exif: PHP parsing library

This page hosts a formal specification of exif using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

PHP source code to parse exif


// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

namespace {
    class Exif extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Kaitai\Struct\Struct $_parent = null, \Exif $_root = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);

        private function _read() {
            $this->_m_endianness = $this->_io->readU2le();
            $this->_m_body = new \Exif\ExifBody($this->_io, $this, $this->_root);
        protected $_m_endianness;
        protected $_m_body;
        public function endianness() { return $this->_m_endianness; }
        public function body() { return $this->_m_body; }

namespace Exif {
    class ExifBody extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        protected $_m__is_le;

        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Exif $_parent = null, \Exif $_root = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);

        private function _read() {
            switch ($this->_root()->endianness()) {
                case 18761:
                    $this->_m__is_le = true;
                case 19789:
                    $this->_m__is_le = false;

            if (is_null($this->_m__is_le)) {
                throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\UndecidedEndiannessError;
            } else if ($this->_m__is_le) {
            } else {

        private function _readLE() {
            $this->_m_version = $this->_io->readU2le();
            $this->_m_ifd0Ofs = $this->_io->readU4le();

        private function _readBE() {
            $this->_m_version = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_ifd0Ofs = $this->_io->readU4be();
        protected $_m_ifd0;
        public function ifd0() {
            if ($this->_m_ifd0 !== null)
                return $this->_m_ifd0;
            $_pos = $this->_io->pos();
            if ($this->_m__is_le) {
                $this->_m_ifd0 = new \Exif\ExifBody\Ifd($this->_io, $this, $this->_root, $this->_m__is_le);
            } else {
                $this->_m_ifd0 = new \Exif\ExifBody\Ifd($this->_io, $this, $this->_root, $this->_m__is_le);
            return $this->_m_ifd0;
        protected $_m_version;
        protected $_m_ifd0Ofs;
        public function version() { return $this->_m_version; }
        public function ifd0Ofs() { return $this->_m_ifd0Ofs; }

namespace Exif\ExifBody {
    class Ifd extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        protected $_m__is_le;

        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Kaitai\Struct\Struct $_parent = null, \Exif $_root = null, $is_le = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);
            $this->_m__is_le = $is_le;

        private function _read() {

            if (is_null($this->_m__is_le)) {
                throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\UndecidedEndiannessError;
            } else if ($this->_m__is_le) {
            } else {

        private function _readLE() {
            $this->_m_numFields = $this->_io->readU2le();
            $this->_m_fields = [];
            $n = $this->numFields();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
                $this->_m_fields[] = new \Exif\ExifBody\IfdField($this->_io, $this, $this->_root, $this->_m__is_le);
            $this->_m_nextIfdOfs = $this->_io->readU4le();

        private function _readBE() {
            $this->_m_numFields = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_fields = [];
            $n = $this->numFields();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
                $this->_m_fields[] = new \Exif\ExifBody\IfdField($this->_io, $this, $this->_root, $this->_m__is_le);
            $this->_m_nextIfdOfs = $this->_io->readU4be();
        protected $_m_nextIfd;
        public function nextIfd() {
            if ($this->_m_nextIfd !== null)
                return $this->_m_nextIfd;
            if ($this->nextIfdOfs() != 0) {
                $_pos = $this->_io->pos();
                if ($this->_m__is_le) {
                    $this->_m_nextIfd = new \Exif\ExifBody\Ifd($this->_io, $this, $this->_root, $this->_m__is_le);
                } else {
                    $this->_m_nextIfd = new \Exif\ExifBody\Ifd($this->_io, $this, $this->_root, $this->_m__is_le);
            return $this->_m_nextIfd;
        protected $_m_numFields;
        protected $_m_fields;
        protected $_m_nextIfdOfs;
        public function numFields() { return $this->_m_numFields; }
        public function fields() { return $this->_m_fields; }
        public function nextIfdOfs() { return $this->_m_nextIfdOfs; }

namespace Exif\ExifBody {
    class IfdField extends \Kaitai\Struct\Struct {
        protected $_m__is_le;

        public function __construct(\Kaitai\Struct\Stream $_io, \Exif\ExifBody\Ifd $_parent = null, \Exif $_root = null, $is_le = null) {
            parent::__construct($_io, $_parent, $_root);
            $this->_m__is_le = $is_le;

