xwd is a file format written by eponymous X11 screen capture
application (xwd stands for "X Window Dump"). Typically, an average
user transforms xwd format into something more widespread by any of
and pnmto...
utilities right away.
xwd format itself provides a raw uncompressed bitmap with some metainformation, like pixel format, width, height, bit depth, etc. Note that technically format includes machine-dependent fields and thus is probably a poor choice for true cross-platform usage.
This page hosts a formal specification of xwd (X Window Dump) bitmap image using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.
All parsing code for C# generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the C# runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.
The C# runtime library is available in the NuGet Gallery. Installation instructions can also be found there.
Parse a local file and get structure in memory:
var data = Xwd.FromFile("path/to/local/file.xwd");
Or parse structure from a byte array:
byte[] someArray = new byte[] { ... };
var data = new Xwd(new KaitaiStream(someArray));
After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by accessing properties like:
data.LenHeader // => Size of the header in bytes
// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Kaitai
/// <summary>
/// xwd is a file format written by eponymous X11 screen capture
/// application (xwd stands for "X Window Dump"). Typically, an average
/// user transforms xwd format into something more widespread by any of
/// `xwdtopnm` and `pnmto...` utilities right away.
/// xwd format itself provides a raw uncompressed bitmap with some
/// metainformation, like pixel format, width, height, bit depth,
/// etc. Note that technically format includes machine-dependent fields
/// and thus is probably a poor choice for true cross-platform usage.
/// </summary>
public partial class Xwd : KaitaiStruct
public static Xwd FromFile(string fileName)
return new Xwd(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public enum PixmapFormat
XYBitmap = 0,
XYPixmap = 1,
ZPixmap = 2,
public enum ByteOrder
Le = 0,
Be = 1,
public enum VisualClass
StaticGray = 0,
GrayScale = 1,
StaticColor = 2,
PseudoColor = 3,
TrueColor = 4,
DirectColor = 5,
public Xwd(KaitaiStream p__io, KaitaiStruct p__parent = null, Xwd p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root ?? this;
private void _read()
_lenHeader = m_io.ReadU4be();
__raw_hdr = m_io.ReadBytes((LenHeader - 4));
var io___raw_hdr = new KaitaiStream(__raw_hdr);
_hdr = new Header(io___raw_hdr, this, m_root);
__raw_colorMap = new List<byte[]>();
_colorMap = new List<ColorMapEntry>();
for (var i = 0; i < Hdr.ColorMapEntries; i++)
var io___raw_colorMap = new KaitaiStream(__raw_colorMap[__raw_colorMap.Count - 1]);
_colorMap.Add(new ColorMapEntry(io___raw_colorMap, this, m_root));
public partial class Header : KaitaiStruct
public static Header FromFile(string fileName)
return new Header(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public Header(KaitaiStream p__io, Xwd p__parent = null, Xwd p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
private void _read()
_fileVersion = m_io.ReadU4be();
_pixmapFormat = ((Xwd.PixmapFormat) m_io.ReadU4be());
_pixmapDepth = m_io.ReadU4be();
_pixmapWidth = m_io.ReadU4be();
_pixmapHeight = m_io.ReadU4be();
_xOffset = m_io.ReadU4be();
_byteOrder = ((Xwd.ByteOrder) m_io.ReadU4be());
_bitmapUnit = m_io.ReadU4be();
_bitmapBitOrder = m_io.ReadU4be();
_bitmapPad = m_io.ReadU4be();
_bitsPerPixel = m_io.ReadU4be();
_bytesPerLine = m_io.ReadU4be();
_visualClass = ((Xwd.VisualClass) m_io.ReadU4be());
_redMask = m_io.ReadU4be();
_greenMask = m_io.ReadU4be();
_blueMask = m_io.ReadU4be();
_bitsPerRgb = m_io.ReadU4be();
_numberOfColors = m_io.ReadU4be();
_colorMapEntries = m_io.ReadU4be();
_windowWidth = m_io.ReadU4be();
_windowHeight = m_io.ReadU4be();
_windowX = m_io.ReadS4be();
_windowY = m_io.ReadS4be();
_windowBorderWidth = m_io.ReadU4be();
_creator = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("UTF-8").GetString(m_io.ReadBytesTerm(0, false, true, true));
private uint _fileVersion;
private PixmapFormat _pixmapFormat;
private uint _pixmapDepth;
private uint _pixmapWidth;
private uint _pixmapHeight;
private uint _xOffset;
private ByteOrder _byteOrder;
private uint _bitmapUnit;
private uint _bitmapBitOrder;
private uint _bitmapPad;
private uint _bitsPerPixel;
private uint _bytesPerLine;
private VisualClass _visualClass;
private uint _redMask;
private uint _greenMask;
private uint _blueMask;
private uint _bitsPerRgb;
private uint _numberOfColors;
private uint _colorMapEntries;
private uint _windowWidth;
private uint _windowHeight;
private int _windowX;
private int _windowY;
private uint _windowBorderWidth;
private string _creator;
private Xwd m_root;
private Xwd m_parent;
