From Wikipedia:
"XAR (short for eXtensible ARchive format) is an open source file archiver and the archiver's file format. It was created within the OpenDarwin project and is used in macOS X 10.5 and up for software installation routines, as well as browser extensions in Safari 5.0 and up."
This page hosts a formal specification of XAR (eXtensible ARchive) using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for C# generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the C# runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
The C# runtime library is available in the NuGet Gallery. Installation instructions can also be found there.
Parse a local file and get structure in memory:
var data = Xar.FromFile("path/to/local/file.xar");
Or parse structure from a byte array:
byte[] someArray = new byte[] { ... };
var data = new Xar(new KaitaiStream(someArray));
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by accessing properties like:
data.HeaderPrefix // => internal; access `_root.header` instead
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
namespace Kaitai
/// <summary>
/// From [Wikipedia](
/// "XAR (short for eXtensible ARchive format) is an open source file archiver
/// and the archiver's file format. It was created within the OpenDarwin project
/// and is used in macOS X 10.5 and up for software installation routines, as
/// well as browser extensions in Safari 5.0 and up."
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Reference: <a href="">Source</a>
/// </remarks>
public partial class Xar : KaitaiStruct
public static Xar FromFile(string fileName)
return new Xar(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public enum ChecksumAlgorithmsApple
None = 0,
Sha1 = 1,
Md5 = 2,
Sha256 = 3,
Sha512 = 4,
public Xar(KaitaiStream p__io, KaitaiStruct p__parent = null, Xar p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root ?? this;
f_checksumAlgorithmOther = false;
private void _read()
_headerPrefix = new FileHeaderPrefix(m_io, this, m_root);
__raw_header = m_io.ReadBytes((HeaderPrefix.LenHeader - 6));
var io___raw_header = new KaitaiStream(__raw_header);
_header = new FileHeader(io___raw_header, this, m_root);
__raw__raw_toc = m_io.ReadBytes(Header.LenTocCompressed);
__raw_toc = m_io.ProcessZlib(__raw__raw_toc);
var io___raw_toc = new KaitaiStream(__raw_toc);
_toc = new TocType(io___raw_toc, this, m_root);
public partial class FileHeaderPrefix : KaitaiStruct
public static FileHeaderPrefix FromFile(string fileName)
return new FileHeaderPrefix(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public FileHeaderPrefix(KaitaiStream p__io, Xar p__parent = null, Xar p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
private void _read()
_magic = m_io.ReadBytes(4);
if (!((KaitaiStream.ByteArrayCompare(Magic, new byte[] { 120, 97, 114, 33 }) == 0)))
throw new ValidationNotEqualError(new byte[] { 120, 97, 114, 33 }, Magic, M_Io, "/types/file_header_prefix/seq/0");
_lenHeader = m_io.ReadU2be();
private byte[] _magic;
private ushort _lenHeader;
private Xar m_root;
private Xar m_parent;
public byte[] Magic { get { return _magic; } }
/// <summary>
/// internal; access `_root.header.len_header` instead
/// </summary>
public ushort LenHeader { get { return _lenHeader; } }
public Xar M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Xar M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
public partial class FileHeader : KaitaiStruct
public static FileHeader FromFile(string fileName)
return new FileHeader(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public FileHeader(KaitaiStream p__io, Xar p__parent = null, Xar p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
f_checksumAlgorithmName = false;
f_hasChecksumAlgName = false;
f_lenHeader = false;
private void _read()
_version = m_io.ReadU2be();
if (!(Version == 1))
throw new ValidationNotEqualError(1, Version, M_Io, "/types/file_header/seq/0");
_lenTocCompressed = m_io.ReadU8be();
_tocLengthUncompressed = m_io.ReadU8be();
_checksumAlgorithmInt = m_io.ReadU4be();
if (HasChecksumAlgName) {
_checksumAlgName = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(KaitaiStream.BytesTerminate(m_io.ReadBytesFull(), 0, false));
string M_ = ChecksumAlgName;
if (!( ((M_ != "") && (M_ != "none")) ))
throw new ValidationExprError(ChecksumAlgName, M_Io, "/types/file_header/seq/4");
private bool f_checksumAlgorithmName;
private string _checksumAlgorithmName;
/// <summary>
/// If it is not
/// * `""` (empty string), indicating an unknown integer value (access
/// `checksum_algorithm_int` for debugging purposes to find out
/// what that value is), or
/// * `"none"`, indicating that the TOC checksum is not provided (in that
/// case, the `<checksum>` property or its `style` attribute should be
/// missing, or the `style` attribute must be set to `"none"`),
/// it must exactly match the `style` attribute value of the
/// `<checksum>` property in the root node `<toc>`. See
/// <>
/// for reference.
