RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol): Lua parsing library

The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a widely used network protocol for transmitting audio or video. It usually works with the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP). The transmission can be based on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP).

This page hosts a formal specification of RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

Lua source code to parse RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol)


-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3

local class = require("class")
local enum = require("enum")
local utils = require("utils")

-- The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is a widely used network
-- protocol for transmitting audio or video. It usually works with the
-- RTP Control Protocol (RTCP). The transmission can be based on
-- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
RtpPacket = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

RtpPacket.PayloadTypeEnum = enum.Enum {
  pcmu = 0,
  reserved1 = 1,
  reserved2 = 2,
  gsm = 3,
  g723 = 4,
  dvi4_1 = 5,
  dvi4_2 = 6,
  lpc = 7,
  pcma = 8,
  g722 = 9,
  l16_1 = 10,
  l16_2 = 11,
  qcelp = 12,
  cn = 13,
  mpa = 14,
  g728 = 15,
  dvi4_3 = 16,
  dvi4_4 = 17,
  g729 = 18,
  reserved19 = 19,
  unassigned20 = 20,
  unassigned21 = 21,
  unassigned22 = 22,
  unassigned23 = 23,
  unassigned24 = 24,
  celb = 25,
  jpeg = 26,
  unassigned27 = 27,
  nv = 28,
  unassigned29 = 29,
  unassigned30 = 30,
  h261 = 31,
  mpv = 32,
  mp2t = 33,
  h263 = 34,
  mpeg_ps = 96,

function RtpPacket:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function RtpPacket:_read()
  self.version = self._io:read_bits_int_be(2)
  self.has_padding = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.has_extension = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.csrc_count = self._io:read_bits_int_be(4)
  self.marker = self._io:read_bits_int_be(1) ~= 0
  self.payload_type = RtpPacket.PayloadTypeEnum(self._io:read_bits_int_be(7))
  self.sequence_number = self._io:read_u2be()
  self.timestamp = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.ssrc = self._io:read_u4be()
  if self.has_extension then
    self.header_extension = RtpPacket.HeaderExtention(self._io, self, self._root)
  self.data = self._io:read_bytes(((self._io:size() - self._io:pos()) - self.len_padding))
  self.padding = self._io:read_bytes(self.len_padding)

-- If padding bit is enabled, last byte of data contains number of
-- bytes appended to the payload as padding.
RtpPacket.property.len_padding_if_exists = {}
function RtpPacket.property.len_padding_if_exists:get()
  if self._m_len_padding_if_exists ~= nil then
    return self._m_len_padding_if_exists

  if self.has_padding then
    local _pos = self._io:pos()
    self._io:seek((self._io:size() - 1))
    self._m_len_padding_if_exists = self._io:read_u1()
  return self._m_len_padding_if_exists

-- Always returns number of padding bytes to in the payload.
RtpPacket.property.len_padding = {}
function RtpPacket.property.len_padding:get()
  if self._m_len_padding ~= nil then
    return self._m_len_padding

  self._m_len_padding = utils.box_unwrap((self.has_padding) and utils.box_wrap(self.len_padding_if_exists) or (0))
  return self._m_len_padding

-- Payload without padding.

RtpPacket.HeaderExtention = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function RtpPacket.HeaderExtention:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function RtpPacket.HeaderExtention:_read()
  self.id = self._io:read_u2be()
  self.length = self._io:read_u2be()