        private function _read() {

            if (is_null($this->_m__is_le)) {
                throw new \Kaitai\Struct\Error\UndecidedEndiannessError;
            } else if ($this->_m__is_le) {
            } else {

        private function _readLE() {
            $this->_m_tag = $this->_io->readU2le();
            $this->_m_fieldType = $this->_io->readU2le();
            $this->_m_length = $this->_io->readU4le();
            $this->_m_ofsOrData = $this->_io->readU4le();

        private function _readBE() {
            $this->_m_tag = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_fieldType = $this->_io->readU2be();
            $this->_m_length = $this->_io->readU4be();
            $this->_m_ofsOrData = $this->_io->readU4be();
        protected $_m_typeByteLength;
        public function typeByteLength() {
            if ($this->_m_typeByteLength !== null)
                return $this->_m_typeByteLength;
            $this->_m_typeByteLength = ($this->fieldType() == \Exif\ExifBody\IfdField\FieldTypeEnum::WORD ? 2 : ($this->fieldType() == \Exif\ExifBody\IfdField\FieldTypeEnum::DWORD ? 4 : 1));
            return $this->_m_typeByteLength;
        protected $_m_byteLength;
        public function byteLength() {
            if ($this->_m_byteLength !== null)
                return $this->_m_byteLength;
            $this->_m_byteLength = ($this->length() * $this->typeByteLength());
            return $this->_m_byteLength;
        protected $_m_isImmediateData;
        public function isImmediateData() {
            if ($this->_m_isImmediateData !== null)
                return $this->_m_isImmediateData;
            $this->_m_isImmediateData = $this->byteLength() <= 4;
            return $this->_m_isImmediateData;
        protected $_m_data;
        public function data() {
            if ($this->_m_data !== null)
                return $this->_m_data;
            if (!($this->isImmediateData())) {
                $io = $this->_root()->_io();
                $_pos = $io->pos();
                if ($this->_m__is_le) {
                    $this->_m_data = $io->readBytes($this->byteLength());
                } else {
                    $this->_m_data = $io->readBytes($this->byteLength());
            return $this->_m_data;
        protected $_m_tag;
        protected $_m_fieldType;
        protected $_m_length;
        protected $_m_ofsOrData;
        public function tag() { return $this->_m_tag; }
        public function fieldType() { return $this->_m_fieldType; }
        public function length() { return $this->_m_length; }
        public function ofsOrData() { return $this->_m_ofsOrData; }

namespace Exif\ExifBody\IfdField {
    class FieldTypeEnum {
        const BYTE = 1;
        const ASCII_STRING = 2;
        const WORD = 3;
        const DWORD = 4;
        const RATIONAL = 5;
        const UNDEFINED = 7;
        const SLONG = 9;
        const SRATIONAL = 10;

