Classic MacOS Sound Resource: Java parsing library

Sound resources were introduced in Classic MacOS with the Sound Manager program. They can contain sound commands to generate sounds with given frequencies as well as sampled sound data. They are mostly found in resource forks, but can occasionally appear standalone or embedded in other files.


Sound Manager

KS implementation details

License: MIT


This page hosts a formal specification of Classic MacOS Sound Resource using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for Java generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Java runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The Java runtime library is published in the Maven Central Repository. Refer to the artifact page for instructions how to add it into your project with the build tool that you use.


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

MacOsResourceSnd data = MacOsResourceSnd.fromFile("path/to/local/file.bin");

Or parse structure from a byte array:

byte[] someArray = new byte[] { ... };
MacOsResourceSnd data = new MacOsResourceSnd(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(someArray));

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.midiNoteToFrequency() // => Lookup table to convert a MIDI note into a frequency in Hz
The lookup table represents the formula (2 ** ((midi_note - 69) / 12)) * 440

Java source code to parse Classic MacOS Sound Resource

// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

import io.kaitai.struct.ByteBufferKaitaiStream;
import io.kaitai.struct.KaitaiStruct;
import io.kaitai.struct.KaitaiStream;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * Sound resources were introduced in Classic MacOS with the Sound Manager program.
 * They can contain sound commands to generate sounds with given frequencies as well as sampled sound data.
 * They are mostly found in resource forks, but can occasionally appear standalone or embedded in other files.
 * @see <a href="">Source</a>
public class MacOsResourceSnd extends KaitaiStruct {
    public static MacOsResourceSnd fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
        return new MacOsResourceSnd(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

    public enum CmdType {

        private final long id;
        CmdType(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, CmdType> byId = new HashMap<Long, CmdType>(28);
        static {
            for (CmdType e : CmdType.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static CmdType byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public enum SoundHeaderType {

        private final long id;
        SoundHeaderType(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, SoundHeaderType> byId = new HashMap<Long, SoundHeaderType>(3);
        static {
            for (SoundHeaderType e : SoundHeaderType.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static SoundHeaderType byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public enum DataType {

        private final long id;
        DataType(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, DataType> byId = new HashMap<Long, DataType>(3);
        static {
            for (DataType e : DataType.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static DataType byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public enum WaveInitOption {

        private final long id;
        WaveInitOption(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, WaveInitOption> byId = new HashMap<Long, WaveInitOption>(4);
        static {
            for (WaveInitOption e : WaveInitOption.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static WaveInitOption byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public enum InitOption {

        private final long id;
        InitOption(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, InitOption> byId = new HashMap<Long, InitOption>(8);
        static {
            for (InitOption e : InitOption.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static InitOption byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public enum CompressionTypeEnum {

        private final long id;
        CompressionTypeEnum(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, CompressionTypeEnum> byId = new HashMap<Long, CompressionTypeEnum>(7);
        static {
            for (CompressionTypeEnum e : CompressionTypeEnum.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static CompressionTypeEnum byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public MacOsResourceSnd(KaitaiStream _io) {
        this(_io, null, null);

    public MacOsResourceSnd(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
        this(_io, _parent, null);

    public MacOsResourceSnd(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
        this._parent = _parent;
        this._root = _root == null ? this : _root;
    private void _read() {
        this.format = this._io.readU2be();
        if (format() == 1) {
            this.numDataFormats = this._io.readU2be();
        if (format() == 1) {
            this.dataFormats = new ArrayList<DataFormat>();
            for (int i = 0; i < numDataFormats(); i++) {
                this.dataFormats.add(new DataFormat(this._io, this, _root));
        if (format() == 2) {
            this.referenceCount = this._io.readU2be();
        this.numSoundCommands = this._io.readU2be();
        this.soundCommands = new ArrayList<SoundCommand>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numSoundCommands(); i++) {
            this.soundCommands.add(new SoundCommand(this._io, this, _root));
    public static class Extended extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Extended fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Extended(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Extended(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Extended(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Extended(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.instrumentChunkPtr = this._io.readU4be();
            this.aesRecordingPtr = this._io.readU4be();
        private long instrumentChunkPtr;
        private long aesRecordingPtr;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent;

         * pointer to instrument info
        public long instrumentChunkPtr() { return instrumentChunkPtr; }

