MCAP: Java parsing library

MCAP is a modular container format and logging library for pub/sub messages with arbitrary message serialization. It is primarily intended for use in robotics applications, and works well under various workloads, resource constraints, and durability requirements.

Time values (log_time, publish_time, create_time) are represented in nanoseconds since a user-understood epoch (i.e. Unix epoch, robot boot time, etc.)

File extension


KS implementation details

License: Apache-2.0

This page hosts a formal specification of MCAP using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for Java generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Java runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

The Java runtime library is published in the Maven Central Repository. Refer to the artifact page for instructions how to add it into your project with the build tool that you use.


Parse a local file and get structure in memory:

Mcap data = Mcap.fromFile("path/to/local/file.mcap");

Or parse structure from a byte array:

byte[] someArray = new byte[] { ... };
Mcap data = new Mcap(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(someArray));

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.headerMagic() // => get header magic

Java source code to parse MCAP

// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

import io.kaitai.struct.ByteBufferKaitaiStream;
import io.kaitai.struct.KaitaiStruct;
import io.kaitai.struct.KaitaiStream;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * MCAP is a modular container format and logging library for pub/sub messages with
 * arbitrary message serialization. It is primarily intended for use in robotics
 * applications, and works well under various workloads, resource constraints, and
 * durability requirements.
 * Time values (`log_time`, `publish_time`, `create_time`) are represented in
 * nanoseconds since a user-understood epoch (i.e. Unix epoch, robot boot time,
 * etc.)
 * @see <a href="">Source</a>
public class Mcap extends KaitaiStruct {
    public static Mcap fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
        return new Mcap(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

    public enum Opcode {

        private final long id;
        Opcode(long id) { = id; }
        public long id() { return id; }
        private static final Map<Long, Opcode> byId = new HashMap<Long, Opcode>(15);
        static {
            for (Opcode e : Opcode.values())
                byId.put(, e);
        public static Opcode byId(long id) { return byId.get(id); }

    public Mcap(KaitaiStream _io) {
        this(_io, null, null);

    public Mcap(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
        this(_io, _parent, null);

    public Mcap(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, Mcap _root) {
        this._parent = _parent;
        this._root = _root == null ? this : _root;
    private void _read() {
        this.headerMagic = new Magic(this._io, this, _root);
        this.records = new ArrayList<Record>();
            Record _it;
            int i = 0;
            do {
                _it = new Record(this._io, this, _root);
            } while (!(_it.op() == Opcode.FOOTER));
        this.footerMagic = new Magic(this._io, this, _root);
    public static class PrefixedStr extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static PrefixedStr fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new PrefixedStr(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public PrefixedStr(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public PrefixedStr(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public PrefixedStr(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.lenStr = this._io.readU4le();
            this.str = new String(this._io.readBytes(lenStr()), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
        private long lenStr;
        private String str;
        private Mcap _root;
        private KaitaiStruct _parent;
        public long lenStr() { return lenStr; }
        public String str() { return str; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Chunk extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Chunk fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Chunk(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Chunk(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Chunk(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Chunk(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.messageStartTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.messageEndTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.uncompressedSize = this._io.readU8le();
            this.uncompressedCrc32 = this._io.readU4le();
            this.compression = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.lenRecords = this._io.readU8le();
            switch (compression().str()) {
            case "": {
                this._raw_records = this._io.readBytes(lenRecords());
                KaitaiStream _io__raw_records = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_records);
                this.records = new Records(_io__raw_records, this, _root);
            default: {
                this.records = this._io.readBytes(lenRecords());
        private long messageStartTime;
        private long messageEndTime;
        private long uncompressedSize;
        private long uncompressedCrc32;
        private PrefixedStr compression;
        private long lenRecords;
        private Object records;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_records;
        public long messageStartTime() { return messageStartTime; }
        public long messageEndTime() { return messageEndTime; }
        public long uncompressedSize() { return uncompressedSize; }