namespace Exif\ExifBody\IfdField {
    class TagEnum {
        const IMAGE_WIDTH = 256;
        const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 257;
        const BITS_PER_SAMPLE = 258;
        const COMPRESSION = 259;
        const THRESHOLDING = 263;
        const CELL_WIDTH = 264;
        const CELL_LENGTH = 265;
        const FILL_ORDER = 266;
        const DOCUMENT_NAME = 269;
        const IMAGE_DESCRIPTION = 270;
        const MAKE = 271;
        const MODEL = 272;
        const STRIP_OFFSETS = 273;
        const ORIENTATION = 274;
        const SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL = 277;
        const ROWS_PER_STRIP = 278;
        const STRIP_BYTE_COUNTS = 279;
        const MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE = 280;
        const MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE = 281;
        const X_RESOLUTION = 282;
        const Y_RESOLUTION = 283;
        const PLANAR_CONFIGURATION = 284;
        const PAGE_NAME = 285;
        const X_POSITION = 286;
        const Y_POSITION = 287;
        const FREE_OFFSETS = 288;
        const FREE_BYTE_COUNTS = 289;
        const GRAY_RESPONSE_UNIT = 290;
        const GRAY_RESPONSE_CURVE = 291;
        const T4_OPTIONS = 292;
        const T6_OPTIONS = 293;
        const RESOLUTION_UNIT = 296;
        const PAGE_NUMBER = 297;
        const COLOR_RESPONSE_UNIT = 300;
        const TRANSFER_FUNCTION = 301;
        const SOFTWARE = 305;
        const MODIFY_DATE = 306;
        const ARTIST = 315;
        const HOST_COMPUTER = 316;
        const PREDICTOR = 317;
        const WHITE_POINT = 318;
        const PRIMARY_CHROMATICITIES = 319;
        const COLOR_MAP = 320;
        const HALFTONE_HINTS = 321;
        const TILE_WIDTH = 322;
        const TILE_LENGTH = 323;
        const TILE_OFFSETS = 324;
        const TILE_BYTE_COUNTS = 325;
        const BAD_FAX_LINES = 326;
        const CLEAN_FAX_DATA = 327;
        const CONSECUTIVE_BAD_FAX_LINES = 328;
        const SUB_IFD = 330;
        const INK_SET = 332;
        const INK_NAMES = 333;
        const NUMBEROF_INKS = 334;
        const DOT_RANGE = 336;
        const TARGET_PRINTER = 337;
        const EXTRA_SAMPLES = 338;
        const SAMPLE_FORMAT = 339;
        const S_MIN_SAMPLE_VALUE = 340;
        const S_MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE = 341;
        const TRANSFER_RANGE = 342;
        const CLIP_PATH = 343;
        const X_CLIP_PATH_UNITS = 344;
        const Y_CLIP_PATH_UNITS = 345;
        const INDEXED = 346;
        const JPEG_TABLES = 347;
        const OPI_PROXY = 351;
        const GLOBAL_PARAMETERS_IFD = 400;
        const PROFILE_TYPE = 401;
        const FAX_PROFILE = 402;
        const CODING_METHODS = 403;
        const VERSION_YEAR = 404;
        const MODE_NUMBER = 405;
        const DECODE = 433;
        const DEFAULT_IMAGE_COLOR = 434;
        const T82_OPTIONS = 435;
        const JPEG_TABLES2 = 437;
        const JPEG_PROC = 512;
        const THUMBNAIL_OFFSET = 513;
        const THUMBNAIL_LENGTH = 514;
        const JPEG_RESTART_INTERVAL = 515;
        const JPEG_LOSSLESS_PREDICTORS = 517;
        const JPEG_POINT_TRANSFORMS = 518;
        const JPEGQ_TABLES = 519;
        const JPEGDC_TABLES = 520;
        const JPEGAC_TABLES = 521;
        const Y_CB_CR_COEFFICIENTS = 529;
        const Y_CB_CR_SUB_SAMPLING = 530;
        const Y_CB_CR_POSITIONING = 531;
        const REFERENCE_BLACK_WHITE = 532;
        const STRIP_ROW_COUNTS = 559;
        const APPLICATION_NOTES = 700;
        const USPTO_MISCELLANEOUS = 999;
        const RELATED_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT = 4096;