/// The `xar` (eXtensible ARchiver) program [uses OpenSSL's function
/// `EVP_get_digestbyname`](
/// ) to verify this value (if it's not `""` or `"none"`, of course).
/// So it's reasonable to assume that this can only have one of the values
/// that OpenSSL recognizes.
/// </summary>
public string ChecksumAlgorithmName
if (f_checksumAlgorithmName)
return _checksumAlgorithmName;
_checksumAlgorithmName = (string) ((HasChecksumAlgName ? ChecksumAlgName : (ChecksumAlgorithmInt == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.None ? "none" : (ChecksumAlgorithmInt == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.Sha1 ? "sha1" : (ChecksumAlgorithmInt == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.Md5 ? "md5" : (ChecksumAlgorithmInt == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.Sha256 ? "sha256" : (ChecksumAlgorithmInt == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.Sha512 ? "sha512" : "")))))));
f_checksumAlgorithmName = true;
return _checksumAlgorithmName;
private bool f_hasChecksumAlgName;
private bool _hasChecksumAlgName;
public bool HasChecksumAlgName
if (f_hasChecksumAlgName)
return _hasChecksumAlgName;
_hasChecksumAlgName = (bool) ( ((ChecksumAlgorithmInt == M_Root.ChecksumAlgorithmOther) && (LenHeader >= 32) && (KaitaiStream.Mod(LenHeader, 4) == 0)) );
f_hasChecksumAlgName = true;
return _hasChecksumAlgName;
private bool f_lenHeader;
private ushort _lenHeader;
public ushort LenHeader
if (f_lenHeader)
return _lenHeader;
_lenHeader = (ushort) (M_Root.HeaderPrefix.LenHeader);
f_lenHeader = true;
return _lenHeader;
private ushort _version;
private ulong _lenTocCompressed;
private ulong _tocLengthUncompressed;
private uint _checksumAlgorithmInt;
private string _checksumAlgName;
private Xar m_root;
private Xar m_parent;
public ushort Version { get { return _version; } }
public ulong LenTocCompressed { get { return _lenTocCompressed; } }
public ulong TocLengthUncompressed { get { return _tocLengthUncompressed; } }
/// <summary>
/// internal; access `checksum_algorithm_name` instead
/// </summary>
public uint ChecksumAlgorithmInt { get { return _checksumAlgorithmInt; } }
/// <summary>
/// internal; access `checksum_algorithm_name` instead
/// </summary>
public string ChecksumAlgName { get { return _checksumAlgName; } }
public Xar M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Xar M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
public partial class TocType : KaitaiStruct
public static TocType FromFile(string fileName)
return new TocType(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public TocType(KaitaiStream p__io, Xar p__parent = null, Xar p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
private void _read()
_xmlString = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(m_io.ReadBytesFull());
private string _xmlString;
private Xar m_root;
private Xar m_parent;
public string XmlString { get { return _xmlString; } }
public Xar M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Xar M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
private bool f_checksumAlgorithmOther;
private sbyte _checksumAlgorithmOther;
/// <remarks>
/// Reference: <a href="">Source</a>
/// </remarks>
public sbyte ChecksumAlgorithmOther
if (f_checksumAlgorithmOther)
return _checksumAlgorithmOther;
_checksumAlgorithmOther = (sbyte) (3);
f_checksumAlgorithmOther = true;
return _checksumAlgorithmOther;
private FileHeaderPrefix _headerPrefix;
private FileHeader _header;
private TocType _toc;
private Xar m_root;
private KaitaiStruct m_parent;
private byte[] __raw_header;
private byte[] __raw_toc;
private byte[] __raw__raw_toc;
/// <summary>
/// internal; access `_root.header` instead
/// </summary>
public FileHeaderPrefix HeaderPrefix { get { return _headerPrefix; } }
public FileHeader Header { get { return _header; } }
/// <summary>
/// zlib compressed XML further describing the content of the archive
/// </summary>
public TocType Toc { get { return _toc; } }
public Xar M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public KaitaiStruct M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
public byte[] M_RawHeader { get { return __raw_header; } }
public byte[] M_RawToc { get { return __raw_toc; } }
public byte[] M_RawM_RawToc { get { return __raw__raw_toc; } }