tmp90)
return err
* the definer of this field
func (this *Dex_FieldIdItem) ClassName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_className) {
return this.className, nil
tmp91, err := this._root.TypeIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp92, err := tmp91[this.ClassIdx].TypeName()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.className = string(tmp92)
this._f_className = true
return this.className, nil
* the type of this field
func (this *Dex_FieldIdItem) TypeName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_typeName) {
return this.typeName, nil
tmp93, err := this._root.TypeIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp94, err := tmp93[this.TypeIdx].TypeName()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.typeName = string(tmp94)
this._f_typeName = true
return this.typeName, nil
* the name of this field
func (this *Dex_FieldIdItem) FieldName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_fieldName) {
return this.fieldName, nil
tmp95, err := this._root.StringIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp96, err := tmp95[this.NameIdx].Value()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.fieldName = string(tmp96.Data)
this._f_fieldName = true
return this.fieldName, nil
* index into the type_ids list for the definer of this field.
* This must be a class type, and not an array or primitive type.
* index into the type_ids list for the type of this field
* index into the string_ids list for the name of this field.
* The string must conform to the syntax for MemberName, defined above.
type Dex_EncodedAnnotation struct {
TypeIdx *VlqBase128Le
Size *VlqBase128Le
Elements []*Dex_AnnotationElement
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_EncodedValue
func NewDex_EncodedAnnotation() *Dex_EncodedAnnotation {
return &Dex_EncodedAnnotation{
func (this *Dex_EncodedAnnotation) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_EncodedValue, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp97 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp97.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.TypeIdx = tmp97
tmp98 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp98.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Size = tmp98
tmp99, err := this.Size.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(tmp99); i++ {
_ = i
tmp100 := NewDex_AnnotationElement()
err = tmp100.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Elements = append(this.Elements, tmp100)
return err
* type of the annotation.
* This must be a class (not array or primitive) type.
* number of name-value mappings in this annotation
* elements of the annotation, represented directly in-line (not as offsets).
* Elements must be sorted in increasing order by string_id index.
type Dex_ClassDefItem struct {
ClassIdx uint32
AccessFlags Dex_ClassAccessFlags
SuperclassIdx uint32
InterfacesOff uint32
SourceFileIdx uint32
AnnotationsOff uint32
ClassDataOff uint32
StaticValuesOff uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
_f_typeName bool
typeName string
_f_classData bool
classData *Dex_ClassDataItem
_f_staticValues bool
staticValues *Dex_EncodedArrayItem
func NewDex_ClassDefItem() *Dex_ClassDefItem {
return &Dex_ClassDefItem{
func (this *Dex_ClassDefItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp101, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ClassIdx = uint32(tmp101)
tmp102, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.AccessFlags = Dex_ClassAccessFlags(tmp102)
tmp103, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.SuperclassIdx = uint32(tmp103)
tmp104, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.InterfacesOff = uint32(tmp104)
tmp105, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.SourceFileIdx = uint32(tmp105)
tmp106, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.AnnotationsOff = uint32(tmp106)
tmp107, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ClassDataOff = uint32(tmp107)
tmp108, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.StaticValuesOff = uint32(tmp108)
return err
func (this *Dex_ClassDefItem) TypeName() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_typeName) {
return this.typeName, nil
tmp109, err := this._root.TypeIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp110, err := tmp109[this.ClassIdx].TypeName()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.typeName = string(tmp110)
this._f_typeName = true
return this.typeName, nil
func (this *Dex_ClassDefItem) ClassData() (v *Dex_ClassDataItem, err error) {
if (this._f_classData) {
return this.classData, nil
if (this.ClassDataOff != 0) {
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.ClassDataOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp111 := NewDex_ClassDataItem()
err = tmp111.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.classData = tmp111
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_classData = true
this._f_classData = true
return this.classData, nil
func (this *Dex_ClassDefItem) StaticValues() (v *Dex_EncodedArrayItem, err error) {
if (this._f_staticValues) {
return this.staticValues, nil
if (this.StaticValuesOff != 0) {
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.StaticValuesOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp112 := NewDex_EncodedArrayItem()
err = tmp112.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.staticValues = tmp112
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_staticValues = true
this._f_staticValues = true
return this.staticValues, nil
* index into the type_ids list for this class.
* This must be a class type, and not an array or primitive type.
* access flags for the class (public, final, etc.).
* See "access_flags Definitions" for details.