        const RELATED_IMAGE_WIDTH = 4097;
        const RELATED_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 4098;
        const RATING = 18246;
        const XP_DIP_XML = 18247;
        const STITCH_INFO = 18248;
        const RATING_PERCENT = 18249;
        const SONY_RAW_FILE_TYPE = 28672;
        const LIGHT_FALLOFF_PARAMS = 28722;
        const DISTORTION_CORR_PARAMS = 28727;
        const IMAGE_ID = 32781;
        const WANG_TAG1 = 32931;
        const WANG_ANNOTATION = 32932;
        const WANG_TAG3 = 32933;
        const WANG_TAG4 = 32934;
        const IMAGE_REFERENCE_POINTS = 32953;
        const REGION_XFORM_TACK_POINT = 32954;
        const WARP_QUADRILATERAL = 32955;
        const AFFINE_TRANSFORM_MAT = 32956;
        const MATTEING = 32995;
        const DATA_TYPE = 32996;
        const IMAGE_DEPTH = 32997;
        const TILE_DEPTH = 32998;
        const IMAGE_FULL_WIDTH = 33300;
        const IMAGE_FULL_HEIGHT = 33301;
        const TEXTURE_FORMAT = 33302;
        const WRAP_MODES = 33303;
        const FOV_COT = 33304;
        const MATRIX_WORLD_TO_SCREEN = 33305;
        const MATRIX_WORLD_TO_CAMERA = 33306;
        const MODEL2 = 33405;
        const CFA_REPEAT_PATTERN_DIM = 33421;
        const CFA_PATTERN2 = 33422;
        const BATTERY_LEVEL = 33423;
        const KODAK_IFD = 33424;
        const COPYRIGHT = 33432;
        const EXPOSURE_TIME = 33434;
        const F_NUMBER = 33437;
        const MD_FILE_TAG = 33445;
        const MD_SCALE_PIXEL = 33446;
        const MD_COLOR_TABLE = 33447;
        const MD_LAB_NAME = 33448;
        const MD_SAMPLE_INFO = 33449;
        const MD_PREP_DATE = 33450;
        const MD_PREP_TIME = 33451;
        const MD_FILE_UNITS = 33452;
        const PIXEL_SCALE = 33550;
        const ADVENT_SCALE = 33589;
        const ADVENT_REVISION = 33590;
        const UIC1_TAG = 33628;
        const UIC2_TAG = 33629;
        const UIC3_TAG = 33630;
        const UIC4_TAG = 33631;
        const IPTC_NAA = 33723;
        const INTERGRAPH_PACKET_DATA = 33918;
        const INTERGRAPH_FLAG_REGISTERS = 33919;
        const INTERGRAPH_MATRIX = 33920;
        const INGR_RESERVED = 33921;
        const MODEL_TIE_POINT = 33922;
        const SITE = 34016;
        const COLOR_SEQUENCE = 34017;
        const IT8_HEADER = 34018;
        const RASTER_PADDING = 34019;
        const BITS_PER_RUN_LENGTH = 34020;
        const BITS_PER_EXTENDED_RUN_LENGTH = 34021;
        const COLOR_TABLE = 34022;
        const IMAGE_COLOR_INDICATOR = 34023;
        const BACKGROUND_COLOR_INDICATOR = 34024;
        const IMAGE_COLOR_VALUE = 34025;
        const BACKGROUND_COLOR_VALUE = 34026;
        const PIXEL_INTENSITY_RANGE = 34027;
        const TRANSPARENCY_INDICATOR = 34028;
        const COLOR_CHARACTERIZATION = 34029;
        const HC_USAGE = 34030;
        const TRAP_INDICATOR = 34031;
        const CMYK_EQUIVALENT = 34032;
        const SEM_INFO = 34118;
        const AFCP_IPTC = 34152;
        const PIXEL_MAGIC_JBIG_OPTIONS = 34232;
        const JPL_CARTO_IFD = 34263;
        const MODEL_TRANSFORM = 34264;
        const WB_GRGB_LEVELS = 34306;
        const LEAF_DATA = 34310;
        const PHOTOSHOP_SETTINGS = 34377;
        const EXIF_OFFSET = 34665;
        const ICC_PROFILE = 34675;
        const TIFF_FX_EXTENSIONS = 34687;
        const MULTI_PROFILES = 34688;
        const SHARED_DATA = 34689;
        const T88_OPTIONS = 34690;
        const IMAGE_LAYER = 34732;
        const GEO_TIFF_DIRECTORY = 34735;
        const GEO_TIFF_DOUBLE_PARAMS = 34736;
        const GEO_TIFF_ASCII_PARAMS = 34737;
        const JBIG_OPTIONS = 34750;
