Android OS applications executables are typically stored in its own format, optimized for more efficient execution in Dalvik virtual machine.
This format is loosely similar to Java .class file format and generally holds the similar set of data: i.e. classes, methods, fields, annotations, etc.
This page hosts a formal specification of Android Dalvik VM executable (dex) using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for Python generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Python runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
The Python runtime library can be installed from PyPI:
python3 -m pip install kaitaistruct
Parse a local file and get structure in memory:
data = Dex.from_file("path/to/local/file.dex")
Or parse structure from a bytes:
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream, BytesIO
raw = b"\x00\x01\x02..."
data = Dex(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(raw)))
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:
data.string_ids # => string identifiers list.
These are identifiers for all the strings used by this file, either for
internal naming (e.g., type descriptors) or as constant objects referred to by code.
This list must be sorted by string contents, using UTF-16 code point values
(not in a locale-sensitive manner), and it must not contain any duplicate entries.
# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
import kaitaistruct
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStruct, KaitaiStream, BytesIO
from enum import Enum
if getattr(kaitaistruct, 'API_VERSION', (0, 9)) < (0, 9):
raise Exception("Incompatible Kaitai Struct Python API: 0.9 or later is required, but you have %s" % (kaitaistruct.__version__))
import vlq_base128_le
class Dex(KaitaiStruct):
"""Android OS applications executables are typically stored in its own
format, optimized for more efficient execution in Dalvik virtual
This format is loosely similar to Java .class file format and
generally holds the similar set of data: i.e. classes, methods,
fields, annotations, etc.
.. seealso::
Source -
class ClassAccessFlags(Enum):
public = 1
private = 2
protected = 4
static = 8
final = 16
interface = 512
abstract = 1024
synthetic = 4096
annotation = 8192
enum = 16384
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.header = Dex.HeaderItem(self._io, self, self._root)
class HeaderItem(KaitaiStruct):
class EndianConstant(Enum):
endian_constant = 305419896
reverse_endian_constant = 2018915346
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.magic = self._io.read_bytes(4)
if not self.magic == b"\x64\x65\x78\x0A":
raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(b"\x64\x65\x78\x0A", self.magic, self._io, u"/types/header_item/seq/0")
self.version_str = (KaitaiStream.bytes_terminate(self._io.read_bytes(4), 0, False)).decode(u"ascii")
self.checksum = self._io.read_u4le()
self.signature = self._io.read_bytes(20)
self.file_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.header_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.endian_tag = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Dex.HeaderItem.EndianConstant, self._io.read_u4le())
self.link_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.link_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.map_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.string_ids_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.string_ids_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.type_ids_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.type_ids_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.proto_ids_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.proto_ids_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.field_ids_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.field_ids_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.method_ids_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.method_ids_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.class_defs_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.class_defs_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.data_size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.data_off = self._io.read_u4le()
class MapList(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.list = []
for i in range(self.size):
self.list.append(Dex.MapItem(self._io, self, self._root))
class EncodedValue(KaitaiStruct):
class ValueTypeEnum(Enum):
byte = 0
short = 2
char = 3
int = 4
long = 6
float = 16
double = 17
method_type = 21
method_handle = 22
string = 23
type = 24
field = 25
method = 26
enum = 27
array = 28
annotation = 29
null = 30
boolean = 31
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.value_arg = self._io.read_bits_int_be(3)
self.value_type = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum, self._io.read_bits_int_be(5))
_on = self.value_type
if _on ==
self.value = self._io.read_s4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.annotation:
self.value = Dex.EncodedAnnotation(self._io, self, self._root)
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.long:
self.value = self._io.read_s8le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.method_handle:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.byte:
self.value = self._io.read_s1()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.array:
self.value = Dex.EncodedArray(self._io, self, self._root)
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.method_type:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.short:
self.value = self._io.read_s2le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.method:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.double:
self.value = self._io.read_f8le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.float:
self.value = self._io.read_f4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.type:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.enum:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.field:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.string:
self.value = self._io.read_u4le()
elif _on == Dex.EncodedValue.ValueTypeEnum.char:
self.value = self._io.read_u2le()
class CallSiteIdItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.call_site_off = self._io.read_u4le()
class MethodIdItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.class_idx = self._io.read_u2le()
self.proto_idx = self._io.read_u2le()
self.name_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
def class_name(self):
"""the definer of this method."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_class_name'):
return self._m_class_name
self._m_class_name = self._root.type_ids[self.class_idx].type_name
return getattr(self, '_m_class_name', None)
def proto_desc(self):
"""the short-form descriptor of the prototype of this method."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_proto_desc'):
