
This table provides a summary of all entries in Kaitai Struct format gallery and their relevant cross-references.

As of now, format gallery includes 185 formats.

Kaitai Struct ID File extension .ksy License Standards Registries Wikis
ISO/IEC RFC Media type (MIME) LOC FDD PRONOM ForensicsWiki Just Solve Wikidata
Organization ISO, IEC IETF, IRTF, IAB, ISOC IANA LOC The National Archives, UK
aix_utmp CC0-1.0
allegro_dat dat CC0-1.0 Allegro packfile
amlogic_emmc_partitions CC0-1.0
andes_firmware CC0-1.0
android_bootldr_asus img CC0-1.0
android_bootldr_huawei img CC0-1.0
android_bootldr_qcom img CC0-1.0
android_dto img CC0-1.0
android_img img CC0-1.0
android_nanoapp_header napp_header Apache-2.0
android_opengl_shaders_cache Apache-2.0
android_sparse img CC0-1.0
android_super img CC0-1.0
apm_partition_table CC0-1.0 apm Apple Partition Map Q375944
apple_single_double CC0-1.0 1740 appledouble header file AppleDouble Q4781113
asn1_der der CC0-1.0 DER Q28600469
au ["au", "snd"] CC0-1.0 audio/basic, audio/x-adpcm x-fmt/139 AU Q672985
avantes_roh60 roh CC0-1.0 Q29960673
avi avi CC0-1.0 video/x-msvideo fdd000059 fmt/5 AVI Q209054
bcd CC0-1.0 Binary-coded decimal Q276582
bitcoin_transaction MIT
blender_blend blend CC0-1.0 application/x-blender fmt/902, fmt/903 BLEND Q15671948
bmp bmp CC0-1.0 image/bmp fdd000189 fmt/114, fmt/115, fmt/116, fmt/117, fmt/118, fmt/119, x-fmt/25, x-fmt/270 bmp BMP Q192869
broadcom_trx trx GPL-2.0-or-later
bson bson CC0-1.0 application/bson BSON Q2661480
btrfs_stream CC0-1.0 Q283820
bytes_with_io MIT
chrome_pak pak CC0-1.0
code_6502 CC0-1.0 Q19368646
compressed_resource MIT
cpio_old_le cpio CC0-1.0 application/x-cpio fmt/635 cpio Cpio Q285296
cramfs MIT Cramfs Q747406
creative_voice_file voc CC0-1.0 audio/x-voc Creative Voice File Q27967410
dbf dbf CC0-1.0 application/dbf, application/dbase fdd000325 x-fmt/8, x-fmt/9, x-fmt/271, x-fmt/10, x-fmt/272 DBF Q16545707
dcmp_0 MIT
dcmp_1 MIT
dcmp_2 MIT
dcmp_variable_length_integer MIT
dex dex Apache-2.0 fmt/694 Q29000585
dicom dcm MIT application/dicom fmt/574 DICOM Q81095
dime_message ["dim", "dime"] CC0-1.0 application/dime Q1227457
dns_packet CC0-1.0 1035 Q8767
doom_wad wad CC0-1.0 application/x-doom Doom WAD Q1936828
dos_datetime CC0-1.0 MS-DOS date/time
dos_mz ["exe", "ovl"] CC0-1.0 x-fmt/409 MS-DOS EXE Q1882110
ds_store DS_Store MIT fmt/394 Desktop Services Store Q307271
dtb dtb CC0-1.0 Q16960371
dune_2_pak pak CC0-1.0
edid CC0-1.0 Q1376385
efivar_signature_list CC0-1.0 Q859398
elf CC0-1.0 application/x-elf, application/x-coredump, application/x-executable, application/x-object, application/x-sharedlib fmt/688, fmt/689, fmt/690, fmt/691 Executable and Linkable Format Q1343830
ethernet_frame CC0-1.0 Q11331406
exif CC0-1.0 fdd000146 x-fmt/398, x-fmt/390, x-fmt/391, fmt/645 exif Exif Q26383099
ext2 CC0-1.0 extended file system (ext) Ext2 Q283527
fallout2_dat dat CC0-1.0 Q32097899
fallout_dat dat CC0-1.0 Q32097740
fasttracker_xm_module xm Unlicense fmt/323 Extended Module Q376852
ftl_dat dat CC0-1.0
genmidi_op2 op2 CC0-1.0 Q32098356
gettext_mo mo BSD-2-Clause Gettext MO (Machine Object) file Q105856977, Q105857131
gif gif CC0-1.0 image/gif fdd000133 fmt/3, fmt/4 gif GIF Q2192
