xwd (X Window Dump) bitmap image: Lua parsing library

xwd is a file format written by eponymous X11 screen capture application (xwd stands for "X Window Dump"). Typically, an average user transforms xwd format into something more widespread by any of xwdtopnm and pnmto... utilities right away.

xwd format itself provides a raw uncompressed bitmap with some metainformation, like pixel format, width, height, bit depth, etc. Note that technically format includes machine-dependent fields and thus is probably a poor choice for true cross-platform usage.



File extension


KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0


This page hosts a formal specification of xwd (X Window Dump) bitmap image using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.

Lua source code to parse xwd (X Window Dump) bitmap image


-- This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild
-- This file is compatible with Lua 5.3

local class = require("class")
local enum = require("enum")
local stringstream = require("string_stream")
local str_decode = require("string_decode")

-- xwd is a file format written by eponymous X11 screen capture
-- application (xwd stands for "X Window Dump"). Typically, an average
-- user transforms xwd format into something more widespread by any of
-- `xwdtopnm` and `pnmto...` utilities right away.
-- xwd format itself provides a raw uncompressed bitmap with some
-- metainformation, like pixel format, width, height, bit depth,
-- etc. Note that technically format includes machine-dependent fields
-- and thus is probably a poor choice for true cross-platform usage.
Xwd = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

Xwd.PixmapFormat = enum.Enum {
  x_y_bitmap = 0,
  x_y_pixmap = 1,
  z_pixmap = 2,

Xwd.ByteOrder = enum.Enum {
  le = 0,
  be = 1,

Xwd.VisualClass = enum.Enum {
  static_gray = 0,
  gray_scale = 1,
  static_color = 2,
  pseudo_color = 3,
  true_color = 4,
  direct_color = 5,

function Xwd:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Xwd:_read()
  self.len_header = self._io:read_u4be()
  self._raw_hdr = self._io:read_bytes((self.len_header - 4))
  local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_hdr))
  self.hdr = Xwd.Header(_io, self, self._root)
  self._raw_color_map = {}
  self.color_map = {}
  for i = 0, self.hdr.color_map_entries - 1 do
    self._raw_color_map[i + 1] = self._io:read_bytes(12)
    local _io = KaitaiStream(stringstream(self._raw_color_map[i + 1]))
    self.color_map[i + 1] = Xwd.ColorMapEntry(_io, self, self._root)

-- Size of the header in bytes.

Xwd.Header = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Xwd.Header:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Xwd.Header:_read()
  self.file_version = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.pixmap_format = Xwd.PixmapFormat(self._io:read_u4be())
  self.pixmap_depth = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.pixmap_width = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.pixmap_height = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.x_offset = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.byte_order = Xwd.ByteOrder(self._io:read_u4be())
  self.bitmap_unit = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.bitmap_bit_order = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.bitmap_pad = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.bits_per_pixel = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.bytes_per_line = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.visual_class = Xwd.VisualClass(self._io:read_u4be())
  self.red_mask = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.green_mask = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.blue_mask = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.bits_per_rgb = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.number_of_colors = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.color_map_entries = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.window_width = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.window_height = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.window_x = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.window_y = self._io:read_s4be()
  self.window_border_width = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.creator = str_decode.decode(self._io:read_bytes_term(0, false, true, true), "UTF-8")

-- X11WD file version (always 07h).
-- Format of the image data.
-- Pixmap depth in pixels - in practice, bits per pixel.
-- Pixmap width in pixels.
-- Pixmap height in pixels.
-- Bitmap X offset (number of pixels to ignore at the beginning of each scan-line).
-- Byte order of image data.
-- Bitmap base data size.
-- Bit-order of image data.
-- Bitmap scan-line pad.
-- Bits per pixel.
-- Bytes per scan-line.
-- Class of the image.
-- Red mask.
-- Green mask.
-- Blue mask.
-- Size of each color mask in bits.
-- Number of colors in image.
-- Number of entries in color map.
-- Window width.
-- Window height.
-- Window upper left X coordinate.
-- Window upper left Y coordinate.
-- Window border width.
-- Program that created this xwd file.

Xwd.ColorMapEntry = class.class(KaitaiStruct)

function Xwd.ColorMapEntry:_init(io, parent, root)
  KaitaiStruct._init(self, io)
  self._parent = parent
  self._root = root or self

function Xwd.ColorMapEntry:_read()
  self.entry_number = self._io:read_u4be()
  self.red = self._io:read_u2be()
  self.green = self._io:read_u2be()
  self.blue = self._io:read_u2be()
  self.flags = self._io:read_u1()
  self.padding = self._io:read_u1()

-- Number of the color map entry.