return self._m_proto_desc
self._m_proto_desc = self._root.proto_ids[self.proto_idx].shorty_desc
return getattr(self, '_m_proto_desc', None)
def method_name(self):
"""the name of this method."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_method_name'):
return self._m_method_name
self._m_method_name = self._root.string_ids[self.name_idx]
return getattr(self, '_m_method_name', None)
class TypeItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.type_idx = self._io.read_u2le()
def value(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_value'):
return self._m_value
self._m_value = self._root.type_ids[self.type_idx].type_name
return getattr(self, '_m_value', None)
class TypeIdItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.descriptor_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
def type_name(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_type_name'):
return self._m_type_name
self._m_type_name = self._root.string_ids[self.descriptor_idx]
return getattr(self, '_m_type_name', None)
class AnnotationElement(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.name_idx = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.value = Dex.EncodedValue(self._io, self, self._root)
class EncodedField(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.field_idx_diff = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.access_flags = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
class EncodedArrayItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.value = Dex.EncodedArray(self._io, self, self._root)
class ClassDataItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.static_fields_size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.instance_fields_size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.direct_methods_size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.virtual_methods_size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.static_fields = []
for i in range(self.static_fields_size.value):
self.static_fields.append(Dex.EncodedField(self._io, self, self._root))
self.instance_fields = []
for i in range(self.instance_fields_size.value):
self.instance_fields.append(Dex.EncodedField(self._io, self, self._root))
self.direct_methods = []
for i in range(self.direct_methods_size.value):
self.direct_methods.append(Dex.EncodedMethod(self._io, self, self._root))
self.virtual_methods = []
for i in range(self.virtual_methods_size.value):
self.virtual_methods.append(Dex.EncodedMethod(self._io, self, self._root))
class FieldIdItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.class_idx = self._io.read_u2le()
self.type_idx = self._io.read_u2le()
self.name_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
def class_name(self):
"""the definer of this field."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_class_name'):
return self._m_class_name
self._m_class_name = self._root.type_ids[self.class_idx].type_name
return getattr(self, '_m_class_name', None)
def type_name(self):
"""the type of this field."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_type_name'):
return self._m_type_name
self._m_type_name = self._root.type_ids[self.type_idx].type_name
return getattr(self, '_m_type_name', None)
def field_name(self):
"""the name of this field."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_field_name'):
return self._m_field_name
self._m_field_name = self._root.string_ids[self.name_idx]
return getattr(self, '_m_field_name', None)
class EncodedAnnotation(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.type_idx = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.elements = []
for i in range(self.size.value):
self.elements.append(Dex.AnnotationElement(self._io, self, self._root))
class ClassDefItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.class_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
self.access_flags = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Dex.ClassAccessFlags, self._io.read_u4le())
self.superclass_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
self.interfaces_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.source_file_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
self.annotations_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.class_data_off = self._io.read_u4le()
self.static_values_off = self._io.read_u4le()
def type_name(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_type_name'):
return self._m_type_name
self._m_type_name = self._root.type_ids[self.class_idx].type_name
return getattr(self, '_m_type_name', None)
def class_data(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_class_data'):
return self._m_class_data
if self.class_data_off != 0:
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_class_data = Dex.ClassDataItem(self._io, self, self._root)
return getattr(self, '_m_class_data', None)
def static_values(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_static_values'):
return self._m_static_values
if self.static_values_off != 0:
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_static_values = Dex.EncodedArrayItem(self._io, self, self._root)
return getattr(self, '_m_static_values', None)
class TypeList(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.list = []
for i in range(self.size):
self.list.append(Dex.TypeItem(self._io, self, self._root))
class StringIdItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.string_data_off = self._io.read_u4le()
class StringDataItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.utf16_size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io) = (self._io.read_bytes(self.utf16_size.value)).decode(u"ascii")
def value(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_value'):
return self._m_value
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_value = Dex.StringIdItem.StringDataItem(self._io, self, self._root)
return getattr(self, '_m_value', None)
class ProtoIdItem(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.shorty_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
self.return_type_idx = self._io.read_u4le()
self.parameters_off = self._io.read_u4le()
def shorty_desc(self):
"""short-form descriptor string of this prototype, as pointed to by shorty_idx."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_shorty_desc'):
return self._m_shorty_desc
self._m_shorty_desc = self._root.string_ids[self.shorty_idx]
return getattr(self, '_m_shorty_desc', None)
def params_types(self):
"""list of parameter types for this prototype."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_params_types'):
return self._m_params_types
if self.parameters_off != 0:
io = self._root._io
_pos = io.pos()
self._m_params_types = Dex.TypeList(io, self, self._root)
return getattr(self, '_m_params_types', None)
def return_type(self):
"""return type of this prototype."""