         * pointer to audio info
        public long aesRecordingPtr() { return aesRecordingPtr; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class SoundHeader extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static SoundHeader fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new SoundHeader(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public SoundHeader(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public SoundHeader(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.SoundCommand _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public SoundHeader(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.SoundCommand _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            if (startOfs() < 0) {
                this._unnamed0 = this._io.readBytes(0);
            this.samplePtr = this._io.readU4be();
            if (soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.STANDARD) {
                this.numSamples = this._io.readU4be();
            if ( ((soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.EXTENDED) || (soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.COMPRESSED)) ) {
                this.numChannels = this._io.readU4be();
            this.sampleRate = new UnsignedFixedPoint(this._io, this, _root);
            this.loopStart = this._io.readU4be();
            this.loopEnd = this._io.readU4be();
            this.encode = MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.byId(this._io.readU1());
            this.midiNote = this._io.readU1();
            if ( ((soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.EXTENDED) || (soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.COMPRESSED)) ) {
                this.extendedOrCompressed = new ExtendedOrCompressed(this._io, this, _root);
            if (samplePtr() == 0) {
                this.sampleArea = this._io.readBytes((soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.STANDARD ? numSamples() : (soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.EXTENDED ? (((extendedOrCompressed().numFrames() * numChannels()) * extendedOrCompressed().bitsPerSample()) / 8) : (_io().size() - _io().pos()))));
        private Integer startOfs;
        public Integer startOfs() {
            if (this.startOfs != null)
                return this.startOfs;
            int _tmp = (int) (_io().pos());
            this.startOfs = _tmp;
            return this.startOfs;
        private Double baseFreqeuncy;

         * base frequency of sample in Hz
         * Calculated with the formula (2 ** ((midi_note - 69) / 12)) * 440
         * @see <a href="">Source</a>
        public Double baseFreqeuncy() {
            if (this.baseFreqeuncy != null)
                return this.baseFreqeuncy;
            if ( ((midiNote() >= 0) && (midiNote() < 128)) ) {
                double _tmp = (double) (_root().midiNoteToFrequency().get((int) midiNote()));
                this.baseFreqeuncy = _tmp;
            return this.baseFreqeuncy;
        private SoundHeaderType soundHeaderType;
        public SoundHeaderType soundHeaderType() {
            if (this.soundHeaderType != null)
                return this.soundHeaderType;
            long _pos = this._io.pos();
   + 20));
            this.soundHeaderType = MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.byId(this._io.readU1());
            return this.soundHeaderType;
        private byte[] _unnamed0;
        private long samplePtr;
        private Long numSamples;
        private Long numChannels;
        private UnsignedFixedPoint sampleRate;
        private long loopStart;
        private long loopEnd;
        private SoundHeaderType encode;
        private int midiNote;
        private ExtendedOrCompressed extendedOrCompressed;
        private byte[] sampleArea;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd.SoundCommand _parent;
        public byte[] _unnamed0() { return _unnamed0; }

         * pointer to samples (or 0 if samples follow data structure)
        public long samplePtr() { return samplePtr; }

         * number of samples
        public Long numSamples() { return numSamples; }

         * number of channels in sample
        public Long numChannels() { return numChannels; }

         * The rate at which the sample was originally recorded.
        public UnsignedFixedPoint sampleRate() { return sampleRate; }

         * loop point beginning
        public long loopStart() { return loopStart; }

         * loop point ending
        public long loopEnd() { return loopEnd; }

         * sample's encoding option
        public SoundHeaderType encode() { return encode; }

         * base frequency of sample, expressed as MIDI note values, 60 is middle C
        public int midiNote() { return midiNote; }
        public ExtendedOrCompressed extendedOrCompressed() { return extendedOrCompressed; }

         * sampled-sound data
        public byte[] sampleArea() { return sampleArea; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd.SoundCommand _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class UnsignedFixedPoint extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static UnsignedFixedPoint fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new UnsignedFixedPoint(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public UnsignedFixedPoint(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public UnsignedFixedPoint(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public UnsignedFixedPoint(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.integerPart = this._io.readU2be();
            this.fractionPart = this._io.readU2be();
        private Double value;
        public Double value() {
            if (this.value != null)
                return this.value;
            double _tmp = (double) ((integerPart() + (fractionPart() / 65535.0)));
            this.value = _tmp;
            return this.value;
        private int integerPart;
        private int fractionPart;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent;
        public int integerPart() { return integerPart; }
        public int fractionPart() { return fractionPart; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class SoundCommand extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static SoundCommand fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new SoundCommand(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public SoundCommand(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public SoundCommand(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public SoundCommand(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.isDataOffset = this._io.readBitsIntBe(1) != 0;
            this.cmd = MacOsResourceSnd.CmdType.byId(this._io.readBitsIntBe(15));
            this.param1 = this._io.readU2be();
            this.param2 = this._io.readU4be();
        private SoundHeader soundHeader;
        public SoundHeader soundHeader() {
            if (this.soundHeader != null)
                return this.soundHeader;
            if ( ((isDataOffset()) && (cmd() == MacOsResourceSnd.CmdType.BUFFER_CMD)) ) {
                long _pos = this._io.pos();
                this.soundHeader = new SoundHeader(this._io, this, _root);
            return this.soundHeader;
        private boolean isDataOffset;
        private CmdType cmd;
        private int param1;
        private long param2;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _parent;
        public boolean isDataOffset() { return isDataOffset; }
        public CmdType cmd() { return cmd; }
        public int param1() { return param1; }
        public long param2() { return param2; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Compressed extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Compressed fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Compressed(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Compressed(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Compressed(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Compressed(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.format = new String(this._io.readBytes(4), Charset.forName("ASCII"));
            this.reserved = this._io.readBytes(4);
            this.stateVarsPtr = this._io.readU4be();
            this.leftOverSamplesPtr = this._io.readU4be();
            this.compressionId = this._io.readS2be();
            this.packetSize = this._io.readU2be();
            this.synthesizerId = this._io.readU2be();
        private CompressionTypeEnum compressionType;
        public CompressionTypeEnum compressionType() {
            if (this.compressionType != null)
                return this.compressionType;
            this.compressionType = MacOsResourceSnd.CompressionTypeEnum.byId(compressionId());
            return this.compressionType;
        private String format;
        private byte[] reserved;
        private long stateVarsPtr;
        private long leftOverSamplesPtr;
        private short compressionId;
        private int packetSize;
        private int synthesizerId;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent;