        const EXPOSURE_PROGRAM = 34850;
        const SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY = 34852;
        const GPS_INFO = 34853;
        const ISO = 34855;
        const OPTO_ELECTRIC_CONV_FACTOR = 34856;
        const INTERLACE = 34857;
        const TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = 34858;
        const SELF_TIMER_MODE = 34859;
        const SENSITIVITY_TYPE = 34864;
        const STANDARD_OUTPUT_SENSITIVITY = 34865;
        const RECOMMENDED_EXPOSURE_INDEX = 34866;
        const ISO_SPEED = 34867;
        const ISO_SPEED_LATITUDEYYY = 34868;
        const ISO_SPEED_LATITUDEZZZ = 34869;
        const FAX_RECV_PARAMS = 34908;
        const FAX_SUB_ADDRESS = 34909;
        const FAX_RECV_TIME = 34910;
        const FEDEX_EDR = 34929;
        const LEAF_SUB_IFD = 34954;
        const EXIF_VERSION = 36864;
        const DATE_TIME_ORIGINAL = 36867;
        const CREATE_DATE = 36868;
        const GOOGLE_PLUS_UPLOAD_CODE = 36873;
        const OFFSET_TIME = 36880;
        const OFFSET_TIME_ORIGINAL = 36881;
        const OFFSET_TIME_DIGITIZED = 36882;
        const COMPONENTS_CONFIGURATION = 37121;
        const COMPRESSED_BITS_PER_PIXEL = 37122;
        const SHUTTER_SPEED_VALUE = 37377;
        const APERTURE_VALUE = 37378;
        const BRIGHTNESS_VALUE = 37379;
        const EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION = 37380;
        const MAX_APERTURE_VALUE = 37381;
        const SUBJECT_DISTANCE = 37382;
        const METERING_MODE = 37383;
        const LIGHT_SOURCE = 37384;
        const FLASH = 37385;
        const FOCAL_LENGTH = 37386;
        const FLASH_ENERGY = 37387;
        const SPATIAL_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE = 37388;
        const NOISE = 37389;
        const FOCAL_PLANE_X_RESOLUTION = 37390;
        const FOCAL_PLANE_Y_RESOLUTION = 37391;
        const FOCAL_PLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT = 37392;
        const IMAGE_NUMBER = 37393;
        const SECURITY_CLASSIFICATION = 37394;
        const IMAGE_HISTORY = 37395;
        const SUBJECT_AREA = 37396;
        const EXPOSURE_INDEX = 37397;
        const TIFF_EP_STANDARD_ID = 37398;
        const SENSING_METHOD = 37399;
        const CIP3_DATA_FILE = 37434;
        const CIP3_SHEET = 37435;
        const CIP3_SIDE = 37436;
        const STO_NITS = 37439;
        const MAKER_NOTE = 37500;
        const USER_COMMENT = 37510;
        const SUB_SEC_TIME = 37520;
        const SUB_SEC_TIME_ORIGINAL = 37521;
        const SUB_SEC_TIME_DIGITIZED = 37522;
        const MS_DOCUMENT_TEXT = 37679;
        const MS_PROPERTY_SET_STORAGE = 37680;
        const MS_DOCUMENT_TEXT_POSITION = 37681;
        const IMAGE_SOURCE_DATA = 37724;
        const AMBIENT_TEMPERATURE = 37888;
        const HUMIDITY = 37889;
        const PRESSURE = 37890;
        const WATER_DEPTH = 37891;
        const ACCELERATION = 37892;
        const CAMERA_ELEVATION_ANGLE = 37893;
        const XP_TITLE = 40091;
        const XP_COMMENT = 40092;
        const XP_AUTHOR = 40093;
        const XP_KEYWORDS = 40094;
        const XP_SUBJECT = 40095;
        const FLASHPIX_VERSION = 40960;
        const COLOR_SPACE = 40961;
        const EXIF_IMAGE_WIDTH = 40962;
        const EXIF_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 40963;
        const RELATED_SOUND_FILE = 40964;
        const INTEROP_OFFSET = 40965;
        const SAMSUNG_RAW_POINTERS_OFFSET = 40976;
        const SAMSUNG_RAW_POINTERS_LENGTH = 40977;
        const SAMSUNG_RAW_BYTE_ORDER = 41217;
        const SAMSUNG_RAW_UNKNOWN = 41218;
        const FLASH_ENERGY2 = 41483;
