TGA (AKA Truevision TGA, AKA TARGA) raster image file format: C++11/STL parsing library

TGA (AKA Truevision TGA, AKA TARGA), is a raster image file format created by Truevision. It supports up to 32 bits per pixel (three 8-bit RGB channels + 8-bit alpha channel), color mapping and optional lossless RLE compression.

File extension

["tga", "icb", "vda", "vst"]

KS implementation details

License: CC0-1.0


This page hosts a formal specification of TGA (AKA Truevision TGA, AKA TARGA) raster image file format using Kaitai Struct. This specification can be automatically translated into a variety of programming languages to get a parsing library.


Runtime library

All parsing code for C++11/STL generated by Kaitai Struct depends on the C++/STL runtime library. You have to install it before you can parse data.

For C++, the easiest way is to clone the runtime library sources and build them along with your project.


Using Kaitai Struct in C++/STL usually consists of 3 steps.

  1. We need to create an STL input stream (std::istream). One can open local file for that, or use existing std::string or char* buffer.
    #include <fstream>
    std::ifstream is("path/to/local/file.tga", std::ifstream::binary);
    #include <sstream>
    std::istringstream is(str);
    #include <sstream>
    const char buf[] = { ... };
    std::string str(buf, sizeof buf);
    std::istringstream is(str);
  2. We need to wrap our input stream into Kaitai stream:
    #include "kaitai/kaitaistream.h"
    kaitai::kstream ks(&is);
  3. And finally, we can invoke the parsing:
    tga_t data(&ks);

After that, one can get various attributes from the structure by invoking getter methods like:

data.num_color_map() // => Number of entries in a color map

C++11/STL source code to parse TGA (AKA Truevision TGA, AKA TARGA) raster image file format


#pragma once

// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

#include "kaitai/kaitaistruct.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#error "Incompatible Kaitai Struct C++/STL API: version 0.9 or later is required"

 * TGA (AKA Truevision TGA, AKA TARGA), is a raster image file format created by Truevision. It supports up to 32 bits per pixel (three 8-bit RGB channels + 8-bit alpha channel), color mapping and optional lossless RLE compression.
 * \sa Source

class tga_t : public kaitai::kstruct {

    class tga_footer_t;
    class tga_ext_area_t;

    enum color_map_enum_t {

    enum image_type_enum_t {

    tga_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, kaitai::kstruct* p__parent = nullptr, tga_t* p__root = nullptr);

    void _read();
    void _clean_up();


    class tga_footer_t : public kaitai::kstruct {


        tga_footer_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, tga_t* p__parent = nullptr, tga_t* p__root = nullptr);

        void _read();
        void _clean_up();


        bool f_is_valid;
        bool m_is_valid;

        bool is_valid();

        bool f_ext_area;
        std::unique_ptr<tga_ext_area_t> m_ext_area;
        bool n_ext_area;

        bool _is_null_ext_area() { ext_area(); return n_ext_area; };


        tga_ext_area_t* ext_area();

        uint32_t m_ext_area_ofs;
        uint32_t m_dev_dir_ofs;
        std::string m_version_magic;
        tga_t* m__root;
        tga_t* m__parent;


         * Offset to extension area
        uint32_t ext_area_ofs() const { return m_ext_area_ofs; }

         * Offset to developer directory
        uint32_t dev_dir_ofs() const { return m_dev_dir_ofs; }
        std::string version_magic() const { return m_version_magic; }
        tga_t* _root() const { return m__root; }
        tga_t* _parent() const { return m__parent; }

    class tga_ext_area_t : public kaitai::kstruct {


        tga_ext_area_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, tga_t::tga_footer_t* p__parent = nullptr, tga_t* p__root = nullptr);

        void _read();
        void _clean_up();


        uint16_t m_ext_area_size;
        std::string m_author_name;
        std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> m_comments;
        std::string m_timestamp;
        std::string m_job_id;
        std::string m_job_time;
        std::string m_software_id;
        std::string m_software_version;
        uint32_t m_key_color;
        uint32_t m_pixel_aspect_ratio;
        uint32_t m_gamma_value;
        uint32_t m_color_corr_ofs;
        uint32_t m_postage_stamp_ofs;
        uint32_t m_scan_line_ofs;
        uint8_t m_attributes;
        tga_t* m__root;
        tga_t::tga_footer_t* m__parent;


