Windows resource file (.res) are binary bundles of "resources". Resource has some sort of ID (numerical or string), type (predefined or user-defined), and raw value. Resource files can be seen standalone (as .res file), or embedded inside PE executable (.exe, .dll) files.
Typical use cases include:
Windows provides special API to access "resources" from a binary.
Normally, resources files are created with rc
compiler: it takes a
.rc file (so called "resource-definition script") + all the raw
resource binary files for input, and outputs .res file. That .res
file can be linked into an .exe / .dll afterwards using a linker.
Internally, resource file is just a sequence of individual resource definitions. RC tool ensures that first resource (#0) is always empty.
This page hosts a formal specification of Windows resource file using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
// Code generated by kaitai-struct-compiler from a .ksy source file. DO NOT EDIT.
import (
* Windows resource file (.res) are binary bundles of
* "resources". Resource has some sort of ID (numerical or string),
* type (predefined or user-defined), and raw value. Resource files can
* be seen standalone (as .res file), or embedded inside PE executable
* (.exe, .dll) files.
* Typical use cases include:
* * providing information about the application (such as title, copyrights, etc)
* * embedding icon(s) to be displayed in file managers into .exe
* * adding non-code data into the binary, such as menus, dialog forms,
* cursor images, fonts, various misc bitmaps, and locale-aware
* strings
* Windows provides special API to access "resources" from a binary.
* Normally, resources files are created with `rc` compiler: it takes a
* .rc file (so called "resource-definition script") + all the raw
* resource binary files for input, and outputs .res file. That .res
* file can be linked into an .exe / .dll afterwards using a linker.
* Internally, resource file is just a sequence of individual resource
* definitions. RC tool ensures that first resource (#0) is always
* empty.
type WindowsResourceFile struct {
Resources []*WindowsResourceFile_Resource
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *WindowsResourceFile
_parent interface{}
func NewWindowsResourceFile() *WindowsResourceFile {
return &WindowsResourceFile{
func (this *WindowsResourceFile) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent interface{}, root *WindowsResourceFile) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
for i := 1;; i++ {
tmp1, err := this._io.EOF()
if err != nil {
return err
if tmp1 {
tmp2 := NewWindowsResourceFile_Resource()
err = tmp2.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Resources = append(this.Resources, tmp2)
return err
* Each resource has a `type` and a `name`, which can be used to
* identify it, and a `value`. Both `type` and `name` can be a
* number or a string.
* @see <a href="">Source</a>
type WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes int
const (
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Cursor WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 1
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Bitmap WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 2
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Icon WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 3
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Menu WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 4
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Dialog WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 5
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__String WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 6
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Fontdir WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 7
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Font WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 8
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Accelerator WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 9
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Rcdata WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 10
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Messagetable WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 11
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__GroupCursor WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 12
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__GroupIcon WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 14
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Version WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 16
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Dlginclude WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 17
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Plugplay WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 19
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Vxd WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 20
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Anicursor WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 21
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Aniicon WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 22
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Html WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 23
WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes__Manifest WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes = 24
type WindowsResourceFile_Resource struct {
ValueSize uint32
HeaderSize uint32
Type *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId
Name *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId
Padding1 []byte
FormatVersion uint32
Flags uint16
Language uint16
ValueVersion uint32
Characteristics uint32
Value []byte
Padding2 []byte
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *WindowsResourceFile
_parent *WindowsResourceFile
_f_typeAsPredef bool
typeAsPredef WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes
func NewWindowsResourceFile_Resource() *WindowsResourceFile_Resource {
return &WindowsResourceFile_Resource{
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_Resource) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *WindowsResourceFile, root *WindowsResourceFile) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp3, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ValueSize = uint32(tmp3)
tmp4, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.HeaderSize = uint32(tmp4)
tmp5 := NewWindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId()
err = tmp5.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Type = tmp5
tmp6 := NewWindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId()
err = tmp6.Read(this._io, this, this._root)
if err != nil {
return err
this.Name = tmp6
tmp8, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return err
tmp7 := (4 - tmp8) % 4
if tmp7 < 0 {
tmp7 += 4
tmp9, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(tmp7))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp9 = tmp9
this.Padding1 = tmp9
tmp10, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.FormatVersion = uint32(tmp10)
tmp11, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Flags = uint16(tmp11)
tmp12, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Language = uint16(tmp12)
tmp13, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.ValueVersion = uint32(tmp13)
tmp14, err := this._io.ReadU4le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.Characteristics = uint32(tmp14)
tmp15, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(this.ValueSize))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp15 = tmp15
this.Value = tmp15
tmp17, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return err
tmp16 := (4 - tmp17) % 4
if tmp16 < 0 {
tmp16 += 4
tmp18, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(tmp16))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp18 = tmp18
this.Padding2 = tmp18
return err
* Numeric type IDs in range of [0..0xff] are reserved for
* system usage in Windows, and there are some predefined,
* well-known values in that range. This instance allows to get
* it as enum value, if applicable.