         * CRC-32 checksum of uncompressed `records` field. A value of zero indicates that
         * CRC validation should not be performed.
        public long uncompressedCrc32() { return uncompressedCrc32; }
        public PrefixedStr compression() { return compression; }
        public long lenRecords() { return lenRecords; }
        public Object records() { return records; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_records() { return _raw_records; }
    public static class DataEnd extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static DataEnd fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new DataEnd(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public DataEnd(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public DataEnd(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public DataEnd(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.dataSectionCrc32 = this._io.readU4le();
        private long dataSectionCrc32;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;

         * CRC-32 of all bytes in the data section. A value of 0 indicates the CRC-32 is not
         * available.
        public long dataSectionCrc32() { return dataSectionCrc32; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Channel extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Channel fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Channel(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Channel(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Channel(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Channel(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
   = this._io.readU2le();
            this.schemaId = this._io.readU2le();
            this.topic = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.messageEncoding = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.metadata = new MapStrStr(this._io, this, _root);
        private int id;
        private int schemaId;
        private PrefixedStr topic;
        private PrefixedStr messageEncoding;
        private MapStrStr metadata;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        public int id() { return id; }
        public int schemaId() { return schemaId; }
        public PrefixedStr topic() { return topic; }
        public PrefixedStr messageEncoding() { return messageEncoding; }
        public MapStrStr metadata() { return metadata; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class MessageIndex extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static MessageIndex fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new MessageIndex(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public MessageIndex(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public MessageIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public MessageIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.channelId = this._io.readU2le();
            this.lenRecords = this._io.readU4le();
            this._raw_records = this._io.readBytes(lenRecords());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_records = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_records);
            this.records = new MessageIndexEntries(_io__raw_records, this, _root);
        public static class MessageIndexEntry extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static MessageIndexEntry fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new MessageIndexEntry(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public MessageIndexEntry(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public MessageIndexEntry(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MessageIndex.MessageIndexEntries _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public MessageIndexEntry(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MessageIndex.MessageIndexEntries _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.logTime = this._io.readU8le();
                this.offset = this._io.readU8le();
            private long logTime;
            private long offset;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.MessageIndex.MessageIndexEntries _parent;
            public long logTime() { return logTime; }
            public long offset() { return offset; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.MessageIndex.MessageIndexEntries _parent() { return _parent; }
        public static class MessageIndexEntries extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static MessageIndexEntries fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new MessageIndexEntries(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public MessageIndexEntries(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public MessageIndexEntries(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MessageIndex _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public MessageIndexEntries(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MessageIndex _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.entries = new ArrayList<MessageIndexEntry>();
                    int i = 0;
                    while (!this._io.isEof()) {
                        this.entries.add(new MessageIndexEntry(this._io, this, _root));
            private ArrayList<MessageIndexEntry> entries;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.MessageIndex _parent;
            public ArrayList<MessageIndexEntry> entries() { return entries; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.MessageIndex _parent() { return _parent; }
        private int channelId;
        private long lenRecords;
        private MessageIndexEntries records;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_records;
        public int channelId() { return channelId; }
        public long lenRecords() { return lenRecords; }
        public MessageIndexEntries records() { return records; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_records() { return _raw_records; }
    public static class Statistics extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Statistics fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Statistics(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Statistics(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Statistics(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Statistics(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.messageCount = this._io.readU8le();
            this.schemaCount = this._io.readU2le();
            this.channelCount = this._io.readU4le();
            this.attachmentCount = this._io.readU4le();
            this.metadataCount = this._io.readU4le();
            this.chunkCount = this._io.readU4le();
            this.messageStartTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.messageEndTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.lenChannelMessageCounts = this._io.readU4le();
            this._raw_channelMessageCounts = this._io.readBytes(lenChannelMessageCounts());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_channelMessageCounts = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_channelMessageCounts);
            this.channelMessageCounts = new ChannelMessageCounts(_io__raw_channelMessageCounts, this, _root);
        public static class ChannelMessageCounts extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static ChannelMessageCounts fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new ChannelMessageCounts(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public ChannelMessageCounts(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public ChannelMessageCounts(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Statistics _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public ChannelMessageCounts(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Statistics _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.entries = new ArrayList<ChannelMessageCount>();
                    int i = 0;
                    while (!this._io.isEof()) {
                        this.entries.add(new ChannelMessageCount(this._io, this, _root));
            private ArrayList<ChannelMessageCount> entries;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.Statistics _parent;
            public ArrayList<ChannelMessageCount> entries() { return entries; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.Statistics _parent() { return _parent; }
        public static class ChannelMessageCount extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static ChannelMessageCount fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new ChannelMessageCount(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public ChannelMessageCount(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public ChannelMessageCount(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Statistics.ChannelMessageCounts _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public ChannelMessageCount(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Statistics.ChannelMessageCounts _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.channelId = this._io.readU2le();
                this.messageCount = this._io.readU8le();
            private int channelId;
            private long messageCount;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.Statistics.ChannelMessageCounts _parent;
            public int channelId() { return channelId; }
            public long messageCount() { return messageCount; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.Statistics.ChannelMessageCounts _parent() { return _parent; }
        private long messageCount;
        private int schemaCount;
        private long channelCount;
        private long attachmentCount;
        private long metadataCount;
        private long chunkCount;
        private long messageStartTime;
        private long messageEndTime;
        private long lenChannelMessageCounts;