         * Extension area size in bytes (always 495)
        uint16_t ext_area_size() const { return m_ext_area_size; }
        std::string author_name() const { return m_author_name; }

         * Comments, organized as four lines, each consisting of 80 characters plus a NULL
        std::vector<std::string>* comments() const { return m_comments.get(); }

         * Image creation date / time
        std::string timestamp() const { return m_timestamp; }

         * Internal job ID, to be used in image workflow systems
        std::string job_id() const { return m_job_id; }

         * Hours, minutes and seconds spent creating the file (for billing, etc.)
        std::string job_time() const { return m_job_time; }

         * The application that created the file.
        std::string software_id() const { return m_software_id; }
        std::string software_version() const { return m_software_version; }
        uint32_t key_color() const { return m_key_color; }
        uint32_t pixel_aspect_ratio() const { return m_pixel_aspect_ratio; }
        uint32_t gamma_value() const { return m_gamma_value; }

         * Number of bytes from the beginning of the file to the color correction table if present
        uint32_t color_corr_ofs() const { return m_color_corr_ofs; }

         * Number of bytes from the beginning of the file to the postage stamp image if present
        uint32_t postage_stamp_ofs() const { return m_postage_stamp_ofs; }

         * Number of bytes from the beginning of the file to the scan lines table if present
        uint32_t scan_line_ofs() const { return m_scan_line_ofs; }

         * Specifies the alpha channel
        uint8_t attributes() const { return m_attributes; }
        tga_t* _root() const { return m__root; }
        tga_t::tga_footer_t* _parent() const { return m__parent; }

    bool f_footer;
    std::unique_ptr<tga_footer_t> m_footer;

    tga_footer_t* footer();

    uint8_t m_image_id_len;
    color_map_enum_t m_color_map_type;
    image_type_enum_t m_image_type;
    uint16_t m_color_map_ofs;
    uint16_t m_num_color_map;
    uint8_t m_color_map_depth;
    uint16_t m_x_offset;
    uint16_t m_y_offset;
    uint16_t m_width;
    uint16_t m_height;
    uint8_t m_image_depth;
    uint8_t m_img_descriptor;
    std::string m_image_id;
    std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> m_color_map;
    bool n_color_map;

    bool _is_null_color_map() { color_map(); return n_color_map; };

    tga_t* m__root;
    kaitai::kstruct* m__parent;

    uint8_t image_id_len() const { return m_image_id_len; }
    color_map_enum_t color_map_type() const { return m_color_map_type; }
    image_type_enum_t image_type() const { return m_image_type; }
    uint16_t color_map_ofs() const { return m_color_map_ofs; }

     * Number of entries in a color map
    uint16_t num_color_map() const { return m_num_color_map; }

     * Number of bits in a each color maps entry
    uint8_t color_map_depth() const { return m_color_map_depth; }
    uint16_t x_offset() const { return m_x_offset; }
    uint16_t y_offset() const { return m_y_offset; }

     * Width of the image, in pixels
    uint16_t width() const { return m_width; }

     * Height of the image, in pixels
    uint16_t height() const { return m_height; }
    uint8_t image_depth() const { return m_image_depth; }
    uint8_t img_descriptor() const { return m_img_descriptor; }

     * Arbitrary application-specific information that is used to
     * identify image. May contain text or some binary data.
    std::string image_id() const { return m_image_id; }

     * Color map
    std::vector<std::string>* color_map() const { return m_color_map.get(); }
    tga_t* _root() const { return m__root; }
    kaitai::kstruct* _parent() const { return m__parent; }


// This is a generated file! Please edit source .ksy file and use kaitai-struct-compiler to rebuild