/// <summary>
/// X11WD file version (always 07h)
/// </summary>
public uint FileVersion { get { return _fileVersion; } }
/// <summary>
/// Format of the image data
/// </summary>
public PixmapFormat PixmapFormat { get { return _pixmapFormat; } }
/// <summary>
/// Pixmap depth in pixels - in practice, bits per pixel
/// </summary>
public uint PixmapDepth { get { return _pixmapDepth; } }
/// <summary>
/// Pixmap width in pixels
/// </summary>
public uint PixmapWidth { get { return _pixmapWidth; } }
/// <summary>
/// Pixmap height in pixels
/// </summary>
public uint PixmapHeight { get { return _pixmapHeight; } }
/// <summary>
/// Bitmap X offset (number of pixels to ignore at the beginning of each scan-line)
/// </summary>
public uint XOffset { get { return _xOffset; } }
/// <summary>
/// Byte order of image data
/// </summary>
public ByteOrder ByteOrder { get { return _byteOrder; } }
/// <summary>
/// Bitmap base data size
/// </summary>
public uint BitmapUnit { get { return _bitmapUnit; } }
/// <summary>
/// Bit-order of image data
/// </summary>
public uint BitmapBitOrder { get { return _bitmapBitOrder; } }
/// <summary>
/// Bitmap scan-line pad
/// </summary>
public uint BitmapPad { get { return _bitmapPad; } }
/// <summary>
/// Bits per pixel
/// </summary>
public uint BitsPerPixel { get { return _bitsPerPixel; } }
/// <summary>
/// Bytes per scan-line
/// </summary>
public uint BytesPerLine { get { return _bytesPerLine; } }
/// <summary>
/// Class of the image
/// </summary>
public VisualClass VisualClass { get { return _visualClass; } }
/// <summary>
/// Red mask
/// </summary>
public uint RedMask { get { return _redMask; } }
/// <summary>
/// Green mask
/// </summary>
public uint GreenMask { get { return _greenMask; } }
/// <summary>
/// Blue mask
/// </summary>
public uint BlueMask { get { return _blueMask; } }
/// <summary>
/// Size of each color mask in bits
/// </summary>
public uint BitsPerRgb { get { return _bitsPerRgb; } }
/// <summary>
/// Number of colors in image
/// </summary>
public uint NumberOfColors { get { return _numberOfColors; } }
/// <summary>
/// Number of entries in color map
/// </summary>
public uint ColorMapEntries { get { return _colorMapEntries; } }
/// <summary>
/// Window width
/// </summary>
public uint WindowWidth { get { return _windowWidth; } }
/// <summary>
/// Window height
/// </summary>
public uint WindowHeight { get { return _windowHeight; } }
/// <summary>
/// Window upper left X coordinate
/// </summary>
public int WindowX { get { return _windowX; } }
/// <summary>
/// Window upper left Y coordinate
/// </summary>
public int WindowY { get { return _windowY; } }
/// <summary>
/// Window border width
/// </summary>
public uint WindowBorderWidth { get { return _windowBorderWidth; } }
/// <summary>
/// Program that created this xwd file
/// </summary>
public string Creator { get { return _creator; } }
public Xwd M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Xwd M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
public partial class ColorMapEntry : KaitaiStruct
public static ColorMapEntry FromFile(string fileName)
return new ColorMapEntry(new KaitaiStream(fileName));
public ColorMapEntry(KaitaiStream p__io, Xwd p__parent = null, Xwd p__root = null) : base(p__io)
m_parent = p__parent;
m_root = p__root;
private void _read()
_entryNumber = m_io.ReadU4be();
_red = m_io.ReadU2be();
_green = m_io.ReadU2be();
_blue = m_io.ReadU2be();
_flags = m_io.ReadU1();
_padding = m_io.ReadU1();
private uint _entryNumber;
private ushort _red;
private ushort _green;
private ushort _blue;
private byte _flags;
private byte _padding;
private Xwd m_root;
private Xwd m_parent;
/// <summary>
/// Number of the color map entry
/// </summary>
public uint EntryNumber { get { return _entryNumber; } }
public ushort Red { get { return _red; } }
public ushort Green { get { return _green; } }
public ushort Blue { get { return _blue; } }
public byte Flags { get { return _flags; } }
public byte Padding { get { return _padding; } }
public Xwd M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public Xwd M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
private uint _lenHeader;
private Header _hdr;
private List<ColorMapEntry> _colorMap;
private Xwd m_root;
private KaitaiStruct m_parent;
private byte[] __raw_hdr;
private List<byte[]> __raw_colorMap;
/// <summary>
/// Size of the header in bytes
/// </summary>
public uint LenHeader { get { return _lenHeader; } }
public Header Hdr { get { return _hdr; } }
public List<ColorMapEntry> ColorMap { get { return _colorMap; } }
public Xwd M_Root { get { return m_root; } }
public KaitaiStruct M_Parent { get { return m_parent; } }
public byte[] M_RawHdr { get { return __raw_hdr; } }
public List<byte[]> M_RawColorMap { get { return __raw_colorMap; } }