         * data format type
        public String format() { return format; }
        public byte[] reserved() { return reserved; }

         * pointer to StateBlock
        public long stateVarsPtr() { return stateVarsPtr; }

         * pointer to LeftOverBlock
        public long leftOverSamplesPtr() { return leftOverSamplesPtr; }

         * ID of compression algorithm
        public short compressionId() { return compressionId; }

         * number of bits per packet
        public int packetSize() { return packetSize; }

         * Latest Sound Manager documentation specifies this field as:
         * This field is unused. You should set it to 0.
         * Inside Macintosh (Volume VI, 1991) specifies it as:
         * Indicates the resource ID number of the 'snth' resource that was used to compress the packets contained in the compressed sound header.
         * @see <a href="">Page 22-49, absolute page number 1169 in the PDF</a>
        public int synthesizerId() { return synthesizerId; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd.ExtendedOrCompressed _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class ExtendedOrCompressed extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static ExtendedOrCompressed fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new ExtendedOrCompressed(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public ExtendedOrCompressed(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public ExtendedOrCompressed(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public ExtendedOrCompressed(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.numFrames = this._io.readU4be();
            this.aiffSampleRate = this._io.readBytes(10);
            this.markerChunk = this._io.readU4be();
            if (_parent().soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.EXTENDED) {
                this.extended = new Extended(this._io, this, _root);
            if (_parent().soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.COMPRESSED) {
                this.compressed = new Compressed(this._io, this, _root);
            this.bitsPerSample = this._io.readU2be();
            if (_parent().soundHeaderType() == MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeaderType.EXTENDED) {
                this.reserved = this._io.readBytes(14);
        private long numFrames;
        private byte[] aiffSampleRate;
        private long markerChunk;
        private Extended extended;
        private Compressed compressed;
        private int bitsPerSample;
        private byte[] reserved;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent;
        public long numFrames() { return numFrames; }

         * rate of original sample (Extended80)
        public byte[] aiffSampleRate() { return aiffSampleRate; }

         * reserved
        public long markerChunk() { return markerChunk; }
        public Extended extended() { return extended; }
        public Compressed compressed() { return compressed; }

         * number of bits per sample
        public int bitsPerSample() { return bitsPerSample; }

         * reserved
        public byte[] reserved() { return reserved; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd.SoundHeader _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class DataFormat extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static DataFormat fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new DataFormat(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public DataFormat(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public DataFormat(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public DataFormat(KaitaiStream _io, MacOsResourceSnd _parent, MacOsResourceSnd _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
   = MacOsResourceSnd.DataType.byId(this._io.readU2be());
            this.options = this._io.readU4be();
        private Byte initPanMask;

         * mask for right/left pan values
        public Byte initPanMask() {
            if (this.initPanMask != null)
                return this.initPanMask;
            byte _tmp = (byte) (3);
            this.initPanMask = _tmp;
            return this.initPanMask;
        private Byte waveInitChannelMask;

         * wave table only, Sound Manager 2.0 and earlier
        public Byte waveInitChannelMask() {
            if (this.waveInitChannelMask != null)
                return this.waveInitChannelMask;
            byte _tmp = (byte) (7);
            this.waveInitChannelMask = _tmp;
            return this.waveInitChannelMask;
        private Integer initStereoMask;