        private ChannelMessageCounts channelMessageCounts;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_channelMessageCounts;
        public long messageCount() { return messageCount; }
        public int schemaCount() { return schemaCount; }
        public long channelCount() { return channelCount; }
        public long attachmentCount() { return attachmentCount; }
        public long metadataCount() { return metadataCount; }
        public long chunkCount() { return chunkCount; }
        public long messageStartTime() { return messageStartTime; }
        public long messageEndTime() { return messageEndTime; }
        public long lenChannelMessageCounts() { return lenChannelMessageCounts; }
        public ChannelMessageCounts channelMessageCounts() { return channelMessageCounts; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_channelMessageCounts() { return _raw_channelMessageCounts; }
    public static class AttachmentIndex extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static AttachmentIndex fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new AttachmentIndex(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public AttachmentIndex(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public AttachmentIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public AttachmentIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.ofsAttachment = this._io.readU8le();
            this.lenAttachment = this._io.readU8le();
            this.logTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.createTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.dataSize = this._io.readU8le();
   = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.contentType = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
        private Record attachment;
        public Record attachment() {
            if (this.attachment != null)
                return this.attachment;
            KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
            long _pos = io.pos();
            this._raw_attachment = io.readBytes(lenAttachment());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_attachment = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_attachment);
            this.attachment = new Record(_io__raw_attachment, this, _root);
            return this.attachment;
        private long ofsAttachment;
        private long lenAttachment;
        private long logTime;
        private long createTime;
        private long dataSize;
        private PrefixedStr name;
        private PrefixedStr contentType;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_attachment;
        public long ofsAttachment() { return ofsAttachment; }
        public long lenAttachment() { return lenAttachment; }
        public long logTime() { return logTime; }
        public long createTime() { return createTime; }
        public long dataSize() { return dataSize; }
        public PrefixedStr name() { return name; }
        public PrefixedStr contentType() { return contentType; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_attachment() { return _raw_attachment; }
    public static class Schema extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Schema fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Schema(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Schema(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Schema(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Schema(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
   = this._io.readU2le();
   = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.encoding = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.lenData = this._io.readU4le();
   = this._io.readBytes(lenData());
        private int id;
        private PrefixedStr name;
        private PrefixedStr encoding;
        private long lenData;
        private byte[] data;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        public int id() { return id; }
        public PrefixedStr name() { return name; }
        public PrefixedStr encoding() { return encoding; }
        public long lenData() { return lenData; }
        public byte[] data() { return data; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class MapStrStr extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static MapStrStr fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new MapStrStr(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public MapStrStr(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public MapStrStr(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public MapStrStr(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.lenEntries = this._io.readU4le();
            this._raw_entries = this._io.readBytes(lenEntries());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_entries = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_entries);
            this.entries = new Entries(_io__raw_entries, this, _root);
        public static class Entries extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static Entries fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new Entries(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public Entries(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public Entries(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MapStrStr _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public Entries(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MapStrStr _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.entries = new ArrayList<TupleStrStr>();
                    int i = 0;
                    while (!this._io.isEof()) {
                        this.entries.add(new TupleStrStr(this._io, this, _root));
            private ArrayList<TupleStrStr> entries;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.MapStrStr _parent;
            public ArrayList<TupleStrStr> entries() { return entries; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.MapStrStr _parent() { return _parent; }
        private long lenEntries;
        private Entries entries;
        private Mcap _root;
        private KaitaiStruct _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_entries;
        public long lenEntries() { return lenEntries; }
        public Entries entries() { return entries; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_entries() { return _raw_entries; }
    public static class SummaryOffset extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static SummaryOffset fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new SummaryOffset(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public SummaryOffset(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public SummaryOffset(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public SummaryOffset(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.groupOpcode = Mcap.Opcode.byId(this._io.readU1());
            this.ofsGroup = this._io.readU8le();
            this.lenGroup = this._io.readU8le();
        private Records group;
        public Records group() {
            if ( != null)
            KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
            long _pos = io.pos();
            this._raw_group = io.readBytes(lenGroup());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_group = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_group);
   = new Records(_io__raw_group, this, _root);
        private Opcode groupOpcode;
        private long ofsGroup;
        private long lenGroup;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_group;
        public Opcode groupOpcode() { return groupOpcode; }
        public long ofsGroup() { return ofsGroup; }
        public long lenGroup() { return lenGroup; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_group() { return _raw_group; }
    public static class Attachment extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Attachment fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Attachment(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Attachment(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Attachment(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Attachment(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.logTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.createTime = this._io.readU8le();
   = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.contentType = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.lenData = this._io.readU8le();
   = this._io.readBytes(lenData());
            if (crc32InputEnd() >= 0) {
                this.invokeCrc32InputEnd = this._io.readBytes(0);
            this.crc32 = this._io.readU4le();
        private Integer crc32InputEnd;
        public Integer crc32InputEnd() {
            if (this.crc32InputEnd != null)
                return this.crc32InputEnd;
            int _tmp = (int) (_io().pos());
            this.crc32InputEnd = _tmp;
            return this.crc32InputEnd;
        private byte[] crc32Input;
        public byte[] crc32Input() {
            if (this.crc32Input != null)
                return this.crc32Input;
            long _pos = this._io.pos();
            this.crc32Input = this._io.readBytes(crc32InputEnd());
            return this.crc32Input;
        private long logTime;
        private long createTime;
        private PrefixedStr name;
        private PrefixedStr contentType;
        private long lenData;
        private byte[] data;
        private byte[] invokeCrc32InputEnd;
        private long crc32;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        public long logTime() { return logTime; }
        public long createTime() { return createTime; }
        public PrefixedStr name() { return name; }
        public PrefixedStr contentType() { return contentType; }
        public long lenData() { return lenData; }
        public byte[] data() { return data; }
        public byte[] invokeCrc32InputEnd() { return invokeCrc32InputEnd; }