if hasattr(self, '_m_return_type'):
return self._m_return_type
self._m_return_type = self._root.type_ids[self.return_type_idx].type_name
return getattr(self, '_m_return_type', None)
class EncodedMethod(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.method_idx_diff = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.access_flags = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.code_off = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
class MapItem(KaitaiStruct):
class MapItemType(Enum):
header_item = 0
string_id_item = 1
type_id_item = 2
proto_id_item = 3
field_id_item = 4
method_id_item = 5
class_def_item = 6
call_site_id_item = 7
method_handle_item = 8
map_list = 4096
type_list = 4097
annotation_set_ref_list = 4098
annotation_set_item = 4099
class_data_item = 8192
code_item = 8193
string_data_item = 8194
debug_info_item = 8195
annotation_item = 8196
encoded_array_item = 8197
annotations_directory_item = 8198
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.type = KaitaiStream.resolve_enum(Dex.MapItem.MapItemType, self._io.read_u2le())
self.unused = self._io.read_u2le()
self.size = self._io.read_u4le()
self.offset = self._io.read_u4le()
class EncodedArray(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.size = vlq_base128_le.VlqBase128Le(self._io)
self.values = []
for i in range(self.size.value):
self.values.append(Dex.EncodedValue(self._io, self, self._root))
def string_ids(self):
"""string identifiers list.
These are identifiers for all the strings used by this file, either for
internal naming (e.g., type descriptors) or as constant objects referred to by code.
This list must be sorted by string contents, using UTF-16 code point values
(not in a locale-sensitive manner), and it must not contain any duplicate entries.
if hasattr(self, '_m_string_ids'):
return self._m_string_ids
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_string_ids = []
for i in range(self.header.string_ids_size):
self._m_string_ids.append(Dex.StringIdItem(self._io, self, self._root))
return getattr(self, '_m_string_ids', None)
def method_ids(self):
"""method identifiers list.
These are identifiers for all methods referred to by this file,
whether defined in the file or not.
This list must be sorted, where the defining type (by type_id index
is the major order, method name (by string_id index) is the intermediate
order, and method prototype (by proto_id index) is the minor order.
The list must not contain any duplicate entries.
if hasattr(self, '_m_method_ids'):
return self._m_method_ids
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_method_ids = []
for i in range(self.header.method_ids_size):
self._m_method_ids.append(Dex.MethodIdItem(self._io, self, self._root))
return getattr(self, '_m_method_ids', None)
def link_data(self):
"""data used in statically linked files.
The format of the data in this section is left unspecified by this document.
This section is empty in unlinked files, and runtime implementations may
use it as they see fit.
if hasattr(self, '_m_link_data'):
return self._m_link_data
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_link_data = self._io.read_bytes(self.header.link_size)
return getattr(self, '_m_link_data', None)
def map(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_map'):
return self._m_map
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_map = Dex.MapList(self._io, self, self._root)
return getattr(self, '_m_map', None)
def class_defs(self):
"""class definitions list.
The classes must be ordered such that a given class's superclass and
implemented interfaces appear in the list earlier than the referring class.
Furthermore, it is invalid for a definition for the same-named class to
appear more than once in the list.
if hasattr(self, '_m_class_defs'):
return self._m_class_defs
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_class_defs = []
for i in range(self.header.class_defs_size):
self._m_class_defs.append(Dex.ClassDefItem(self._io, self, self._root))
return getattr(self, '_m_class_defs', None)
def data(self):
"""data area, containing all the support data for the tables listed above.
Different items have different alignment requirements, and padding bytes
are inserted before each item if necessary to achieve proper alignment.
if hasattr(self, '_m_data'):
return self._m_data
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_data = self._io.read_bytes(self.header.data_size)
return getattr(self, '_m_data', None)
def type_ids(self):
"""type identifiers list.
These are identifiers for all types (classes, arrays, or primitive types)
referred to by this file, whether defined in the file or not.
This list must be sorted by string_id index, and it must not contain any duplicate entries.
if hasattr(self, '_m_type_ids'):
return self._m_type_ids
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_type_ids = []
for i in range(self.header.type_ids_size):
self._m_type_ids.append(Dex.TypeIdItem(self._io, self, self._root))
return getattr(self, '_m_type_ids', None)
def proto_ids(self):
"""method prototype identifiers list.
These are identifiers for all prototypes referred to by this file.
This list must be sorted in return-type (by type_id index) major order,
and then by argument list (lexicographic ordering, individual arguments
ordered by type_id index). The list must not contain any duplicate entries.
if hasattr(self, '_m_proto_ids'):
return self._m_proto_ids
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_proto_ids = []
for i in range(self.header.proto_ids_size):
self._m_proto_ids.append(Dex.ProtoIdItem(self._io, self, self._root))
return getattr(self, '_m_proto_ids', None)
def field_ids(self):
"""field identifiers list.
These are identifiers for all fields referred to by this file, whether defined in the file or not.
This list must be sorted, where the defining type (by type_id index)
is the major order, field name (by string_id index) is the intermediate
order, and type (by type_id index) is the minor order.
The list must not contain any duplicate entries.
if hasattr(self, '_m_field_ids'):
return self._m_field_ids
_pos = self._io.pos()
self._m_field_ids = []
for i in range(self.header.field_ids_size):
self._m_field_ids.append(Dex.FieldIdItem(self._io, self, self._root))
return getattr(self, '_m_field_ids', None)