        const SPATIAL_FREQUENCY_RESPONSE2 = 41484;
        const NOISE2 = 41485;
        const FOCAL_PLANE_X_RESOLUTION2 = 41486;
        const FOCAL_PLANE_Y_RESOLUTION2 = 41487;
        const FOCAL_PLANE_RESOLUTION_UNIT2 = 41488;
        const IMAGE_NUMBER2 = 41489;
        const SECURITY_CLASSIFICATION2 = 41490;
        const IMAGE_HISTORY2 = 41491;
        const SUBJECT_LOCATION = 41492;
        const EXPOSURE_INDEX2 = 41493;
        const TIFF_EP_STANDARD_ID2 = 41494;
        const SENSING_METHOD2 = 41495;
        const FILE_SOURCE = 41728;
        const SCENE_TYPE = 41729;
        const CFA_PATTERN = 41730;
        const CUSTOM_RENDERED = 41985;
        const EXPOSURE_MODE = 41986;
        const WHITE_BALANCE = 41987;
        const DIGITAL_ZOOM_RATIO = 41988;
        const FOCAL_LENGTH_IN35MM_FORMAT = 41989;
        const SCENE_CAPTURE_TYPE = 41990;
        const GAIN_CONTROL = 41991;
        const CONTRAST = 41992;
        const SATURATION = 41993;
        const SHARPNESS = 41994;
        const DEVICE_SETTING_DESCRIPTION = 41995;
        const SUBJECT_DISTANCE_RANGE = 41996;
        const IMAGE_UNIQUE_ID = 42016;
        const OWNER_NAME = 42032;
        const SERIAL_NUMBER = 42033;
        const LENS_INFO = 42034;
        const LENS_MAKE = 42035;
        const LENS_MODEL = 42036;
        const LENS_SERIAL_NUMBER = 42037;
        const GDAL_METADATA = 42112;
        const GDAL_NO_DATA = 42113;
        const GAMMA = 42240;
        const EXPAND_SOFTWARE = 44992;
        const EXPAND_LENS = 44993;
        const EXPAND_FILM = 44994;
        const EXPAND_FILTER_LENS = 44995;
        const EXPAND_SCANNER = 44996;
        const EXPAND_FLASH_LAMP = 44997;
        const PIXEL_FORMAT = 48129;
        const TRANSFORMATION = 48130;
        const UNCOMPRESSED = 48131;
        const IMAGE_TYPE = 48132;
        const IMAGE_WIDTH2 = 48256;
        const IMAGE_HEIGHT2 = 48257;
        const WIDTH_RESOLUTION = 48258;
        const HEIGHT_RESOLUTION = 48259;
        const IMAGE_OFFSET = 48320;
        const IMAGE_BYTE_COUNT = 48321;
        const ALPHA_OFFSET = 48322;
        const ALPHA_BYTE_COUNT = 48323;
        const IMAGE_DATA_DISCARD = 48324;
        const ALPHA_DATA_DISCARD = 48325;
        const OCE_SCANJOB_DESC = 50215;
        const OCE_APPLICATION_SELECTOR = 50216;
        const OCE_ID_NUMBER = 50217;
        const OCE_IMAGE_LOGIC = 50218;
        const ANNOTATIONS = 50255;
        const PRINT_IM = 50341;
        const ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME = 50547;
        const USPTO_ORIGINAL_CONTENT_TYPE = 50560;
        const DNG_VERSION = 50706;
        const DNG_BACKWARD_VERSION = 50707;
        const UNIQUE_CAMERA_MODEL = 50708;
        const LOCALIZED_CAMERA_MODEL = 50709;
        const CFA_PLANE_COLOR = 50710;
        const CFA_LAYOUT = 50711;
        const LINEARIZATION_TABLE = 50712;
        const BLACK_LEVEL_REPEAT_DIM = 50713;
        const BLACK_LEVEL = 50714;
        const BLACK_LEVEL_DELTA_H = 50715;
        const BLACK_LEVEL_DELTA_V = 50716;
        const WHITE_LEVEL = 50717;
        const DEFAULT_SCALE = 50718;
        const DEFAULT_CROP_ORIGIN = 50719;
        const DEFAULT_CROP_SIZE = 50720;
        const COLOR_MATRIX1 = 50721;
        const COLOR_MATRIX2 = 50722;
        const CAMERA_CALIBRATION1 = 50723;
        const CAMERA_CALIBRATION2 = 50724;
        const REDUCTION_MATRIX1 = 50725;
        const REDUCTION_MATRIX2 = 50726;
        const ANALOG_BALANCE = 50727;
        const AS_SHOT_NEUTRAL = 50728;
        const AS_SHOT_WHITE_XY = 50729;
        const BASELINE_EXPOSURE = 50730;
        const BASELINE_NOISE = 50731;
        const BASELINE_SHARPNESS = 50732;
        const BAYER_GREEN_SPLIT = 50733;
        const LINEAR_RESPONSE_LIMIT = 50734;
        const CAMERA_SERIAL_NUMBER = 50735;
        const DNG_LENS_INFO = 50736;
        const CHROMA_BLUR_RADIUS = 50737;
        const ANTI_ALIAS_STRENGTH = 50738;
        const SHADOW_SCALE = 50739;
        const SR2_PRIVATE = 50740;
        const MAKER_NOTE_SAFETY = 50741;
        const RAW_IMAGE_SEGMENTATION = 50752;
        const CALIBRATION_ILLUMINANT1 = 50778;
        const CALIBRATION_ILLUMINANT2 = 50779;
        const BEST_QUALITY_SCALE = 50780;
        const RAW_DATA_UNIQUE_ID = 50781;
        const ALIAS_LAYER_METADATA = 50784;
        const ORIGINAL_RAW_FILE_NAME = 50827;
        const ORIGINAL_RAW_FILE_DATA = 50828;
        const ACTIVE_AREA = 50829;
        const MASKED_AREAS = 50830;
        const AS_SHOT_ICC_PROFILE = 50831;
        const AS_SHOT_PRE_PROFILE_MATRIX = 50832;
        const CURRENT_ICC_PROFILE = 50833;
        const CURRENT_PRE_PROFILE_MATRIX = 50834;
        const COLORIMETRIC_REFERENCE = 50879;
        const S_RAW_TYPE = 50885;
        const PANASONIC_TITLE = 50898;
        const PANASONIC_TITLE2 = 50899;
        const CAMERA_CALIBRATION_SIG = 50931;
        const PROFILE_CALIBRATION_SIG = 50932;
        const PROFILE_IFD = 50933;
        const AS_SHOT_PROFILE_NAME = 50934;
        const NOISE_REDUCTION_APPLIED = 50935;
        const PROFILE_NAME = 50936;
        const PROFILE_HUE_SAT_MAP_DIMS = 50937;
        const PROFILE_HUE_SAT_MAP_DATA1 = 50938;
        const PROFILE_HUE_SAT_MAP_DATA2 = 50939;
        const PROFILE_TONE_CURVE = 50940;
        const PROFILE_EMBED_POLICY = 50941;
        const PROFILE_COPYRIGHT = 50942;
        const FORWARD_MATRIX1 = 50964;
        const FORWARD_MATRIX2 = 50965;
        const PREVIEW_APPLICATION_NAME = 50966;
        const PREVIEW_APPLICATION_VERSION = 50967;
        const PREVIEW_SETTINGS_NAME = 50968;
        const PREVIEW_SETTINGS_DIGEST = 50969;
        const PREVIEW_COLOR_SPACE = 50970;
        const PREVIEW_DATE_TIME = 50971;
        const RAW_IMAGE_DIGEST = 50972;
        const ORIGINAL_RAW_FILE_DIGEST = 50973;
        const SUB_TILE_BLOCK_SIZE = 50974;
        const ROW_INTERLEAVE_FACTOR = 50975;
        const PROFILE_LOOK_TABLE_DIMS = 50981;
        const PROFILE_LOOK_TABLE_DATA = 50982;
        const OPCODE_LIST1 = 51008;
        const OPCODE_LIST2 = 51009;
        const OPCODE_LIST3 = 51022;
        const NOISE_PROFILE = 51041;
        const TIME_CODES = 51043;
        const FRAME_RATE = 51044;
        const T_STOP = 51058;
        const REEL_NAME = 51081;
        const ORIGINAL_DEFAULT_FINAL_SIZE = 51089;
        const ORIGINAL_BEST_QUALITY_SIZE = 51090;
        const ORIGINAL_DEFAULT_CROP_SIZE = 51091;
        const CAMERA_LABEL = 51105;
        const PROFILE_HUE_SAT_MAP_ENCODING = 51107;
        const PROFILE_LOOK_TABLE_ENCODING = 51108;
        const BASELINE_EXPOSURE_OFFSET = 51109;
        const DEFAULT_BLACK_RENDER = 51110;
        const NEW_RAW_IMAGE_DIGEST = 51111;
        const RAW_TO_PREVIEW_GAIN = 51112;
        const DEFAULT_USER_CROP = 51125;
        const PADDING = 59932;
        const OFFSET_SCHEMA = 59933;
        const OWNER_NAME2 = 65000;
        const SERIAL_NUMBER2 = 65001;
        const LENS = 65002;
        const KDC_IFD = 65024;
        const RAW_FILE = 65100;
        const CONVERTER = 65101;
        const WHITE_BALANCE2 = 65102;
        const EXPOSURE = 65105;
        const SHADOWS = 65106;
        const BRIGHTNESS = 65107;
        const CONTRAST2 = 65108;
        const SATURATION2 = 65109;
        const SHARPNESS2 = 65110;
        const SMOOTHNESS = 65111;
        const MOIRE_FILTER = 65112;