         * CRC-32 checksum of preceding fields in the record. A value of zero indicates that
         * CRC validation should not be performed.
        public long crc32() { return crc32; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Metadata extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Metadata fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Metadata(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Metadata(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Metadata(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Metadata(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
   = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.metadata = new MapStrStr(this._io, this, _root);
        private PrefixedStr name;
        private MapStrStr metadata;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        public PrefixedStr name() { return name; }
        public MapStrStr metadata() { return metadata; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Header extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Header fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Header(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Header(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Header(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Header(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.profile = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.library = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
        private PrefixedStr profile;
        private PrefixedStr library;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        public PrefixedStr profile() { return profile; }
        public PrefixedStr library() { return library; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Message extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Message fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Message(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Message(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Message(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Message(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.channelId = this._io.readU2le();
            this.sequence = this._io.readU4le();
            this.logTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.publishTime = this._io.readU8le();
   = this._io.readBytesFull();
        private int channelId;
        private long sequence;
        private long logTime;
        private long publishTime;
        private byte[] data;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        public int channelId() { return channelId; }
        public long sequence() { return sequence; }
        public long logTime() { return logTime; }
        public long publishTime() { return publishTime; }
        public byte[] data() { return data; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class TupleStrStr extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static TupleStrStr fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new TupleStrStr(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public TupleStrStr(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public TupleStrStr(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MapStrStr.Entries _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public TupleStrStr(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.MapStrStr.Entries _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.key = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.value = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
        private PrefixedStr key;
        private PrefixedStr value;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.MapStrStr.Entries _parent;
        public PrefixedStr key() { return key; }
        public PrefixedStr value() { return value; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.MapStrStr.Entries _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class MetadataIndex extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static MetadataIndex fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new MetadataIndex(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public MetadataIndex(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public MetadataIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public MetadataIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.ofsMetadata = this._io.readU8le();
            this.lenMetadata = this._io.readU8le();
   = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
        private Record metadata;
        public Record metadata() {
            if (this.metadata != null)
                return this.metadata;
            KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
            long _pos = io.pos();
            this._raw_metadata = io.readBytes(lenMetadata());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_metadata = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_metadata);
            this.metadata = new Record(_io__raw_metadata, this, _root);
            return this.metadata;
        private long ofsMetadata;
        private long lenMetadata;
        private PrefixedStr name;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_metadata;
        public long ofsMetadata() { return ofsMetadata; }
        public long lenMetadata() { return lenMetadata; }
        public PrefixedStr name() { return name; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_metadata() { return _raw_metadata; }
    public static class Magic extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Magic fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Magic(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Magic(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Magic(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Magic(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.magic = this._io.readBytes(8);
            if (!(Arrays.equals(magic(), new byte[] { -119, 77, 67, 65, 80, 48, 13, 10 }))) {
                throw new KaitaiStream.ValidationNotEqualError(new byte[] { -119, 77, 67, 65, 80, 48, 13, 10 }, magic(), _io(), "/types/magic/seq/0");
        private byte[] magic;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap _parent;
        public byte[] magic() { return magic; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Records extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Records fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Records(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Records(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Records(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Records(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.records = new ArrayList<Record>();
                int i = 0;
                while (!this._io.isEof()) {
                    this.records.add(new Record(this._io, this, _root));
        private ArrayList<Record> records;
        private Mcap _root;
        private KaitaiStruct _parent;
        public ArrayList<Record> records() { return records; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }
    public static class Footer extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Footer fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Footer(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Footer(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Footer(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Footer(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.ofsSummarySection = this._io.readU8le();
            this.ofsSummaryOffsetSection = this._io.readU8le();
            this.summaryCrc32 = this._io.readU4le();
        private Records summarySection;
        public Records summarySection() {
            if (this.summarySection != null)
                return this.summarySection;
            if (ofsSummarySection() != 0) {
                KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
                long _pos = io.pos();
                this._raw_summarySection = io.readBytes(((ofsSummaryOffsetSection() != 0 ? ofsSummaryOffsetSection() : _root().ofsFooter()) - ofsSummarySection()));
                KaitaiStream _io__raw_summarySection = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_summarySection);
                this.summarySection = new Records(_io__raw_summarySection, this, _root);
            return this.summarySection;
        private Records summaryOffsetSection;
        public Records summaryOffsetSection() {
            if (this.summaryOffsetSection != null)
                return this.summaryOffsetSection;
            if (ofsSummaryOffsetSection() != 0) {
                KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
                long _pos = io.pos();
                this._raw_summaryOffsetSection = io.readBytes((_root().ofsFooter() - ofsSummaryOffsetSection()));
                KaitaiStream _io__raw_summaryOffsetSection = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_summaryOffsetSection);
                this.summaryOffsetSection = new Records(_io__raw_summaryOffsetSection, this, _root);
            return this.summaryOffsetSection;
        private Integer ofsSummaryCrc32Input;
        public Integer ofsSummaryCrc32Input() {
            if (this.ofsSummaryCrc32Input != null)
                return this.ofsSummaryCrc32Input;
            int _tmp = (int) ((ofsSummarySection() != 0 ? ofsSummarySection() : _root().ofsFooter()));
            this.ofsSummaryCrc32Input = _tmp;
            return this.ofsSummaryCrc32Input;
        private byte[] summaryCrc32Input;
        public byte[] summaryCrc32Input() {
            if (this.summaryCrc32Input != null)
                return this.summaryCrc32Input;
            KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
            long _pos = io.pos();
            this.summaryCrc32Input = io.readBytes((((_root()._io().size() - ofsSummaryCrc32Input()) - 8) - 4));
            return this.summaryCrc32Input;
        private long ofsSummarySection;
        private long ofsSummaryOffsetSection;
        private long summaryCrc32;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_summarySection;
        private byte[] _raw_summaryOffsetSection;
        public long ofsSummarySection() { return ofsSummarySection; }
        public long ofsSummaryOffsetSection() { return ofsSummaryOffsetSection; }