         * mask for mono/stereo values
        public Integer initStereoMask() {
            if (this.initStereoMask != null)
                return this.initStereoMask;
            int _tmp = (int) (192);
            this.initStereoMask = _tmp;
            return this.initStereoMask;
        private WaveInitOption waveInit;
        public WaveInitOption waveInit() {
            if (this.waveInit != null)
                return this.waveInit;
            if (id() == MacOsResourceSnd.DataType.WAVE_TABLE_SYNTH) {
                this.waveInit = MacOsResourceSnd.WaveInitOption.byId((options() & waveInitChannelMask()));
            return this.waveInit;
        private InitOption panInit;
        public InitOption panInit() {
            if (this.panInit != null)
                return this.panInit;
            this.panInit = MacOsResourceSnd.InitOption.byId((options() & initPanMask()));
            return this.panInit;
        private Integer initCompMask;

         * mask for compression IDs
        public Integer initCompMask() {
            if (this.initCompMask != null)
                return this.initCompMask;
            int _tmp = (int) (65280);
            this.initCompMask = _tmp;
            return this.initCompMask;
        private InitOption stereoInit;
        public InitOption stereoInit() {
            if (this.stereoInit != null)
                return this.stereoInit;
            this.stereoInit = MacOsResourceSnd.InitOption.byId((options() & initStereoMask()));
            return this.stereoInit;
        private InitOption compInit;
        public InitOption compInit() {
            if (this.compInit != null)
                return this.compInit;
            this.compInit = MacOsResourceSnd.InitOption.byId((options() & initCompMask()));
            return this.compInit;
        private DataType id;
        private long options;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
        private MacOsResourceSnd _parent;
        public DataType id() { return id; }

         * contains initialisation options for the SndNewChannel function
        public long options() { return options; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
        public MacOsResourceSnd _parent() { return _parent; }
    private ArrayList<Double> midiNoteToFrequency;

     * Lookup table to convert a MIDI note into a frequency in Hz
     * The lookup table represents the formula (2 ** ((midi_note - 69) / 12)) * 440
     * @see <a href="">Source</a>
    public ArrayList<Double> midiNoteToFrequency() {
        if (this.midiNoteToFrequency != null)
            return this.midiNoteToFrequency;
        this.midiNoteToFrequency = new ArrayList<Double>(Arrays.asList(8.18, 8.66, 9.18, 9.72, 10.30, 10.91, 11.56, 12.25, 12.98, 13.75, 14.57, 15.43, 16.35, 17.32, 18.35, 19.45, 20.60, 21.83, 23.12, 24.50, 25.96, 27.50, 29.14, 30.87, 32.70, 34.65, 36.71, 38.89, 41.20, 43.65, 46.25, 49.00, 51.91, 55.00, 58.27, 61.74, 65.41, 69.30, 73.42, 77.78, 82.41, 87.31, 92.50, 98.00, 103.83, 110.00, 116.54, 123.47, 130.81, 138.59, 146.83, 155.56, 164.81, 174.61, 185.00, 196.00, 207.65, 220.00, 233.08, 246.94, 261.63, 277.18, 293.66, 311.13, 329.63, 349.23, 369.99, 392.00, 415.30, 440.00, 466.16, 493.88, 523.25, 554.37, 587.33, 622.25, 659.26, 698.46, 739.99, 783.99, 830.61, 880.00, 932.33, 987.77, 1046.50, 1108.73, 1174.66, 1244.51, 1318.51, 1396.91, 1479.98, 1567.98, 1661.22, 1760.00, 1864.66, 1975.53, 2093.00, 2217.46, 2349.32, 2489.02, 2637.02, 2793.83, 2959.96, 3135.96, 3322.44, 3520.00, 3729.31, 3951.07, 4186.01, 4434.92, 4698.64, 4978.03, 5274.04, 5587.65, 5919.91, 6271.93, 6644.88, 7040.00, 7458.62, 7902.13, 8372.02, 8869.84, 9397.27, 9956.06, 10548.08, 11175.30, 11839.82, 12543.85));
        return this.midiNoteToFrequency;
    private int format;
    private Integer numDataFormats;
    private ArrayList<DataFormat> dataFormats;
    private Integer referenceCount;
    private int numSoundCommands;
    private ArrayList<SoundCommand> soundCommands;
    private MacOsResourceSnd _root;
    private KaitaiStruct _parent;
    public int format() { return format; }
    public Integer numDataFormats() { return numDataFormats; }
    public ArrayList<DataFormat> dataFormats() { return dataFormats; }
    public Integer referenceCount() { return referenceCount; }
    public int numSoundCommands() { return numSoundCommands; }
    public ArrayList<SoundCommand> soundCommands() { return soundCommands; }
    public MacOsResourceSnd _root() { return _root; }
    public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }