Format for Android DTB/DTBO partitions. It's kind of archive with dtb/dtbo files. Used only when there is a separate unique partition (dtb, dtbo) on an android device to organize device tree files. The format consists of a header with info about size and number of device tree entries and the entries themselves. This format description could be used to extract device tree entries from a partition images and decompile them with dtc (device tree compiler).
This page hosts a formal specification of Android DTB/DTBO Partition using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3
local class = require("class")
-- Format for Android DTB/DTBO partitions. It's kind of archive with
-- dtb/dtbo files. Used only when there is a separate unique partition
-- (dtb, dtbo) on an android device to organize device tree files.
-- The format consists of a header with info about size and number
-- of device tree entries and the entries themselves. This format
-- description could be used to extract device tree entries from a
-- partition images and decompile them with dtc (device tree compiler).
-- See also: Source (
-- See also: Source (
AndroidDto = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function AndroidDto:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function AndroidDto:_read()
self.header = AndroidDto.DtTableHeader(self._io, self, self._root)
self.entries = {}
for i = 0, self.header.dt_entry_count - 1 do
self.entries[i + 1] = AndroidDto.DtTableEntry(self._io, self, self._root)
AndroidDto.DtTableHeader = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function AndroidDto.DtTableHeader:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function AndroidDto.DtTableHeader:_read()
self.magic = self._io:read_bytes(4)
if not(self.magic == "\215\183\171\030") then
error("not equal, expected " .. "\215\183\171\030" .. ", but got " .. self.magic)
self.total_size = self._io:read_u4be()
self.header_size = self._io:read_u4be()
self.dt_entry_size = self._io:read_u4be()
self.dt_entry_count = self._io:read_u4be()
self.dt_entries_offset = self._io:read_u4be()
self.page_size = self._io:read_u4be()
self.version = self._io:read_u4be()
-- includes dt_table_header + all dt_table_entry and all dtb/dtbo.
-- sizeof(dt_table_header).
-- sizeof(dt_table_entry).
-- number of dt_table_entry.
-- offset to the first dt_table_entry from head of dt_table_header.
-- flash page size.
-- DTBO image version.
AndroidDto.DtTableEntry = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function AndroidDto.DtTableEntry:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function AndroidDto.DtTableEntry:_read()
self.dt_size = self._io:read_u4be()
self.dt_offset = self._io:read_u4be() = self._io:read_u4be()
self.rev = self._io:read_u4be()
self.custom = {}
for i = 0, 4 - 1 do
self.custom[i + 1] = self._io:read_u4be()
-- DTB/DTBO file. = {}
if self._m_body ~= nil then
return self._m_body
local _io = self._root._io
local _pos = _io:pos()
self._m_body = _io:read_bytes(self.dt_size)
return self._m_body
-- size of this entry.
-- offset from head of dt_table_header.
-- optional, must be zero if unused.
-- optional, must be zero if unused.
-- optional, must be zero if unused.