From Wikipedia:
"XAR (short for eXtensible ARchive format) is an open source file archiver and the archiver's file format. It was created within the OpenDarwin project and is used in macOS X 10.5 and up for software installation routines, as well as browser extensions in Safari 5.0 and up."
This page hosts a formal specification of XAR (eXtensible ARchive) using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for Python generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the Python runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
The Python runtime library can be installed from PyPI:
python3 -m pip install kaitaistruct
Parse a local file and get structure in memory:
data = Xar.from_file("path/to/local/file.xar")
Or parse structure from a bytes:
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream, BytesIO
raw = b"\x00\x01\x02..."
data = Xar(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(raw)))
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:
data.header_prefix # => internal; access `_root.header` instead
# This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
import kaitaistruct
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStruct, KaitaiStream, BytesIO
from enum import Enum
import zlib
if getattr(kaitaistruct, 'API_VERSION', (0, 9)) < (0, 9):
raise Exception("Incompatible Kaitai Struct Python API: 0.9 or later is required, but you have %s" % (kaitaistruct.__version__))
class Xar(KaitaiStruct):
"""From [Wikipedia](
"XAR (short for eXtensible ARchive format) is an open source file archiver
and the archiver's file format. It was created within the OpenDarwin project
and is used in macOS X 10.5 and up for software installation routines, as
well as browser extensions in Safari 5.0 and up."
.. seealso::
Source -
class ChecksumAlgorithmsApple(Enum):
none = 0
sha1 = 1
md5 = 2
sha256 = 3
sha512 = 4
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.header_prefix = Xar.FileHeaderPrefix(self._io, self, self._root)
self._raw_header = self._io.read_bytes((self.header_prefix.len_header - 6))
_io__raw_header = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_header))
self.header = Xar.FileHeader(_io__raw_header, self, self._root)
self._raw__raw_toc = self._io.read_bytes(self.header.len_toc_compressed)
self._raw_toc = zlib.decompress(self._raw__raw_toc)
_io__raw_toc = KaitaiStream(BytesIO(self._raw_toc))
self.toc = Xar.TocType(_io__raw_toc, self, self._root)
class FileHeaderPrefix(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.magic = self._io.read_bytes(4)
if not self.magic == b"\x78\x61\x72\x21":
raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(b"\x78\x61\x72\x21", self.magic, self._io, u"/types/file_header_prefix/seq/0")
self.len_header = self._io.read_u2be()
class FileHeader(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.version = self._io.read_u2be()
if not self.version == 1:
raise kaitaistruct.ValidationNotEqualError(1, self.version, self._io, u"/types/file_header/seq/0")
self.len_toc_compressed = self._io.read_u8be()
self.toc_length_uncompressed = self._io.read_u8be()
self.checksum_algorithm_int = self._io.read_u4be()
if self.has_checksum_alg_name:
self.checksum_alg_name = (KaitaiStream.bytes_terminate(self._io.read_bytes_full(), 0, False)).decode(u"UTF-8")
_ = self.checksum_alg_name
if not ((_ != u"") and (_ != u"none")) :
raise kaitaistruct.ValidationExprError(self.checksum_alg_name, self._io, u"/types/file_header/seq/4")
def checksum_algorithm_name(self):
"""If it is not
* `""` (empty string), indicating an unknown integer value (access
`checksum_algorithm_int` for debugging purposes to find out
what that value is), or
* `"none"`, indicating that the TOC checksum is not provided (in that
case, the `<checksum>` property or its `style` attribute should be
missing, or the `style` attribute must be set to `"none"`),
it must exactly match the `style` attribute value of the
`<checksum>` property in the root node `<toc>`. See
for reference.
The `xar` (eXtensible ARchiver) program [uses OpenSSL's function
) to verify this value (if it's not `""` or `"none"`, of course).
So it's reasonable to assume that this can only have one of the values
that OpenSSL recognizes.
if hasattr(self, '_m_checksum_algorithm_name'):
return self._m_checksum_algorithm_name
self._m_checksum_algorithm_name = (self.checksum_alg_name if self.has_checksum_alg_name else (u"none" if self.checksum_algorithm_int == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.none.value else (u"sha1" if self.checksum_algorithm_int == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.sha1.value else (u"md5" if self.checksum_algorithm_int == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.md5.value else (u"sha256" if self.checksum_algorithm_int == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.sha256.value else (u"sha512" if self.checksum_algorithm_int == Xar.ChecksumAlgorithmsApple.sha512.value else u""))))))
return getattr(self, '_m_checksum_algorithm_name', None)
def has_checksum_alg_name(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_has_checksum_alg_name'):
return self._m_has_checksum_alg_name
self._m_has_checksum_alg_name = ((self.checksum_algorithm_int == self._root.checksum_algorithm_other) and (self.len_header >= 32) and ((self.len_header % 4) == 0))
return getattr(self, '_m_has_checksum_alg_name', None)
def len_header(self):
if hasattr(self, '_m_len_header'):
return self._m_len_header
self._m_len_header = self._root.header_prefix.len_header
return getattr(self, '_m_len_header', None)
class TocType(KaitaiStruct):
def __init__(self, _io, _parent=None, _root=None):
self._io = _io
self._parent = _parent
self._root = _root if _root else self
def _read(self):
self.xml_string = (self._io.read_bytes_full()).decode(u"UTF-8")
def checksum_algorithm_other(self):
.. seealso::
Source -
if hasattr(self, '_m_checksum_algorithm_other'):
return self._m_checksum_algorithm_other
self._m_checksum_algorithm_other = 3
return getattr(self, '_m_checksum_algorithm_other', None)