* index into the type_ids list for the superclass,
* or the constant value NO_INDEX if this class has no superclass
* (i.e., it is a root class such as Object).
* If present, this must be a class type, and not an array or primitive type.
* offset from the start of the file to the list of interfaces, or 0 if there are none.
* This offset should be in the data section, and the data there should
* be in the format specified by "type_list" below. Each of the elements
* of the list must be a class type (not an array or primitive type),
* and there must not be any duplicates.
* index into the string_ids list for the name of the file containing
* the original source for (at least most of) this class, or the
* special value NO_INDEX to represent a lack of this information.
* The debug_info_item of any given method may override this source file,
* but the expectation is that most classes will only come from one source file.
* offset from the start of the file to the annotations structure for
* this class, or 0 if there are no annotations on this class.
* This offset, if non-zero, should be in the data section, and the data
* there should be in the format specified by "annotations_directory_item"
* below,with all items referring to this class as the definer.
* offset from the start of the file to the associated class data for this
* item, or 0 if there is no class data for this class.
* (This may be the case, for example, if this class is a marker interface.)
* The offset, if non-zero, should be in the data section, and the data
* there should be in the format specified by "class_data_item" below,
* with all items referring to this class as the definer.
* offset from the start of the file to the list of initial values for
* static fields, or 0 if there are none (and all static fields are to be
* initialized with 0 or null).
* This offset should be in the data section, and the data there should
* be in the format specified by "encoded_array_item" below.
* The size of the array must be no larger than the number of static fields
* declared by this class, and the elements correspond to the static fields
* in the same order as declared in the corresponding field_list.
* The type of each array element must match the declared type of its
* corresponding field.
* If there are fewer elements in the array than there are static fields,
* then the leftover fields are initialized with a type-appropriate 0 or null.
type Dex_TypeList struct {
Size uint32
List []*Dex_TypeItem
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_ProtoIdItem
func NewDex_TypeList() *Dex_TypeList {
return &Dex_TypeList{
func (this *Dex_TypeList) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_ProtoIdItem, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp113, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Size = uint32(tmp113)
for i := 0; i < int(this.Size); i++ {
_ = i
tmp114 := NewDex_TypeItem()
err = tmp114.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.List = append(this.List, tmp114)
return err
type Dex_StringIdItem struct {
StringDataOff uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
_f_value bool
value *Dex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem
func NewDex_StringIdItem() *Dex_StringIdItem {
return &Dex_StringIdItem{
func (this *Dex_StringIdItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp115, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.StringDataOff = uint32(tmp115)
return err
func (this *Dex_StringIdItem) Value() (v *Dex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem, err error) {
if (this._f_value) {
return this.value, nil
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(this.StringDataOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp116 := NewDex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem()
err = tmp116.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.value = tmp116
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_value = true
this._f_value = true
return this.value, nil
* offset from the start of the file to the string data for this item.
* The offset should be to a location in the data section, and the data
* should be in the format specified by "string_data_item" below.
* There is no alignment requirement for the offset.
type Dex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem struct {
Utf16Size *VlqBase128Le
Data string
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_StringIdItem
func NewDex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem() *Dex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem {
return &Dex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem{
func (this *Dex_StringIdItem_StringDataItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_StringIdItem, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp117 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp117.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Utf16Size = tmp117
tmp118, err := this.Utf16Size.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
tmp119, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(tmp118))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp119 = tmp119
this.Data = string(tmp119)
return err
type Dex_ProtoIdItem struct {
ShortyIdx uint32
ReturnTypeIdx uint32
ParametersOff uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex
_f_shortyDesc bool
shortyDesc string
_f_paramsTypes bool
paramsTypes *Dex_TypeList
_f_returnType bool
returnType string
func NewDex_ProtoIdItem() *Dex_ProtoIdItem {
return &Dex_ProtoIdItem{
func (this *Dex_ProtoIdItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp120, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ShortyIdx = uint32(tmp120)
tmp121, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ReturnTypeIdx = uint32(tmp121)
tmp122, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ParametersOff = uint32(tmp122)
return err
* short-form descriptor string of this prototype, as pointed to by shorty_idx
func (this *Dex_ProtoIdItem) ShortyDesc() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_shortyDesc) {
return this.shortyDesc, nil
tmp123, err := this._root.StringIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp124, err := tmp123[this.ShortyIdx].Value()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.shortyDesc = string(tmp124.Data)
this._f_shortyDesc = true
return this.shortyDesc, nil
* list of parameter types for this prototype
func (this *Dex_ProtoIdItem) ParamsTypes() (v *Dex_TypeList, err error) {
if (this._f_paramsTypes) {
return this.paramsTypes, nil
if (this.ParametersOff != 0) {
thisIo := this._root._io
_pos, err := thisIo.Pos()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, err = thisIo.Seek(int64(this.ParametersOff), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tmp125 := NewDex_TypeList()
err = tmp125.Read(thisIo, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this.paramsTypes = tmp125
_, err = thisIo.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
this._f_paramsTypes = true
this._f_paramsTypes = true
return this.paramsTypes, nil
* return type of this prototype
func (this *Dex_ProtoIdItem) ReturnType() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_returnType) {
return this.returnType, nil
tmp126, err := this._root.TypeIds()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp127, err := tmp126[this.ReturnTypeIdx].TypeName()
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.returnType = string(tmp127)
this._f_returnType = true
return this.returnType, nil
* index into the string_ids list for the short-form descriptor string of this prototype.