         * A CRC-32 of all bytes from the start of the Summary section up through and
         * including the end of the previous field (summary_offset_start) in the footer
         * record. A value of 0 indicates the CRC-32 is not available.
        public long summaryCrc32() { return summaryCrc32; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_summarySection() { return _raw_summarySection; }
        public byte[] _raw_summaryOffsetSection() { return _raw_summaryOffsetSection; }
    public static class Record extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static Record fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new Record(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public Record(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public Record(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public Record(KaitaiStream _io, KaitaiStruct _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.op = Mcap.Opcode.byId(this._io.readU1());
            this.lenBody = this._io.readU8le();
                Opcode on = op();
                if (on != null) {
                    switch (op()) {
                    case MESSAGE: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Message(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case METADATA_INDEX: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new MetadataIndex(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case CHUNK: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Chunk(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case SCHEMA: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Schema(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case CHUNK_INDEX: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new ChunkIndex(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case DATA_END: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new DataEnd(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case ATTACHMENT_INDEX: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new AttachmentIndex(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case STATISTICS: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Statistics(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case MESSAGE_INDEX: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new MessageIndex(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case CHANNEL: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Channel(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case METADATA: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Metadata(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case ATTACHMENT: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Attachment(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case HEADER: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Header(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case FOOTER: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new Footer(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    case SUMMARY_OFFSET: {
                        this._raw_body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                        KaitaiStream _io__raw_body = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_body);
                        this.body = new SummaryOffset(_io__raw_body, this, _root);
                    default: {
                        this.body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
                } else {
                    this.body = this._io.readBytes(lenBody());
        private Opcode op;
        private long lenBody;
        private Object body;
        private Mcap _root;
        private KaitaiStruct _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_body;
        public Opcode op() { return op; }
        public long lenBody() { return lenBody; }
        public Object body() { return body; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_body() { return _raw_body; }
    public static class ChunkIndex extends KaitaiStruct {
        public static ChunkIndex fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
            return new ChunkIndex(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