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_Resource) TypeAsPredef() (v WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes, err error) {
if (this._f_typeAsPredef) {
return this.typeAsPredef, nil
tmp19, err := this.Type.IsString()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ( ((!(tmp19)) && (this.Type.AsNumeric <= 255)) ) {
this.typeAsPredef = WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes(WindowsResourceFile_Resource_PredefTypes(this.Type.AsNumeric))
this._f_typeAsPredef = true
return this.typeAsPredef, nil
* Size of resource value that follows the header
* Size of this header (i.e. every field except `value` and an
* optional padding after it)
* Version for value, as specified by a user.
* Extra 4 bytes that can be used by user for any purpose.
* Resources use a special serialization of names and types: they
* can be either a number or a string.
* Use `is_string` to check which kind we've got here, and then use
* `as_numeric` or `as_string` to get relevant value.
type WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId struct {
First uint16
AsNumeric uint16
Rest []uint16
Noop []byte
_io *kaitai.Stream
_root *WindowsResourceFile
_parent *WindowsResourceFile_Resource
_f_savePos1 bool
savePos1 int
_f_savePos2 bool
savePos2 int
_f_isString bool
isString bool
_f_asString bool
asString string
func NewWindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId() *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId {
return &WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId{
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId) Read(io *kaitai.Stream, parent *WindowsResourceFile_Resource, root *WindowsResourceFile) (err error) {
this._io = io
this._parent = parent
this._root = root
tmp20, err := this.SavePos1()
if err != nil {
return err
if (tmp20 >= 0) {
tmp21, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.First = uint16(tmp21)
tmp22, err := this.IsString()
if err != nil {
return err
if (!(tmp22)) {
tmp23, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
this.AsNumeric = uint16(tmp23)
tmp24, err := this.IsString()
if err != nil {
return err
if (tmp24) {
for i := 1;; i++ {
tmp25, err := this._io.ReadU2le()
if err != nil {
return err
_it := tmp25
this.Rest = append(this.Rest, _it)
if _it == 0 {
tmp26, err := this.IsString()
if err != nil {
return err
tmp27, err := this.SavePos2()
if err != nil {
return err
if ( ((tmp26) && (tmp27 >= 0)) ) {
tmp28, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(0))
if err != nil {
return err
tmp28 = tmp28
this.Noop = tmp28
return err
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId) SavePos1() (v int, err error) {
if (this._f_savePos1) {
return this.savePos1, nil
tmp29, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
this.savePos1 = int(tmp29)
this._f_savePos1 = true
return this.savePos1, nil
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId) SavePos2() (v int, err error) {
if (this._f_savePos2) {
return this.savePos2, nil
tmp30, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
this.savePos2 = int(tmp30)
this._f_savePos2 = true
return this.savePos2, nil
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId) IsString() (v bool, err error) {
if (this._f_isString) {
return this.isString, nil
this.isString = bool(this.First != 65535)
this._f_isString = true
return this.isString, nil
func (this *WindowsResourceFile_UnicodeOrId) AsString() (v string, err error) {
if (this._f_asString) {
return this.asString, nil
tmp31, err := this.IsString()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if (tmp31) {
_pos, err := this._io.Pos()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp32, err := this.SavePos1()
if err != nil {
return "", err
_, err = this._io.Seek(int64(tmp32), io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp33, err := this.SavePos2()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp34, err := this.SavePos1()
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp35, err := this._io.ReadBytes(int(((tmp33 - tmp34) - 2)))
if err != nil {
return "", err
tmp35 = tmp35
tmp36, err := kaitai.BytesToStr(tmp35, unicode.UTF16(unicode.LittleEndian, unicode.IgnoreBOM).NewDecoder())
if err != nil {
return "", err
this.asString = tmp36
_, err = this._io.Seek(_pos, io.SeekStart)
if err != nil {
return "", err
this._f_asString = true
this._f_asString = true
return this.asString, nil