* The string must conform to the syntax for ShortyDescriptor, defined above,
* and must correspond to the return type and parameters of this item.
* index into the type_ids list for the return type of this prototype
* offset from the start of the file to the list of parameter types for this prototype,
* or 0 if this prototype has no parameters.
* This offset, if non-zero, should be in the data section, and the data
* there should be in the format specified by "type_list" below.
* Additionally, there should be no reference to the type void in the list.
type Dex_EncodedMethod struct {
MethodIdxDiff *VlqBase128Le
AccessFlags *VlqBase128Le
CodeOff *VlqBase128Le
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_ClassDataItem
func NewDex_EncodedMethod() *Dex_EncodedMethod {
return &Dex_EncodedMethod{
func (this *Dex_EncodedMethod) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_ClassDataItem, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp128 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp128.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.MethodIdxDiff = tmp128
tmp129 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp129.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.AccessFlags = tmp129
tmp130 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp130.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.CodeOff = tmp130
return err
* index into the method_ids list for the identity of this method
* (includes the name and descriptor), represented as a difference
* from the index of previous element in the list.
* The index of the first element in a list is represented directly.
* access flags for the field (public, final, etc.).
* See "access_flags Definitions" for details.
* offset from the start of the file to the code structure for this method,
* or 0 if this method is either abstract or native.
* The offset should be to a location in the data section.
* The format of the data is specified by "code_item" below.
type Dex_MapItem_MapItemType int
const (
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__HeaderItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 0
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__StringIdItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 1
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__TypeIdItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 2
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__ProtoIdItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 3
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__FieldIdItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 4
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__MethodIdItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 5
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__ClassDefItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 6
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__CallSiteIdItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 7
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__MethodHandleItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__MapList Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 4096
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__TypeList Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 4097
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__AnnotationSetRefList Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 4098
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__AnnotationSetItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 4099
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__ClassDataItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8192
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__CodeItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8193
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__StringDataItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8194
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__DebugInfoItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8195
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__AnnotationItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8196
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__EncodedArrayItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8197
Dex_MapItem_MapItemType__AnnotationsDirectoryItem Dex_MapItem_MapItemType = 8198
type Dex_MapItem struct {
Type Dex_MapItem_MapItemType
Unused uint16
Size uint32
Offset uint32
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent *Dex_MapList
func NewDex_MapItem() *Dex_MapItem {
return &Dex_MapItem{
func (this *Dex_MapItem) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *Dex_MapList, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp131, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Type = Dex_MapItem_MapItemType(tmp131)
tmp132, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Unused = uint16(tmp132)
tmp133, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Size = uint32(tmp133)
tmp134, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Offset = uint32(tmp134)
return err
* type of the items; see table below
* (unused)
* count of the number of items to be found at the indicated offset
* offset from the start of the file to the items in question
type Dex_EncodedArray struct {
Size *VlqBase128Le
Values []*Dex_EncodedValue
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *Dex
_parent interface{}
func NewDex_EncodedArray() *Dex_EncodedArray {
return &Dex_EncodedArray{
func (this *Dex_EncodedArray) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent interface{}, root *Dex) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp135 := NewVlqBase128Le()
err = tmp135.Read(this._io, this, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Size = tmp135
tmp136, err := this.Size.Value()
if err != nil {
return err
for i := 0; i < int(tmp136); i++ {
_ = i
tmp137 := NewDex_EncodedValue()
err = tmp137.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Values = append(this.Values, tmp137)
return err