        public ChunkIndex(KaitaiStream _io) {
            this(_io, null, null);

        public ChunkIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent) {
            this(_io, _parent, null);

        public ChunkIndex(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.Record _parent, Mcap _root) {
            this._parent = _parent;
            this._root = _root;
        private void _read() {
            this.messageStartTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.messageEndTime = this._io.readU8le();
            this.ofsChunk = this._io.readU8le();
            this.lenChunk = this._io.readU8le();
            this.lenMessageIndexOffsets = this._io.readU4le();
            this._raw_messageIndexOffsets = this._io.readBytes(lenMessageIndexOffsets());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_messageIndexOffsets = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_messageIndexOffsets);
            this.messageIndexOffsets = new MessageIndexOffsets(_io__raw_messageIndexOffsets, this, _root);
            this.messageIndexLength = this._io.readU8le();
            this.compression = new PrefixedStr(this._io, this, _root);
            this.compressedSize = this._io.readU8le();
            this.uncompressedSize = this._io.readU8le();
        public static class MessageIndexOffset extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static MessageIndexOffset fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new MessageIndexOffset(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public MessageIndexOffset(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public MessageIndexOffset(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.ChunkIndex.MessageIndexOffsets _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public MessageIndexOffset(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.ChunkIndex.MessageIndexOffsets _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.channelId = this._io.readU2le();
                this.offset = this._io.readU8le();
            private int channelId;
            private long offset;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.ChunkIndex.MessageIndexOffsets _parent;
            public int channelId() { return channelId; }
            public long offset() { return offset; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.ChunkIndex.MessageIndexOffsets _parent() { return _parent; }
        public static class MessageIndexOffsets extends KaitaiStruct {
            public static MessageIndexOffsets fromFile(String fileName) throws IOException {
                return new MessageIndexOffsets(new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(fileName));