gimp_brush gbr CC0-1.0 image/x-gimp-gbr GIMP Brush Q28206177
glibc_utmp CC0-1.0 Q3570128
gltf_binary glb MIT model/gltf-binary GlTF Q28135989
google_protobuf MIT Protobuf Q1645574
gpt_partition_table CC0-1.0 gpt GUID Partition Table Q603889
gran_turismo_vol vol CC0-1.0 Q32096599
grub2_font pf2 CC0-1.0 PFF2 Q29650337
gzip gz CC0-1.0 1952 application/gzip x-fmt/266 gzip Gzip Q10287816
hashcat_restore restore CC0-1.0
hccap hccap Unlicense
hccapx hccapx Unlicense
heaps_pak pak MIT
heroes_of_might_and_magic_agg agg CC0-1.0
heroes_of_might_and_magic_bmp bmp CC0-1.0
icc_4 ["icc", "icm"] CC0-1.0 application/vnd.iccprofile ICC profile Q29206892
icmp_packet CC0-1.0 792 Q13162
ico ico CC0-1.0 image/x-icon, image/ x-fmt/418 ICO Q729366
id3v1_1 mp3 CC0-1.0 fdd000107 id3 ID3 Q1054220
id3v2_3 mp3 CC0-1.0 fdd000108 id3 ID3 Q1054220
id3v2_4 mp3 CC0-1.0 fdd000108 id3 ID3 Q1054220
ines nes WTFPL
ipv4_packet CC0-1.0 791 Q11103
ipv6_packet CC0-1.0
iso9660 iso CC0-1.0 fdd000348 fmt/468 ISO 9660 Q815645
java_class class CC0-1.0 x-fmt/415 Java Q2193155
jpeg ["jpg", "jpeg", "jpe", "jif", "jfif", "jfi"] CC0-1.0 image/jpeg fdd000017 fmt/42, fmt/43, fmt/44 jpeg JFIF Q26329975
luks CC0-1.0 linux unified key setup (luks) LUKS Q29000504
lvm2 GFDL-1.3-or-later linux logical volume manager (lvm) Q6667482
lzh lzh CC0-1.0 fmt/626 LHA Q368782
mac_os_resource_snd MIT Q7564684
mach_o MIT fmt/692, fmt/693 Mach-O Q2627217
mach_o_fat CC0-1.0
magicavoxel_vox vox MIT fmt/976 Q50374901
mbr_partition_table CC0-1.0 master boot record Master Boot Record Q624752
mcap mcap Apache-2.0
microsoft_cfb CC0-1.0 fdd000380, fdd000392 Microsoft Compound File Q5156830
microsoft_network_monitor_v2 cap CC0-1.0 fmt/778 Q47245444
microsoft_pe ["exe", "dll", "sys"] CC0-1.0 x-fmt/411 Portable Executable Q1076355
mifare_classic mfd BSD-2-Clause Q29000512, Q29000513
minecraft_nbt ["nbt", "dat", "schematic", "schem"] CC0-1.0 Minecraft NBT format
monomakh_sapr_chg chg CC0-1.0
mozilla_mar mar CC0-1.0 Mozilla Archive Q28777700
msgpack CC0-1.0 Q6821738
nitf ["ntf", "nitf", "ntf.r0", "ntf.r1", "ntf.r2", "ntf.r3", "ntf.r4", "ntf.r5"] MIT fmt/366 National Imagery Transmission Format Q1961044
nt_mdt mdt GPL-3.0-or-later
nt_mdt_pal pal Unlicense
ogg ["ogg", "ogv", "oga", "spx", "ogx"] CC0-1.0 fdd000026 fmt/944 Ogg Q188199
openpgp_message ["gpg", "pub", "pgp"] MIT 4880 PGP Q2141493
packet_ppi CC0-1.0
pcap ["pcap", "pcapdump"] CC0-1.0 fmt/779 pcap PCAP Q28009435
pcf_font pcf CC0-1.0 PCF Q3398726
pcx pcx CC0-1.0 image/vnd.zbrush.pcx, image/x-pcx fmt/86, fmt/87, fmt/88, fmt/89, fmt/90 PCX Q535473
pcx_dcx dcx CC0-1.0 image/x-dcx x-fmt/348 DCX Q28205890
phar_without_stub phar CC0-1.0 Q1269709
php_serialized_value CC0-1.0
pif pif LGPL-2.1 PIF (Portable Image Format)
png ["png", "apng"] CC0-1.0 15948:2004 2083 image/png, image/apng, image/vnd.mozilla.apng fdd000153 fmt/11, fmt/12, fmt/13, fmt/935 portable network graphics (png) PNG, APNG Q178051, Q433224
protocol_body CC0-1.0
psx_tim tim CC0-1.0 TIM (PlayStation graphics) Q28207389
python_pickle ["pickle", "pkl"] CC0-1.0 Pickle Q7190889
python_pyc_27 pyc CC0-1.0 application/x-python-code fmt/939 Python Q28009469
quake2_md2 md2 CC0-1.0 MD2
quake_mdl mdl CC0-1.0
quake_pak pak CC0-1.0 Quake PAK Q105854676
