Protocol body represents particular payload on transport level (OSI layer 4).
Typically this payload in encapsulated into network level (OSI layer 3) packet, which includes "protocol number" field that would be used to decide what's inside the payload and how to parse it. Thanks to IANA's standardization effort, multiple network level use the same IDs for these payloads named "protocol numbers".
This is effectively a "router" type: it expects to get protocol number as a parameter, and then invokes relevant type parser based on that parameter.
This page hosts a formal specification of protocol_body using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3
local class = require("class")
local enum = require("enum")
local utils = require("utils")
-- Protocol body represents particular payload on transport level (OSI
-- layer 4).
-- Typically this payload in encapsulated into network level (OSI layer
-- 3) packet, which includes "protocol number" field that would be used
-- to decide what's inside the payload and how to parse it. Thanks to
-- IANA's standardization effort, multiple network level use the same
-- IDs for these payloads named "protocol numbers".
-- This is effectively a "router" type: it expects to get protocol
-- number as a parameter, and then invokes relevant type parser based
-- on that parameter.
-- See also: Source (
ProtocolBody = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum = enum.Enum {
hopopt = 0,
icmp = 1,
igmp = 2,
ggp = 3,
ipv4 = 4,
st = 5,
tcp = 6,
cbt = 7,
egp = 8,
igp = 9,
bbn_rcc_mon = 10,
nvp_ii = 11,
pup = 12,
argus = 13,
emcon = 14,
xnet = 15,
chaos = 16,
udp = 17,
mux = 18,
dcn_meas = 19,
hmp = 20,
prm = 21,
xns_idp = 22,
trunk_1 = 23,
trunk_2 = 24,
leaf_1 = 25,
leaf_2 = 26,
rdp = 27,
irtp = 28,
iso_tp4 = 29,
netblt = 30,
mfe_nsp = 31,
merit_inp = 32,
dccp = 33,
x_3pc = 34,
idpr = 35,
xtp = 36,
ddp = 37,
idpr_cmtp = 38,
tp_plus_plus = 39,
il = 40,
ipv6 = 41,
sdrp = 42,
ipv6_route = 43,
ipv6_frag = 44,
idrp = 45,
rsvp = 46,
gre = 47,
dsr = 48,
bna = 49,
esp = 50,
ah = 51,
i_nlsp = 52,
swipe = 53,
narp = 54,
mobile = 55,
tlsp = 56,
skip = 57,
ipv6_icmp = 58,
ipv6_nonxt = 59,
ipv6_opts = 60,
any_host_internal_protocol = 61,
cftp = 62,
any_local_network = 63,
sat_expak = 64,
kryptolan = 65,
rvd = 66,
ippc = 67,
any_distributed_file_system = 68,
sat_mon = 69,
visa = 70,
ipcv = 71,
cpnx = 72,
cphb = 73,
wsn = 74,
pvp = 75,
br_sat_mon = 76,
sun_nd = 77,
wb_mon = 78,
wb_expak = 79,
iso_ip = 80,
vmtp = 81,
secure_vmtp = 82,
vines = 83,
ttp_or_iptm = 84,
nsfnet_igp = 85,
dgp = 86,
tcf = 87,
eigrp = 88,
ospfigp = 89,
sprite_rpc = 90,
larp = 91,
mtp = 92,
ax_25 = 93,
ipip = 94,
micp = 95,
scc_sp = 96,
etherip = 97,
encap = 98,
any_private_encryption_scheme = 99,
gmtp = 100,
ifmp = 101,
pnni = 102,
pim = 103,
aris = 104,
scps = 105,
qnx = 106,
a_n = 107,
ipcomp = 108,
snp = 109,
compaq_peer = 110,
ipx_in_ip = 111,
vrrp = 112,
pgm = 113,
any_0_hop = 114,
l2tp = 115,
ddx = 116,
iatp = 117,
stp = 118,
srp = 119,
uti = 120,
smp = 121,
sm = 122,
ptp = 123,
isis_over_ipv4 = 124,
fire = 125,
crtp = 126,
crudp = 127,
sscopmce = 128,
iplt = 129,
sps = 130,
pipe = 131,
sctp = 132,
fc = 133,
rsvp_e2e_ignore = 134,
mobility_header = 135,
udplite = 136,
mpls_in_ip = 137,
manet = 138,
hip = 139,
shim6 = 140,
wesp = 141,
rohc = 142,
reserved_255 = 255,
function ProtocolBody:_init(protocol_num, io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
self.protocol_num = protocol_num
function ProtocolBody:_read()
local _on = self.protocol
if _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.ipv6_nonxt then
self.body = ProtocolBody.NoNextHeader(self._io, self, self._root)
elseif _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.ipv4 then
self.body = Ipv4Packet(self._io)
elseif _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.udp then
self.body = UdpDatagram(self._io)
elseif _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.icmp then
self.body = IcmpPacket(self._io)
elseif _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.hopopt then
self.body = ProtocolBody.OptionHopByHop(self._io, self, self._root)
elseif _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.ipv6 then
self.body = Ipv6Packet(self._io)
elseif _on == ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum.tcp then
self.body = TcpSegment(self._io)
end = {}
if self._m_protocol ~= nil then
return self._m_protocol
self._m_protocol = ProtocolBody.ProtocolEnum(self.protocol_num)
return self._m_protocol
-- Protocol number as an integer.
-- Dummy type for IPv6 "no next header" type, which signifies end of headers chain.
ProtocolBody.NoNextHeader = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function ProtocolBody.NoNextHeader:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function ProtocolBody.NoNextHeader:_read()
ProtocolBody.OptionHopByHop = class.class(KaitaiStruct)
function ProtocolBody.OptionHopByHop:_init(io, parent, root)
KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
self._parent = parent
self._root = root or self
function ProtocolBody.OptionHopByHop:_read()
self.next_header_type = self._io:read_u1()
self.hdr_ext_len = self._io:read_u1()
self.body = self._io:read_bytes(utils.box_unwrap((self.hdr_ext_len > 0) and utils.box_wrap((self.hdr_ext_len - 1)) or (1)))
self.next_header = ProtocolBody(self.next_header_type, self._io)