            public MessageIndexOffsets(KaitaiStream _io) {
                this(_io, null, null);

            public MessageIndexOffsets(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.ChunkIndex _parent) {
                this(_io, _parent, null);

            public MessageIndexOffsets(KaitaiStream _io, Mcap.ChunkIndex _parent, Mcap _root) {
                this._parent = _parent;
                this._root = _root;
            private void _read() {
                this.entries = new ArrayList<MessageIndexOffset>();
                    int i = 0;
                    while (!this._io.isEof()) {
                        this.entries.add(new MessageIndexOffset(this._io, this, _root));
            private ArrayList<MessageIndexOffset> entries;
            private Mcap _root;
            private Mcap.ChunkIndex _parent;
            public ArrayList<MessageIndexOffset> entries() { return entries; }
            public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
            public Mcap.ChunkIndex _parent() { return _parent; }
        private Record chunk;
        public Record chunk() {
            if (this.chunk != null)
                return this.chunk;
            KaitaiStream io = _root()._io();
            long _pos = io.pos();
            this._raw_chunk = io.readBytes(lenChunk());
            KaitaiStream _io__raw_chunk = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_chunk);
            this.chunk = new Record(_io__raw_chunk, this, _root);
            return this.chunk;
        private long messageStartTime;
        private long messageEndTime;
        private long ofsChunk;
        private long lenChunk;
        private long lenMessageIndexOffsets;
        private MessageIndexOffsets messageIndexOffsets;
        private long messageIndexLength;
        private PrefixedStr compression;
        private long compressedSize;
        private long uncompressedSize;
        private Mcap _root;
        private Mcap.Record _parent;
        private byte[] _raw_messageIndexOffsets;
        private byte[] _raw_chunk;
        public long messageStartTime() { return messageStartTime; }
        public long messageEndTime() { return messageEndTime; }
        public long ofsChunk() { return ofsChunk; }
        public long lenChunk() { return lenChunk; }
        public long lenMessageIndexOffsets() { return lenMessageIndexOffsets; }
        public MessageIndexOffsets messageIndexOffsets() { return messageIndexOffsets; }
        public long messageIndexLength() { return messageIndexLength; }
        public PrefixedStr compression() { return compression; }
        public long compressedSize() { return compressedSize; }
        public long uncompressedSize() { return uncompressedSize; }
        public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
        public Mcap.Record _parent() { return _parent; }
        public byte[] _raw_messageIndexOffsets() { return _raw_messageIndexOffsets; }
        public byte[] _raw_chunk() { return _raw_chunk; }
    private Record footer;
    public Record footer() {
        if (this.footer != null)
            return this.footer;
        long _pos = this._io.pos();;
        this._raw_footer = this._io.readBytesFull();
        KaitaiStream _io__raw_footer = new ByteBufferKaitaiStream(_raw_footer);
        this.footer = new Record(_io__raw_footer, this, _root);;
        return this.footer;
    private Integer ofsFooter;
    public Integer ofsFooter() {
        if (this.ofsFooter != null)
            return this.ofsFooter;
        int _tmp = (int) (((((_io().size() - 1) - 8) - 20) - 8));
        this.ofsFooter = _tmp;
        return this.ofsFooter;
    private Magic headerMagic;
    private ArrayList<Record> records;
    private Magic footerMagic;
    private Mcap _root;
    private KaitaiStruct _parent;
    private byte[] _raw_footer;
    public Magic headerMagic() { return headerMagic; }
    public ArrayList<Record> records() { return records; }
    public Magic footerMagic() { return footerMagic; }
    public Mcap _root() { return _root; }
    public KaitaiStruct _parent() { return _parent; }
    public byte[] _raw_footer() { return _raw_footer; }