quicktime_mov mov CC0-1.0 video/quicktime fdd000052 x-fmt/384 QuickTime Q942350
rar rar CC0-1.0 application/vnd.rar, application/x-rar-compressed fdd000450 x-fmt/264, fmt/411, fmt/613 rar RAR Q243303
regf CC0-1.0 windows nt registry file (regf) Windows Registry Q463244
renderware_binary_stream ["dff", "txd"] RenderWare binary stream file Q29960668
resource_fork ["rsrc", "dfont"] MIT Resource Fork Q3933446
respack cfg CC0-1.0
riff CC0-1.0 fdd000025 RIFF Q1196805
rpm ["rpm", "srpm", "src.rpm", "drpm"] CC0-1.0 application/x-rpm fmt/795 RPM Q492650
rtcp_payload CC0-1.0 RTP Q749940
rtp_packet Unlicense 3550, 3551 RTP Q321213
rtpdump ["rtp", "rtpdump"] Unlicense
ruby_marshal CC0-1.0
s3m s3m CC0-1.0 fmt/718 Scream Tracker 3 module Q1461901
saints_row_2_vpp_pc vpp_pc MIT
shapefile_index shx CC0-1.0 fdd000280 fmt/277 Shapefile Q27487109
shapefile_main shp CC0-1.0 fdd000280 x-fmt/235 Shapefile Q27486884
some_ip CC0-1.0
some_ip_container CC0-1.0
some_ip_sd CC0-1.0
some_ip_sd_entries CC0-1.0
some_ip_sd_options CC0-1.0
specpr spec Unlicense
sqlite3 ["sqlite", "db", "db3", "sqlite3"] CC0-1.0 fdd000461 fmt/729 sqlite database format SQLite Q28600453
ssh_public_key CC0-1.0
standard_midi_file ["mid", "midi", "smf"] CC0-1.0 audio/midi fdd000102, fdd000119 x-fmt/230 MIDI Q10610388
stl stl CC0-1.0 fdd000505 fmt/865 STL Q1238229
sudoers_ts CC0-1.0
swf swf CC0-1.0 application/x-shockwave-flash fdd000130, fdd000248 fmt/507 SWF Q594447
systemd_journal journal CC0-1.0 systemd
tcp_segment CC0-1.0 793, 1323, 9293 Q8803
tga ["tga", "icb", "vda", "vst"] CC0-1.0 fdd000180 fmt/402 TGA Q1063976
tls_client_hello MIT 5246 Q206494
tr_dos_image trd CC0-1.0 TRD
tsm tsm MIT Q29168491
ttf ttf MIT x-fmt/453 TrueType Q751800
udp_datagram CC0-1.0 768 Q11163
uefi_te ["efi", "te"] CC0-1.0 Q83443959
uimage CC0-1.0
utf8_string txt CC0-1.0 Q193537
vdi vdi GPL-3.0-or-later fmt/726 virtual disk image (vdi) VDI Q29209126
vfat CC0-1.0 fat FAT Q190167
vlq_base128_be CC0-1.0
vlq_base128_le CC0-1.0
vmware_vmdk vmdk CC0-1.0 vmware virtual disk format (vmdk) VMDK Q2658179
vp8_ivf ivf CC0-1.0 Q61774549
warcraft_2_pud pud CC0-1.0 Warcraft II PUD Q28009492
wav ["wav", "bwf"] BSD-3-Clause-Attribution 2361 audio/vnd.wave, audio/wav, audio/wave, audio/x-wav fdd000001, fdd000002, fdd000356, fdd000003, fdd000357, fdd000359 fmt/6, fmt/141, fmt/142, fmt/143, fmt/1, fmt/703, fmt/706, fmt/709, fmt/2, fmt/704, fmt/707, fmt/710, fmt/527, fmt/705, fmt/708, fmt/711 WAV, BWF Q217570, Q922446
websocket CC0-1.0 6455 Q859938
windows_evt_log evt CC0-1.0 windows event log (evt) Windows Event Log
windows_lnk_file lnk CC0-1.0 application/x-ms-shortcut x-fmt/428 lnk Windows Shortcut Q29000599
windows_minidump ["dmp", "mdmp"] CC0-1.0
windows_resource_file res CC0-1.0 Windows resource Q1417897
windows_shell_items CC0-1.0 shell item
windows_systemtime CC0-1.0 Windows SYSTEMTIME
wmf wmf CC0-1.0 image/wmf x-fmt/119 Windows Metafile Q1072083
xar ["xar", "pkg", "xip"] CC0-1.0 application/x-xar fmt/600 Xar (Extensible Archive) Q1093556
xwd xwd CC0-1.0 fmt/401 XWD
zip zip CC0-1.0 21320-1 fdd000354, fdd000355, fdd000362, fdd000361 x-fmt/263 zip ZIP Q136218
zisofs CC0-1.0 Zisofs Q105854284
zx_spectrum_tap tap CC0-1.0 fmt/801 TAP (ZX Spectrum) Q34748140