#include "tga.h"

tga_t::tga_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, kaitai::kstruct* p__parent, tga_t* p__root) : kaitai::kstruct(p__io) {
    m__parent = p__parent;
    m__root = this;
    m_color_map = nullptr;
    m_footer = nullptr;
    f_footer = false;

void tga_t::_read() {
    m_image_id_len = m__io->read_u1();
    m_color_map_type = static_cast<tga_t::color_map_enum_t>(m__io->read_u1());
    m_image_type = static_cast<tga_t::image_type_enum_t>(m__io->read_u1());
    m_color_map_ofs = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_num_color_map = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_color_map_depth = m__io->read_u1();
    m_x_offset = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_y_offset = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_width = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_height = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_image_depth = m__io->read_u1();
    m_img_descriptor = m__io->read_u1();
    m_image_id = m__io->read_bytes(image_id_len());
    n_color_map = true;
    if (color_map_type() == tga_t::COLOR_MAP_ENUM_HAS_COLOR_MAP) {
        n_color_map = false;
        m_color_map = std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>>(new std::vector<std::string>());
        const int l_color_map = num_color_map();
        for (int i = 0; i < l_color_map; i++) {
            m_color_map->push_back(std::move(m__io->read_bytes(((color_map_depth() + 7) / 8))));

tga_t::~tga_t() {

void tga_t::_clean_up() {
    if (!n_color_map) {
    if (f_footer) {

tga_t::tga_footer_t::tga_footer_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, tga_t* p__parent, tga_t* p__root) : kaitai::kstruct(p__io) {
    m__parent = p__parent;
    m__root = p__root;
    m_ext_area = nullptr;
    f_is_valid = false;
    f_ext_area = false;

void tga_t::tga_footer_t::_read() {
    m_ext_area_ofs = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_dev_dir_ofs = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_version_magic = m__io->read_bytes(18);

tga_t::tga_footer_t::~tga_footer_t() {

void tga_t::tga_footer_t::_clean_up() {
    if (f_ext_area && !n_ext_area) {

bool tga_t::tga_footer_t::is_valid() {
    if (f_is_valid)
        return m_is_valid;
    m_is_valid = version_magic() == std::string("\x54\x52\x55\x45\x56\x49\x53\x49\x4F\x4E\x2D\x58\x46\x49\x4C\x45\x2E\x00", 18);
    f_is_valid = true;
    return m_is_valid;

tga_t::tga_ext_area_t* tga_t::tga_footer_t::ext_area() {
    if (f_ext_area)
        return m_ext_area.get();
    n_ext_area = true;
    if (is_valid()) {
        n_ext_area = false;
        std::streampos _pos = m__io->pos();
        m_ext_area = std::unique_ptr<tga_ext_area_t>(new tga_ext_area_t(m__io, this, m__root));
        f_ext_area = true;
    return m_ext_area.get();

tga_t::tga_ext_area_t::tga_ext_area_t(kaitai::kstream* p__io, tga_t::tga_footer_t* p__parent, tga_t* p__root) : kaitai::kstruct(p__io) {
    m__parent = p__parent;
    m__root = p__root;
    m_comments = nullptr;

void tga_t::tga_ext_area_t::_read() {
    m_ext_area_size = m__io->read_u2le();
    m_author_name = kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(m__io->read_bytes(41), std::string("ASCII"));
    m_comments = std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>>(new std::vector<std::string>());
    const int l_comments = 4;
    for (int i = 0; i < l_comments; i++) {
        m_comments->push_back(std::move(kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(m__io->read_bytes(81), std::string("ASCII"))));
    m_timestamp = m__io->read_bytes(12);
    m_job_id = kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(m__io->read_bytes(41), std::string("ASCII"));
    m_job_time = kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(m__io->read_bytes(6), std::string("ASCII"));
    m_software_id = kaitai::kstream::bytes_to_str(m__io->read_bytes(41), std::string("ASCII"));
    m_software_version = m__io->read_bytes(3);
    m_key_color = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_pixel_aspect_ratio = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_gamma_value = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_color_corr_ofs = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_postage_stamp_ofs = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_scan_line_ofs = m__io->read_u4le();
    m_attributes = m__io->read_u1();

tga_t::tga_ext_area_t::~tga_ext_area_t() {

void tga_t::tga_ext_area_t::_clean_up() {

tga_t::tga_footer_t* tga_t::footer() {
    if (f_footer)
        return m_footer.get();
    std::streampos _pos = m__io->pos();
    m__io->seek((_io()->size() - 26));
    m_footer = std::unique_ptr<tga_footer_t>(new tga_footer_t(m__io, this, m__root));
    f_footer = true;
    return m_footer.get();